Si tuviera que elegir
If I had to choose
me pone de los nervios
it makes me nervous
al fin y al cabo
at the end of the day (expression)
si pudiera
if I could
Acabo de + inf
I have just
Digan lo que digan
Whatever they say
si tuviera la oportunidad
If I had the opportunity
Cuando sea mayor
When I am older
Si me tocara la lotería
If I won the lottery
vale la pena
it is worth it
valió la pena
it was worth it
valdrá la pena
it will be worth it
pase lo que pase
whatever happens
que yo sepa
as far as I know
cueste lo que cueste
whatever the cost
Hubiera preferido + inf
I would have preferred
tengo ganas de + inf
I want to
me hubiera gustado + inf
I would have liked
por suerte
si fuera posible
If it were possible
si tuviera mas tiempo
If I had more time
si fuera rico
If I were rich
lo mejor es que
The best thing is that
lo peor es que
the worst thing is that
antes de + inf
before doing
después de + inf
after doing
siempre he querido + inf
I have always wanted to
siempre he soñado con + inf
I have always dreamt of
antes me gustaba + inf
Before I used to like
cuando era mas joven
When I was younger
lo que me preocupa es
What worries me is
lo que me interesa es
What interests me is
lo que me aburre es
what bores me is
cuando tenga 18 años
When I am 18
no pienso que sea
I don't think that