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what is quantitative data ?
data that is expressed numerically and statistically
where is this data most likely to be collected
lab experiments
brain scans
closed questionnaires
An example of quantitative data is from…
Peterson and peterson
scores on Adorno’s f scale
number of people who obeyed in Milgram’s study
What is qualitative ?
data that is expressed in detailed descriptions, words and images ; participants can give answers in their own words with no formal measure
Where is the data most likely to be collected from ?
open questionnaire
an observation
unstructured interview
An example of qualitative data is ?
the data Milgram collected from his participants about reasons as to why they obeyed
What is a weakness of qualitative data ?
the data is viewed as less objective and more open to interpretation
data is harder to replicate due to lack of control in methods, so Is not reliable
What os a strength of qualitative data ?
data is often produced in natural circumstances so it is more ecologically valid as it relates to real life
data produces rich, more detailed information with access to feelings and emotions
this type of data allows the researcher to uncover reasons for the behaviour shown in quantitive results
type of data can be converted into quantitative, which is not the same for the other type
what is a weakness of quantitative data ?
data may produce narrow, unrealistic information which only focuses on small parts of behaviour
What is a strength of quantitative data ?
data gives statistical results which can be tested and compared to a null hypothesis
data can be easily represented in graphs and charts so it is easier to analyse
data is viewed as more scientific and less open to interpretation