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it refers to the shared beliefs, customs, practices, languages, values, and artifacts that characterizes a society
sum of shared values, tradiitons, languages, beliefs, and practices of a group of poepl
it is what binds people together, giving them a sense of identity and community
the system of rules, practices, and processes by which societies are directed and controlled
processes, structures, and institutions through which public affairs are managed
it oncludes the cretion of laws, policies, and te administration of public services
cultural governance
refers to the management of cultural resources and the pormotion of cultural diversity through public policy, legal frameworks, and the active involvement f different cultural sectors ind ecision making processes
how governance frameworks incorporate, protect, and promote cultural identities and expressions
it involves not only promotoing filipino culture but also ensruing the preservation and developmet of the diverse indigenous and regional culture
sdg 11 sustainable cities and communities
target 11.4 which aims to strengthen efforts to protect and safehuard the worlds cultural and natural heritage
This goal emphasizes the importance of cultural governanve by encouring policies and practices that preserve cultural heritage promote cultural diversity, and integrate cultural considerations intro urban and community planning
the increasing interaction of people, states, or counties through the growth of the international flow of money, ideas, and culture. It is primarily focused on economic process of inetgration that has social and cultural aspects
the interconnectedess of people and business accross the world that eventually lead to a global, cultural, political and economic integration
cultural resistance
cultural exchange and diversity
cuultural dynamics in globalization
the spread of dominant cultures accross the world, leading to the standardization of lifstyle,valyes, and practices
example; the global influence of fast food chains
the blending of glocal and local cultural elements to create new, unqiue cultural expressions
cultural resistance
the active efforts by local communities to preserve their cultural identity in response to external forces
cultural exchange and diveristy
globalization facilitates the sharring of cultural tradiitons, ideas, and values across borders, pormoting coss cultural undersntanding and diversity
the adaption of global products,ideas, and cultural elemets to fit local cultures and preferences
cultural homogenization
the widespread availability of western television, music and fashion has had a significantt influence on the filipino lifestyle, especially among the youth
cultural hybridization
globalization allows for the blending of local and global cultures, leading to the creation of new hyrbrid cultural expressions
policy implications
globalization forces government to adopt policies that promote cultural presrervation while facilitating economic and political inetgratuon with the global community
governance challenges
one chlanegge in governance is balancing economic growth with the protection of cultural heritage
national commission for culture and the arts
plays a central role in managing cultural heritage, promoting arts, and providing financial support for cultural projecrs and initiatives accross the country
national historical commission of the philippines
responsible for preservin the countrys historical legacies
national commission on indigenous people
protect and promotes the interest and well being of the indigenous cultural communities/indegenous people with due regard to their beleifs, customs, traditions and institutions
national cultural heritage act of 2009 ra 10066
this law aims to protect, preserve and promote countrys cultural heritage. It establishes guidelines and policies for safehuarding cultural properties, both tangible and intangible and ensures their proper management and conservation
indigenous peoples right act ra 8371
recognizes, protects and promotes the righs of indigenous cultural communities and indigenous peopleenv
unesco creative cities network
was launched in 2004
brings together cities that use creativity and culture to create sustainbale cities
cities are selected for the networkd based on their innovative strategies for creating positive social cultural, economic, and environmental impacts
crafts and folk art
fucoses on preserving traditionla craftmanship and promoting local artisans
Examples; baguio city- kown for its traditional cordileran crafts such as inabel weaving
emphasizes innovative sustainbale urban planning, architecture and product desion
examples; cebu city
support cities that contribute to the global film industry and nurture cinematic culture
promotes culinary traditions and sustainable food practices
examples; ilo ilo city
fucoses on cities with rich lierary history and support for writers and publishers
media arts
encourages the use of digital technologies and new media for creative expression
recognizes cities with vibrant music scenes heritage in musical traditions
environmental governance
refers to the management, policies, and regulationsrelated to protecting and sustaining the environment
it involves multiple stakeholder; government, private sector, civil society, local government
philippine clean air act
regulates air pollytion sources and promotes clean air initiatives
philippine clean water act
protects water bodies from pollution and improper waste disposal
ecological solid waste management act
establishes waste management systems to reduce solid waste pollution
environmental impact assessment system
ensures that environmental consequences are assessed before approving development projects
is the introduction of harmful substances or contaminant into the environmenr, leading to negative effects on ecosystem, hyman health and natural resources
presence of pollutants
these are substances that cause pollution such as plastic waste, toxic chemicaks, smoke and sewage
harmful effects
pollution leads to health problems, loss od biodiversity and ecosystem destruction
irreversible or long term impact
some pollutants, like plastic and toxic metals can persist in the nevironment for hundred of years
air pollution
the contamination of air due to harmful gases, smoke, and fine particles
water pollution
the contamination of rivers, lakes and oceans by sewage, chemicals, plastics, and industrial waste
land pollution
the degradation of land due to txoic waste, deforestation and overuse of chemicals
noise pollution
excessive or disruptive sounds that negatuvely affect human and animal well being
plastic pollution
the accumlation of non biodegradable plastic wastte in land and water
environmental conservation
the responsibe use and management of natural resources to esnure their sustainbaility
ensuring that natural resources are used wisely so that they can befit both present and future generations
environmental protection
the prevention and regulation of human activities that cause harm to the envrionment
minimizing or eliminating damage to ecosystems casued by human actions
refers to the maintenance of equilibrium or balance within a system, wehre conditions do not fluctuate or detoriate over time
refers to efforts to maintain balance, reduce disruption or secure certain condition, often fucosed on short term goals or actions that ensure ongoing functioning without significant change
ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need
refers to efforts that aim for long term resilience, ensuring that resources, systems, or conditions remain viable for future generations
environmental sustainability
focuses on protectin the natural resources and preserving biodiversity
involves reducing pollutin, managing waste, conserving energy and ensuring that natural resoures are used in a wasy that doesnt harm the plantes ability to regenerate
social sustainability
fucoses on creating equitable opportunities for all people, especially marginalized communities
economic sustainability
fucoses on developing a strong economy that can support sustainable growth, job creation and poverty reduction over time
global citizenship
also known as world citizenship
refers to the idea that all people have rights and civic responsibilities because he she is being a member of the world and not just a citizens of a particular nation or place
it his duty to participate decisions concerning their lives including the political economical social cultural and environmental conditions in whcih they live
civil society
includes organizations that operate independently from the government and private sector, advocating for social change
a system of government where citizens have a say in decisions affecting their lives
global solidarity
the unity of people accross borders to address global challenges
traditional citizenship
based on nationality, legal obligations and government protections
cosmopolitan filipino
maintains their filipino identity while engaging wth global culture,e conomies and communties