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Angular motion
motion around an axis of rotation; ex: spins, swings, or twists
ratio between the length of an arc and its radius in a given circle, rad = arc length/ radius.
Degrees to radian
degrees/57.3= rad
radians to degrees
57.3 x rad = degrees
Absolute angles
angle between a segment and the right horizontal of the distal end, measure angle from horizontal line in a ccw direction
Relative angles
joint angles, angle between the longitudinal axis of two adjacent segments; fully extended position is defined as either 0 or 180 degrees.
Relative angle of a hip joint
flexion: +
relative angle of a knee joint
relative angle of an ankle joint
Calculating absolute angles
θ = 𝐭𝐚𝐧−𝟏(y proximal – y distal/ x proximal – x distal )
Absolute angle quadrant 1
+x, +y
Absolute angle quadrant 2
-x, +y, add 180 degrees to absolute angle
Absolute angle quadrant 3
-x, -y, add 180 to absolute angle
Absolute angle quadrant 4
+x, -y, add 360 to absolute angle
Law of Cosines
used if you have segment lengths, or points for three joints; 1st calculate the length of each side then calculate the cosine theta angle.
Two absolute angles
find relative angles using absolute angles, θrelative= 𝛉 absolute leg + (180 - 𝛉absolute thigh)
Relative angle hip
𝛉Hip = θ trunk +(180 −θthigh)
Relative angle knee
𝛉𝐊𝐧𝐞𝐞 =θshank + (180 −θthigh)
Relative angle of ankle
𝛉Ankle = θ shank + (180 – θ foot)