American History II JCJC Final Exam

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Jobs that were typically intended for women in the 1920s were called: 

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Jobs that were typically intended for women in the 1920s were called: 


Pink collar

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Hoover's ideals for business and government: 

Was for business to voluntarily do as government asked

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Because of Prohibition, alcohol production

Was typically run by gangs and the mob

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The Black Tuesday Crash of the stock market in 1929:

Did not immediately lead to the Great Depression, but started the process

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The African-American-focused writing and music of the 1920s was called:

Harlem Renaissance

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In the 1920s, religious fundamentalism began to grow leading to: 

A divide between more liberal urban areas and conservative rural ones

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In the 1920s, American ideology toward other countries

Became more isolationist

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The U.S. invaded Nicaragua in the 1920s over:


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In the 1920s, the middle class

Grew in size and buying power

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The Harding Presidency

Was quite corrupt

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__________________ led to an aviation revival in the U.S. after he flew alone across the Atlantic. 

Charles Lindbergh

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The Scopes Monkey trial

Revealed the divide between fundamentalism and modernism in America

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The writers known as the Lost Generation

Were jaded with the world after World War 1

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In the 1920s, the heart of the American auto industry was:

Near the Great Lakes

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Because of Prohibition, _______________ found a market for their illegal whiskey.


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Calvin Coolidge

Believed that government should be "hands-off

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One new form of technology that shaped American culture in the 1920s was: 

Broadcast radio

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In regards to farming, innovations in the 1920

Made farming less labor-intensive as machinery did more work

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Were women in the 1920s who wanted to live less domestic lives

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During the 1920s, the Dawes Plan: 

Circulated money to Europe and back to the U.S.

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The 1929 Black Tuesday crash of the stock market: 

Led to long-term effects that eventually caused the Great Depression

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Comitern tried to stave of Germany in the early 1930s with help from the U.S.: 

but was unsuccessful because of the Red Scare in the U.S.

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Because of the growth of the ___________________ industry in the 1920s and 1930s, Southern California became the place where such media were produced


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The 21st Amendment is unique in that it:

repeals a previous amendment

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The lack of regulation of investments in the 1920s:

Led to a significant number of loans to be given out for stock market investments

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In response to the Great Depression, we see the United States turn on _________________ and attempt to blame and restrict them to access to the remaining jobs


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At the start of the Great Depression, Hoover's voluntary requests of businesses to not lay people off

were a complete failure

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The sit-down strike:

was a new peaceful form of protest that succeeded in getting changes

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One reason for the Great Depression was durable goods, so that by 1930:

most Americans possessed these goods and did not need to replace them

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Franklin Roosevelt and the Supreme Court's relationship in the early part of the New Deal: 

was contentious as the court kept ruling his plans as unconstitutional

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Hoovervilles and the ________________ both were symbolic of the failures of Hoover's policies to combat the Great Depression

The Bonus Army

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A principle of Keynesian economics is

federal investments keep the economy moving

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The Smoot-Hawley tariffs

decreased international trade

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Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal program

did provide some relief in electricity to Tennessee and insurance for banks

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The Liberty League, Charles Coughlin, and Huey Long

all opposed Roosevelt's New Deal in one form or another

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Because most investing in the 1920s was focused on the stock market:

the lack of diversification caused massive losses in investment

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Even before the stock market crash of 1929, some places in America were already suffering economically like the Mississippi Delta because

The 1927 Flood ruined the entire growing season

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In addition to the Great Depression and the flood of the Mississippi, farmers in ________________ also suffered hardships due to the Dust Bowl. 

the Great Plains

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At the start of the Great Depression, deflation

Meant that producers were making less for the same product

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The Great Depression officially came to an end when

World War II started

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The Latino population of the United States grew during World War II due to


the Bracero Program

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Before the United States entered World War II: 


It loaned military weaponry to the British

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Prior to the Japanese invasion of China, the United States: 


sold oil and gas to the Japanese

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During World War II, the "Race to Berlin" was important because; 


it was a competition to see if the Americans or the Soviets would liberate Germany first

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Germany and Italy diplomatically united before World War II: 


In united opposition to the Soviet Union

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African Americans were empowered during World War II with the _____________ campaign for equality at home and wins against the Nazis and Japanese.

Double V

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The Battles of Coral Sea and Midway

began to turn the tide against the Japanese in the Pacific

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The first American invasion of Europe during World War II was in: 


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At the end of World War II, Franklin D. Roosevelt: 

died before it ended

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The Atlantic Charter prior to World War II: 


Provided naval support for shipments across the Atlantic against U-boats

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Operation Torch in North Africa: 


Was part of British plan to protect Egypt and North Africa

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On December 7th 1941: 


Japan attacked American bases in Hawaii and the Philippines

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The American government response to the Japanese attack on the U.S. was to:

imprison Japanese Americans who lived in the U.S.

