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hablar a viva voz
to speak with a lively voice/ outspoken person
manos a la obra
everybody lets go to work
aburrirse como una ostra
to be super bored
traer a colación
to bring to the table
amor con hambre no dura… no perdura
first things first
What does 'capataz' mean?
What does 'cargaba (cargar)' mean?
to load
What does 'carpa' mean?
What does 'carretera' mean?
What does 'cartera' mean?
What does 'cavar' mean?
to dig; to hoe
What does 'chocando (chocar)' mean?
to crash
What does 'acarrear' mean?
to transport, carry, haul
What does 'agarró (agarrar)' mean?
to grab
What does 'agregó (agregar)' mean?
to add
What does 'alambre' mean?
What does 'alejamos (alejar)' mean?
to move, further away
What does 'anocheció (anochecer)' mean?
to get dark
What does 'ansiado' mean?
longed or yearned for
What does 'apretándomela (apretar)' mean?
to press, to push
What does 'armar' mean?
to arm, to equip
What does 'arrastrándonos (arrastrar)' mean?
to drag
What does 'cachucha' mean?
hat, cap
What does 'cajuela' mean?
Who is Cantinflas?
famous actor in México
What does 'chocitas (chozas)' mean?
What does 'chorro' mean?
a lot
What does 'comal' mean?
ceramic dish or metal hotplate for cooking tortillas
What does 'conejos' mean?
What does 'conforme' mean?
What does 'culebras' mean?
What does 'descargar' mean?
unloading, to fire, discharge
What does 'desgranábamos (desgranar)' mean?
to shell
What does 'detuvo (detener)' mean?
to stop; to halt
What does 'enclavado' mean?
set deep into; embedded
What does 'encogiéndose (encoger)' mean?
to shrink
What does 'ensartadas (ensartar)' mean?
to thread or string
What does 'entrecejo' mean?
space between (eyebrows)
What does 'erguido' mean?
What does 'estufita' mean?
little stove
What does 'ferrocarriles' mean?
railway, railroad
What does 'flanqueado (flanquear)' mean?
to flank
What does 'fogata' mean?
What does 'frenos' mean?
What does 'frotándose (frotar)' mean?
to rub
What does 'frunciendo (fruncir)' mean?
to gather
What does 'hoyo' mean?
What does 'humo' mean?
What does 'la alambrada' mean?
wire fence
What does 'la burra al trigo' mean?
expression of exasperation
What does 'la migra' mean?
border patrol
What does 'Le haremos la lucha' mean?
We'll manage; We'll face this
What does 'lomas' mean?
hill, rise
What does 'madrugar' mean?
to get up early
What does 'mazorcas' mean?
ear or cob of corn
What does 'Me asusté (asustar)' mean?
I got scared
What does 'mentado' mean?
well-known; famous
What does 'misa' mean?
mass (church)
What does 'mordiéndose' mean?
to bite
What does 'ni siquiera' mean?
not even
What does 'ordeñar' mean?
to milk
What does 'orilla' mean?
shore, bank (corner)
What does 'pelonas' mean?
What does 'pizcando' mean?
to pick
What does 'pozo' mean?
What does 'procurando' mean?
to secure
What does 'púas' mean?
spines; quills; barbs
What does 'rechinar' mean?
to creak; to squeak
What does 'regañó' mean?
to scold
What does 'retirándose' mean?
out of the way
What does 'rieles' mean?
What does 'rumbo(a)' mean?
direction; course
What does 'sacudió' mean?
to shake
What does 'Se arrimó' mean?
He got closer
What does 'silbato' mean?
What does 'solía' mean?
to usually do something; to be in the habit
What does 'A la vez' mean?
at one time
What does 'Acarrear' mean?
to carry
What does 'Agachar' mean?
to crouch down
What does 'Aguzar' mean?
to sharpen
What does 'Algodón' mean?
What does 'Amamantar' mean?
to breast feed
What does 'Arañar' mean?
to scratch
What does 'Arco' mean?
What does 'Avistar' mean?
to spot; to catch sight of
What does 'Biberón' mean?
baby bottle
What does 'Bolsa de mandado' mean?
a Mexican handbag; shopping bag
What does 'Cajuela' mean?
What does 'Cerciorarse' mean?
to make sure
What does 'Como de costumbre' mean?
as usual
What does 'Como hubiese querido' mean?
as I would have liked
What does 'Como se fueran' mean?
As if they were
What does 'Conseguir + infinitivo' mean?
to achieve; to be able to
What does 'Costal' mean?
potato sack; gunny sack
What does 'De puntillas' mean?
on tippy toe
What does 'Derribé (derribar)' mean?
to demolish; to knock down
What does 'Desaprobación' mean?
What does 'El costal' mean?
bag for picking
What does 'El toldo' mean?
the roof
What does 'Empañarse' mean?
to well up, to get misty