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consumer panels
where groups of customers are asked for feedback about products over a period of time
an organised collection of datastored electronically
focus groups
a number of customers are invited to attend a discussion about a product run by market researchers
market research
gathering, presenting and analysing information about the marketing consumption of goods
primary research/field research
gathering information directly from consumers in the target market using field research methods
qualitative research
a collection of data based on attitudes, beliefs and intentions
quantitative data
a collection of data that is numerical or quantified
quota sampling
where respondants are specifcally chosen in the same porportion as they exist in the whole population
random sampling
respondants are selected for an interview at random
a small group of people that must represent a porportion of a total market when carrying out market research
secondary research
a collection of data that already exists because it was conducted by other businesses in the market
stratified sampling
quota sampling where respondants are chosen at random
why is market research conducted
to anticipate and identify consumers wants and needs
researching design and style
performance and quality of the product
quantify likely demand
the demand of a product determines weather or not it will launch and saves the business money
quanitity of output required
number of staff/ revenue required
consumer behavior insight
will increase success of a business if some products and services are higher in demand during specific times
methods of primary research
focus groups
test marketing
methods of secondary research
social media
questionaires/ sureveys
balnace of open and close ended questions
contains clear and simple questions
do not contain leeding questions that suggest certain answers
need to be short and concise to ensure people are bothered to fill them out
advantages of questionaires/surveys
time efficient
large sample can be acquired
qualitative and quantitative data can be gathered
high abandonement rate
social desireability bias
some questions can be interpretted differently
advantages of focus groups
cost effective
immediate feedback acquired
qualitative data
disadvantages of focus groups
small sample sive that is not representative of the whole market
staff need to be trained to run focus groups
time consuming to analyse the qualitative data gathered
face to face / telephone interviews
a survey where an interviewer asks the questions and clarifies the interpretation
advantages of interviews
qualitative data
time consuming
test marketing
where customers are encouraged to test a product before it fully launched to gather feedback
advantages of test marketing
generate feedback
increases their competitive advantage
disadvantages of test marketing
requires a loss of revenue as test marketing is free
inconclisive results can be generated
adavantages social media as a form of research
provides in-depth insights into the customers market
gain insight on trends
fast and easy
disadvantages of social media as a form of research
research conducted is only as good as the questions used. Poorly formulated questions can lead to skewed results, misinterpretation of data, and may not accurately reflect the true opinions or behaviors of the target audience. Additionally, the demographic of social media users may not represent the entire population, leading to biased outcomes.
advantages of newspapers and magazines
helps assess the competition in the market by analysing the opositions adverts
some magazines have surveys
trade journals have useful statistics and buyers guides
disadvantages of newspapers/ magazines as a form of research
The research obtained from newspapers and magazines can be limited as it often focuses on general trends rather than specific consumer behaviors.
not specific to the current market as it may be aout dated
publitorial bias
access to certain articles may be restricted by paywalls, limiting the scope of research
television/ radio as a form of research
documentaries and podcasts provide valuable information
ability to analyse adverts to get information on marketing methods
government reports
documents produced by government agencies that provide valuable data and statistics on various topics, which can be used as secondary research to analyze trends, demographics, and social issues.
3 types of sampling methods
stratified sampling
sampling that is divided into segments but the method is random
advantages of stratified sampling
sub groups are represented
precise estimates
disadvantages of stratified sampling
time consuming
overlapping sub groups can occur
quota sampling
target populationn gets segment into a number of groups that share specific characteristics
advantages of quota sampling
time efficient
cheap/cost effective
disadvantages of quota sampling
not representatine of the target market
bias cannot be eliminated as a factor
random sampling
each member of a group as equal chances of being chosen
advantages of random sampling
less bias
disadvantages of random sampling
large sample size required
time consuming