Passive 802 Exploitation

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30 Terms



True or False: Passive 802.11 Exploitation is the ability to exploit information of already-collected signals WITHOUT transmitting any frames into a wireless network.

  • True

  • False

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True or False: A target is always aware when passive exploitation is being conducted.

  • True

  • False

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When an intruder is not actively doing anything, just monitoring information to exploit at a later time, this is referred to as passive exploitation. Which of the following is an example of passive exploitation?

  • Targeting

  • Keylogging

  • Backlogging

  • Re-logging

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The settings on a(n) _______ can help the client determine what kind of three specific kinds of encryption to use or not to use.

  • Device

  • Router

  • AP

  • None of These

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The three kinds of 802.11 Encryption are:

  • WEP, WPA1, WPA3

  • WEP, WPA, WPA2

  • WPA1, WPA2, WPA3

  • WEP, WEP2, WPA

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Wire Equivalency Privacy (WEP), also known as the original IEEE 802.11 standard of encryption, was originally ratified in what year?

  • 1992

  • 1994

  • 1995

  • 1997

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Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), was decommissioned in 2004, and succeeded by what??

  • WEP 2.0

  • WEBV2

  • WPA2

  • WPA

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Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)

Alongside using the same RC4 stream cipher and CRC-32 checksum, what protocol did WPA use as a solution to WEP shortcomings?

  • Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)

  • Temporal Load Key Protocol (TLKP)

  • Temporary Keyed Initial Protocol (TKIP)

  • None of the above. WEP didn’t have any shortcomings.

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WPA was later succeeded by what?

  • WPA 1.1

  • WPA 3

  • WPA2

  • WEP2

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True or False: WPA2 defines two types of security: Passphrase Authentication and 802.1X/EAP security.

  • True

  • False

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Small office/Home office networks (SOHO)

Passphrase Authentication is for what kinds of networks?

  • Enterprise Networks

  • Small office/Home office networks (SOHO)

  • Recreational office/Home office networks (ROHO)

  • Commercial Networks

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Enterprise Networks

802.1X/EAP security is for what kinds of networks?

  • Commercial Networks

  • Enterprise Networks

  • Small office/Home office networks (SOHO)

  • None of the above.

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Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

What standard, not protocol, replaced the RC4 Cipher used in WEP and temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP)?

  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

  • Advanced Clear Text Standard (ACTS)

  • Advanced Key Standard (AKS)

  • Advanced Cipher Standard (ACS)

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What tool is used for wi-fi hacking and security?

  • Aircrack

  • CCMP

  • Counter-mode

  • AES

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All of the above

Aircrack is an all-in-one tool that can be used as what?

  • Packet Sniffer

  • WEP/WPA/WPA2 cracker

  • Analyzing and Hash Capturing Tool

  • All of the above

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Brute Force Attack

What kind of attack is a hacking method that uses trial and error to crack passwords, login credentials, and encryption keys?

  • Brute Force Attack

  • Dictionary Attack

  • Man-In-The-Middle-Attack

  • None of the above

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True or False: A Brute Force Attack could take less than a minute to crack.

  • True

  • False

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Simple Brute Force Attack

What type of Brute Force Attack is where the attacker makes logical guesses to crack your authentication system that aren’t assisted by software tools?

  • Reverse Brute Force Attack

  • Hybrid Brute Force Attack

  • Simple Brute Force Attack

  • Strong Brute Force Attack

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Simple Brute Force Attack

Which Brute Force Attack would be where an attacker may use your birth year as a pin?

  • Reverse Brute Force Attack

  • Simple Brute Force Attack

  • Hybrid Brute Force Attack

  • Strong Brute Force Attack

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Hybrid Brute Force Attack

What type of Brute Force Attack is where they use a simple approach to try and test several possible combinations by guessing possible passwords that are beyond the scope of their logic?

  • Reverse Brute Force Attack

  • Simple Brute Force Attack

  • Hybrid Brute Force Attack

  • Strong Brute Force Attack

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Reverse Brute Force Attack

Which type of attack is used where an attacker isn’t targeting a specific user, but instead is using a leaked password and testing it against multiple user IDs?

  • Reverse Brute Force Attack

  • Simple Brute Force Attack

  • Hybrid Brute Force Attack

  • Strong Brute Force Attack

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True or False: Dictionary Attack requires an attacker to use ordinary words (as they are in the dictionary) paired with a typical sequence of numbers or special characters in order to crack the password.

  • True

  • False

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What type of attack allows attackers to eavesdrop on the communication between two targets?

  • Soldier-In-The-Middle

  • Man-In-The-Middle

  • Hacker-In-The-Middle

  • Attacker-In-The-Middle

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True or False: PSK is a shared key in between two clients in order to use a “secure” channel.

  • True

  • False

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Using a wireless sniffer or protocol analyzer

What is the first main step in a successful WPA passive attack?

  • Using a wireless sniffer or protocol analyzer

  • Waiting for a wireless client to authenticate through a four-way handshake

  • Use a Brute Force Attack

  • None of the above

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What was the main attack against the CRC32 checksum?

  • Hand-Hand

  • Run-Run

  • Chop-Chop

  • Brute Force

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When an attacker truncates the last byte of the encrypted packet and guesses the value, what is the average amount of guesses it takes to guess the right value?

  • 224

  • 100

  • 128

  • 32

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True or False: WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared Key) is the most secure form of encryption used on personal wireless networks.

  • True

  • False

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True or False: The main vulnerability on WPA2 was called KRACK – Key Reinstallation Attack.

  • True

  • False

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True or False: During a KRACK, the attack is against a 4-way handshake, and does not exploit access points themselves, but instead targets users.

  • True

  • False

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