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The frequent repetition of an act, to the extent that it becomes characteristic of the group of people performing the act.
Indigenous Culture (Local)
When members of an ethnic group reside in their ancestral lands and typically possess unique cultural traits such as their own exclusive language (such as Native Americans who are now displaced from their lands)
Hierarchical diffusion
The spread of culture outward from the most interconnected places or from centers of wealth or influence, cultural traits first spread from one powerful person, city, or powerful class to another powerful person,city, or social class. Eventually the trait reaches small cities, less developed countries and different social classes. Unlike contagious diffusion, hierarchical diffusion may skip some places, such as music, fashion, fads
Expansion diffusion
The spread of cultural traits outward through exchange without migration
Space-time compression
Shrinking “time-distance” or relative distance between locations because of improved methods of transport and communication (tech increases and the connection between two places increases and relative distance decreases)
A repetitive act performed by a particular individual
Pop culture
Cultural traits (clothing,music,movies, businesses) spread quickly over a large area and are adopted by various groups
Reverse Hierarchical diffusion
When a trait diffuses from a group of lower status to a group of higher status
Contagious diffusion
A cultural trait spread continuously outward from its hearth through contact among people
Material culture
Tangible things that are part of a culture that can be experienced by the senses (art, clothing,food,music,sports, housing types,artifacts)
Behaviors heavily discouraged by a culture
The contribution of a location's distinctive physical features to the way food tastes
Relocation diffusion
The spread of culture or cultural traits by people who migrate and carry their cultural traits with them
Stimulus diffusion
An underlying idea from a culture hearth is spotted by another culture but the adopting group modifies or rejects one trait
The institutions and links between individuals and groups that unit a culture, including family structure and political, educational and religious institutions.
Relating a family of languages spoken the the Middle East, and North Africa. The family is divided into 5 groups: Semitic, omotic, Berber, Cushitic, and chadic. Ancient Egyptian
A mother tongue that originates from contact between two languages
Local or Regional characteristics of a language. Has distinctive grammar and vocabulary
combination of German and English. Example: Telephone Company in Germany incorporating English into their words for local and long distance call. Application: The existence of Denglish shows the impact that English as a language has made on the world(in this case, Germany)
dialect spoken by some african -americans. extinct language. language once used by people in daily activites but is no longer used.
Extinct languages
a language that no longer has any speakers, or that is no longer in current use
A term used by the French for English words that have entered the French language
A population composed of dissimilar (not similar) people
A population composed of similar people
The system of writing used in China and other East Asian countries in which each symbol represents an idea or concept rather than a specific sound
the language family that includes all European languages (which are widely spoken in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Australasia) and Indian and Iranian
a boundary line between two distinct linguistic regions
Isolated languages
A language that is unrelated to any other languages and therefore not attached to any language family
The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way.
Language Branch
A collection of languages related through a common ancestor that existed several thousand years ago
Language family
Large groups of languages having similar roots long before recorded history.
Language group
A Collection of languages within a branch that share a common origin in the relatively recent past and display relatively few differences in grammar and vocabulary
Lingua Franca
A common language used by speakers of different languages.
a person skilled in foreign languages.
a person who studies linguistics.
Literary Tradition
A language that is written as well as spoken
official language
the language of the largest cultural group of a country
pidgin language
often emerges when two or more languages coexist in a small geographic area. It involves the natural combination of two or more languages into one fluid and changeable dialect.
Sino Tibetan
A language composed of the Chinese and Tibeto-Burman languages
Combination of Spanish and English, spoken by Hispanic-Americans.
Standard language
The form of a language used for official government business, education, and mass communication
Syncretic language made of Bantu + Arabic.
The adoption of cultural traits such as language by one group under the influence of another
The process through which people lose originality differentiating traits, such as dress, speech, particularities, or mannerism, when they come into contact with another society or culture.
Any item that represents a material aspect of culture that are tangible. Ex. Clothing, food, music
Cultural Convergence
the interaction of cultures as they come in contact with each other,influencing each other,
Cultural Complex
The group of traits that define a particular culture
Cultural Divergence
The restriction of culture from outside cultural influences (the tendency for cultural groups to dissociate from others in order to protect or preserve their culture from change or influence.
Cultural Extinction
Obliteration of an entire culture by war, disease, acculturation or a combination of the three
Cultural Geography
the subfield of human geography that looks at how cultures vary over space
cultural Hearth
locations on the earth's surface where specific cultures first arose
Cultural Imperialism
The dominance of one culture over another
Cultural Landscape
The visible imprint of human activity and culture on the landscape.
Cultural Region
an area where groups share similar but not identical cultural traits.
Cultural Relativism
The idea that a person's beliefs, values, and practices should be understood based on that person's own culture, rather than be judged against the criteria of another.
Cultural Trait
The specific customs that are part of the everyday life of a particular culture, such as language, religion, ethnicity, social institutions, and aspects of popular culture OR visible or invisible attributes that combine to make up a groups culture.
Ethnic enclaves
- a neighborhood, district, or suburb which retains some cultural distinction from a larger, surrounding area.
the process of intensified interaction among peoples, governments, and companies of different countries around the globe.
comprise a group's nonmaterial culture and consist of intangible concepts such as beliefs and values.
Having to do with many cultures
is generally understood to mean knowledge of more languages than a native language. It is a language term that moves from monolingualism (knowing one language) beyond bilingualism (knowing two languages) into the realm of knowing many, or multiple, languages.
an anti-immigrant attitude sometimes bringing violence or government actions against the immigrant or minority.
Perceptual region
a region whose boundaries are determined by people's beliefs and not a scientifically measurable process.
traditions that borrow from both the past and present
The blending traits from two different cultures to form a new trait.
Tradition -
A cohesive collection of customs within a cultural group