Integumentary System

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Functions of Skin

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Functions of Skin

  • thermoregulation through sweating and blood flow regulation

  • protection by keratin, sweat, sebum and melanin

  • tactile and thermal sensation

  • excretion of water (sweat)

  • absorption of lipid soluble substances

  • vitamin D synthesis from UV stimulation

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  • less complex than other organs

  • largest organ in the body and takes up 7% of the total body weight

  • consists of the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis

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  • group of tissues working together to form certain functions

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  • more than 1 layer of stratified epithelium

  • avascular

  • surface consists of dead cells packed with keratin (tough structured protein)

  • sparse nerve endings for touch and pain

  • 4 to 5 layers of distinct cell types (4 kinds)

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  • main cell type of epidermis that provides structure to skin, hair and nails

  • mature cells of keratin

  • produce keratin intermediate filaments

  • water-proofing (protective function) while also keeping water in

  • Keratinized tissue = dry

  • Non-keratinized tissue = wet

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  • type of cell in epidermis that are mature cells of melanin

  • produce pigments eumelanin/pheomelanin giving skin and hair its colour

  • protects from harmful UV rays

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Merkel Cells

  • small amount of cells in epidermis

  • associated with underlying nerve fibers

  • allows for sense of touch

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Langerhans Cells or Dendrite Cells

  • type of cell in epidermis

  • macrophages that originate in bone marrow

  • stand guard against toxins and pathogens

  • alerts the immune system

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Layers of the Epidermis

  1. Stratum Corneum

  2. Stratum Lucidum

  3. Stratum Granulosum

  4. Stratum Spinosum

  5. Stratum Basale

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Stratum Basale

  • last layer of the epidermis consisting of cuboidal or columnar stem cells

  • sits on top of the basement membrane

  • continuously produce keratinocytes

  • contains merkel cells and melanocytes

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Stratum Spinosum

  • superficial to stratum basale consisting of many layers of keratinocytes

  • upper layers of cells become flattened and lose the capacity to divide

  • produces most of the keratin

  • contains Langerhans cells that are hard to see

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Stratum Granulosum

  • middle layer of the epidermis

  • consists of 3-5 layers of flattened keratinocytes undergoing apoptosis (programed cell death)

  • none of the cells above this layer receive any nutrients from blood vessels in dermis and therefore die

  • secrete a substance between cells that acts as a waterproofing agent

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Stratum Lucidum

  • second layer of the epidermis found only in thick skin

  • consists of a few rows of flattened keratinocytes

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Stratum Corneum

  • outermost layer of the epidermis

  • many layers of dead keratinocytes

  • cells are completely filled with keratin to protect skin against abrasion and penetration, also makes the skin waterproof

  • layer becomes very prominent in thick skin (soles of feet and fingertips)

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  • well supplied with blood vessels, glands, nerve endings

  • hair follicles and nail roots embedded here

  • smooth muscle attached to hair follicles

  • in face, skeletal muscle attached to dermal collagen fibers

  • important in facial expression

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Function of the Dermis

  • friction ridges that results from epidermal ridges/dermal papillae

  • stretch marks that result from tearing of elastic fibers when the skin stretches

  • cleavage lines, tension lines that run parallel to collagen in dermis

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Cleavage Lines

  • important for surgeries

  • incisions across these lines heal more slowly than incisions along the lines

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  • also known as the subcutaneous layer

  • protects underlying structures

  • contains fat cells for thermal regulation and storing energy

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  • very important accessory structure of the integumentary system

  • slender filaments of keratinized cells that grow from follicles in the dermis or hypodermis

  • found almost everywhere on the body

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Arrector Pili Muscle

  • cause goosebumps when the body temperature lowers

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Lanugo Hair

  • fine, downy, unpigmented hair of a fetus that usually disappears prior to birth

  • can appear in malnourished individuals and is a diagnostic sign of eating disorders

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Vellus Hair

  • finer hair than lanugo but is unpigmented

  • usually on children and adult women

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Terminal Hair

  • longer, course and pigmented hair

  • replaces some vellus hair

  • develops after puberty

  • more

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Sebaceous Glands

  • oil glands that secrete sebum

  • usually connected to hair

  • keeps the hair and skin soft

  • has antibacterial properties

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Sudori Ferous Glands

  • sweat glands that are simple, coiled tubular *complete with madis notes

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Ceruminous Glands

  • modified sweat glands in the external ear

  • produce cerumen (earwax) to trap dust and small particles before they enter the ear

  • antibacterial

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Mammary Glands

  • accessory structure of the skin

  • modified apocrine sweat glands that produce a richer secretion through ducts to the nipple

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Skin Colour

  • determined by hemoglobin, melanin and carotene

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  • blood pigment that causes light complexions to look pink or blue if there is a lack of oxygen

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  • pigment produced by melanocytes

  • increases in people exposed to more UV rays but everyone has the same number

  • in darker-skinned people, more melanin is produced and it breaks down slower

  • melanin disperses into adjacent keratinocytes that protects nuclei from further UV exposure, the skin lightens as keratinocytes are sloughed off at the skin surface

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  • yellow-orange pigment from food that builds up in the skin

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  • often observed in newborns

  • blueness of skin resulting from a lack of oxygen

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  • increased blood flow leads to abnormal redness of the skin

  • can be caused by anger, exercised or embarrassment

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  • opposite of erythema when so there is so little blood flow that the white colour of dermal collagen shows through

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  • yellowing of the skin and whites of highs due to high levels of bilirubin in the blood

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  • epidermis gets thinner and harder to repair when damaged

  • amount of collagen in dermis decreases (reduced skin firmness)

  • elasticity of the tissue decreases (appearance of wrinkles)

  • cumulative UV exposure increases risk of skin cancer

  • hair thins, nail growth slows, glandular secretions decrease

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Life Cycle of a Keratinocyte

  • mitosis of stem cells -as new cells form, older ones are pushed towards the surface

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  • skin disorder of the epidermis where cells divide more quickly than normal (7-10 days)

  • causes abnormal development of keratin

  • treatments are designed to decrease the rate of cell division

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Fungal Infections

  • can cause itching, redness and cracking of the skin

  • more bacteria can enter and cause an infection

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  • local growths in the skin that are caused by a HPV infection

  • typically disappears on their own with time

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  • can be caused when sebaceous glands are stimulated by elevated levels of hormones when the ducts are more likely to clog

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  • general term for many types of skin inflammation when the barrier of the skin doesn't work properly

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Skin Cancer

  • usually isolated to the upper regions of the skin

  • three different kinds

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Basal Cell Carcinomas

  • occurs on sun-exposed regions of the skin

  • rarely spreads to other regions and is rarely fatal

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Squamous Cell Carcinomas

  • will spread more easily, especially if it is found on the lips or ears

  • appears as a red, crusted or scaly patch

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  • spreads easily and is the most serious

  • asymmetrical, irregular border

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