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Indus Civilization
An ancient civilization that existed in the Indus River Valley, encompassing present-day India and Pakistan.
Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
Two major cities of the Indus Civilization, known for their shared urban design and architectural features.
Indus River Valley
The geographical location where the Indus Civilization thrived, benefiting from yearly floods that deposited fertile soil.
Kyber Pass
A mountain pass in the Hindu Kush mountains that allowed people to cross into the Indus River Valley.
Animistic Religion
The original religious belief of the Indus Civilization, centered around the worship of natural elements and spirits.
A religion that developed in the Indus Civilization, influenced by the arrival of the Aryans.
Drainage System
An advanced irrigation system in the Indus Civilization, with vertical and horizontal drainage in each house.
Grid System
A planned layout of streets and buildings in the cities of the Indus Civilization.
A system of writing used in the Indus Civilization, consisting of pictorial symbols.
Trade and Religion
The primary means of governance in the cities of the Indus Valley, rather than military strength.
Economy of the Indus Civilization
Farming, domestication of animals, barter trade, weaving, and metalwork.
Highest rank in the Social Structure of the Indus Civilization
Nobles & Warriors
Merchants & Skilled Workers
Servants, Peasants, Slaves