Change is constant, so some profitable industries are always popping up and also some unprofitable industries
In a dynamic economy, resource are always moving towards an increase in the value of production
Entrepreneurs listen to price signals and they move capital and labor from unprofitable industries to profitable ones
A general feature of competitive markets is the elimination principle
Elimination principle: above-normal profits are eliminated by entry and below-normal profits are eliminated by exit
Says that above-normal profits are temporary because great ideas are adopted by other people and then they become common
To earn above-normal profits, an entrepreneur must innovate
Above-normal profits are constantly being eliminated by competition, and new sources of profit are constantly being created through innovation
The Invisible Hand Works With Competitive Markets
For competitive process to work, prices must accurately signal costs and benefits
Prices don’t always signal costs and benefits
If they don’t accurately signal costs and benefits, invisible hand property 2 won’t work perfectly and there won’t be an ideal balance between industries
We will get too few resources in some industries and too many resources in other
If markets aren’t competitive, invisible hand doesn’t work
Monopolists and oligopolists earn above-normal profits
When an industry earns above-normal profits, we want resources to move to that industry
Without the pressure of the competitive process, not enough resources will move and profits won’t be eliminated
Output will be too low in a monopoly or oligopoly
Good institutions align self-interest with social interest, but good institutions are sometimes hard to find or create