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Ordinary life is full of suffering
2.this suffering is caused by our desire to satisfy others
The way to end suffering is to end desire for selfish others who are an extension of ourselves
The way to end desire is to follow the middle path
The eightfold path is a way to end desire, understanding 4 noble truths, right speech
10 commandments, code of how to live
Jesus isn't the Mosiah
Convent with god
-Appealed to people in lower classes \n -missionaries spread appeal \n -emperor constantine converted so the enitre romean empire had to
Martyrs sparked intrest
Trade routes made it easy to spread the word
Agricultural revolution
Lots of natural resources to run machines
Increased food supply
Ready supply of materials
ready supply of money
-sepoy=indian in british military
-rumors of pork in cow fat in guns, felt disrespected bc of islam and hindus
-rose up
-rev put down
nationlist group
helped bring india to independence
separate leauge bc Muslims were minority before
-after rebellion, colonized by britan
nationlist group
helped bring india to independence
separate leauge bc Muslims were minority before
convert the wrongdoer
civil disobedience
burning of british cloth
use of media
Germany is no longer an empire
Germany respects other countries’ independence
reduced army
didn’t reflect 14 points
US didn’t join LN
didn’t want to be ulled into european conflicts
didnt join LN, weakened the LN
post-war gov
Weimar politicians blamed for German defeat
german officials never admitting defeat
resented for signing treaty of versailles and surrendering
improved econ
brought germany into golden age
appealed to nationalism
secret police
bribed catholic church
took advantage of fear and anger
control of media
forced the prime minister to give up pwr
investment in housing declined
worker wages decreased by 43%
worker numbers increased by millions
millions of workers and their families all lived in horrible conditions
widespread famine
more equality for women :)
gov owned all land
those who resisted sent to labor camps or killed
marked by Kirov’s assassination
mass killings by stalin
list of ppl assassinated
20 million soviet citizens killed
when killed ppl were removed from photos and essentially everything
-second death
man-made famine
genocide against Ukraine
3-12 million ppl died
farms are taken away from Ukrainian citizens
-those who refused to give up land killed
-Rape of Nanjing
300,000 citizens killed
thousands of women raped
horrible conditions and treatment
-attacked before even being involved in the war
strong german nationalism
abolishing the treaty of Versailles
extreme german nationlism
anti-semitism and scapegoating
anti communism
social darwinism
econ deppresion
promising to fix unemployment and other problems
fed on ppls anger w/ current gov
-leads to enabling act
gives Hitler complete dictatorship!
-blames communists
when the president died he got rid of the president and chancellor titles and created the “fuhrer”
secret police
taking advantage of ppls fear
german nationalism
youth groups
promising a new Germany that appeals to nationalism and militarism
used legal loopholes
-enabling act
secret police
blame jews/hate them
Join Nazi party