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National Income Accounting
measure’s the economy’s overall performance
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
the primary measure of the economy’s performance as its annual total output of goods and services (aggregate output)
Intermediate Goods
products that are purchased for resale or further processing or manufacturing
Final Goods
products that are purchased by their end users
Expenditures approach
view GDP as the sum of money spent in buying it
Income approach
view GDP in terms of the income derived or created from producing it
GDP formula
GDP = C + Ig + G + (X - M)
Personal Consumption Expenditures
all expenditures by households on goods and services
Durable goods
products that have expected lives of three years or more (automobiles, refrigerators)
Nondurable goods
products with less than three years of expected life (ex: food, clothing, and gasoline")
Gross Private Domestic Investment
Final purchases of machinery, equipment, and tools by business enterprises
Net Private Domestic Investment
= Gross investment - depreciation
Personal income
all income received earned or unearned
Disposable income
amount of income leftover after paying personal taxes
Nominal GDP
GDP based on prices when output was produced (unadjusted)
Real GDP
GDP that has been deflated / inflated to reflect changes in price level
Price Index
measure of the price of a specified collection of goods and services
PI in Given Year = ((Price of market basket in specific year) / (Price of same market basked it same year)) x 100
PI = Nominal GDP / Real GDP
Nonmarket activities
certain activities that do not take place in any market (stay at home mons, labor of carpenters who repair their own homes)
Shortcomings of GDP
Nonmarket activities
Improved product quality
The underground economy