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The ___________________ was the American program that developed atomic weapons.

Manhattan Project

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Nazi concentration camps during the World War II:

Were known by the Americans but ignored because of the larger war effort

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The end of World War II: 

starts the Cold War

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In World War II, women: 

were in more industrial jobs because men were at war

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One of the reasons the U.S. was able to produce so much military material was because: 


it had a lot of people available to work

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Just before World War II, American international policy was one of: 


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Due to the growth of naval production on the Pacific front, the city of ________ grew more than any other American city to produce more goods for the war. 

Los Angeles

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: 

was a military alliance created to defend Europe

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Julius and Ethel Rosenberg:

were convicted of espionage

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The main purpose of the Truman Doctrine


to contain the spread of communism

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One of the largest pieces of legislation from Eisenhower's presidency was _________________ that revolutionized the American landscape and changed transportation in the country.   


Federal Highway Act

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In 1959, Cuba overthrew its government that was friendly to the United States and: 

replaced it with a Communist-backed dictator named Fidel Castro

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Because President Truman attempted to end racial discrimination in federal hiring and the military, some Southern leaders formed the _________________. 


Dixiecrat Party

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Unlike the League of Nations, the United Nations was a multi-national organization but it also had: 


the power of military force

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The 1954 Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka:  


declared segregated schools to be unequal and led to integrated schools

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McCarthyism was a new form of ______________________ where politicians sought out Communists who were ruining the United States.

Red scare

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The U.S. became involved in the Korean War because: 

North Korea was invading South Korea

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In the 1950s and 1960s, Massive Resistance:  


was Southern opposition to integration of public facilities

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Who started the Montgomery Bus Boycott? 

Rosa Parks

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The U.S. and other Western countries responded to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin by: 

airlifting supplies into the isolated city

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The American policy in Europe after World War II to prevent countries from falling to Communism was __________________________.


The Marshall Plan

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The murder of ___________________ is typically regarded as the start of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. 


Emmett Till

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President Truman removed ______________________ from military leadership in Korea due to insubordination.

General McArthur

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Arkansas Governor Faubus resisted the Supreme Court ruling to integrate public schools in his state:

but federal troops protected nine students who integrated schools in Little Rock

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The 1950s change musically with the birth of __________________ a muscial style pioneered by Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. 



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Why was the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union referred to as "Cold War"? 


the two countries never fought each other directly

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The rise in births immediately after World War II is referred to as: 


The Baby Boom

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Who was the violent police chief of Birmingham in 1963 who used dogs and firehoses on Civil Rights protestors? 

Bull Connor

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Lyndon Johnson's social program to improve education, healthcare, and housing in the United States was called


The Great Society

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The 1964 Civil Rights Act- 


Gave power to the federal government to enforce integration of public facilities

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The Freedom Rides goals were to find sympathetic Southerners and _________. 


Integrate interstate commerce systems

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The Civil Rights Act of 1964 


prohibited segregation of public facilities

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The Civil Rights Movement was successful in bringing national attention to Birmingham by televising:  


the violence in Birmingham

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On Bloody Sunday marchers from Selma, Alabama, crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge as part of a protest to demand:  


voting rights

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The 25th Amendment lays out the _______________ in United States government. 

the line of who takes office if the President is unable to do so

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The Cuban Missile Crisis began when: 


The U.S. discovered that the Soviet Union was installing weapons in Cuba

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Prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, 


most African-Americans in the South had been denied the right to vote

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One of John F. Kennedy's campaign promises that came to fruition in 1969 was:


The United States placed a man on the moon

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After the Tet Offensive, American opposition to the Vietnam War began to grow due to the My Lai Massacre and: 


The institution of the draft

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The 22nd Amendment restricts the term of one serving as __________________ in the United States government. 


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The Bay of Pigs Invasion:


Was a failed attempt to topple Fidel Castro

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Publicity of Freedom Summer in Mississippi grabbed national attention when: 


three civil rights workers went missing

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The ____________________ gave the president of the U.S. the authority to officially intervene in Vietnam.  


Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

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The U2 Crisis was caused by: 


and American spy plan being shot down over the Soviet Union

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The Supreme Court through most of the 1960s: 


supported individual rights and protected rights to protest and freedom of speech

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The resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis was that: 


Soviets agreed not to place nuclear weapons in Cuba

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The 23rd Amendment provides representation for who in the United States? 


Residents of Washington D.C.

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