driving in/turns (ft)
200 ft
signal (ft)
100 ft/ 5 secs
full stop -> city streets (ft)
150 ft
failure to pull over with sirens or red lights
red orange triangle
slow moving vehicle 25mph
25 mph, slow
same direction as traffic
assaulating highway worker (fine)
$2000, prison 1 year
school zone (mph)
15 mph
within 500 ft of school (mph)
25 mph
uncontrolled or blind intersection (mph)
15 mph
alley (mph)
15 mph
railroad crossing (mph)
15 mph
business or residential (mph)
25 mph
snow chains
give wheels traction
ideal maximum speed highway (mph)
65 mph
ideal two-lane highway (mph)
55 mph
acclerator stuck (shift to what gear)
extreme heat
no high mph for long time, turn off ac
death or injury (cost)
car damage
over 21 (BAC)
under 21 (BAC)
COUNTER clockwise
brown sign
tourist or recreational signs
yellow sign
warning ex. end divided highway
regulatory /mph
child under 8 4'9
need restraint
end of divided highway
divided highway
slippery when wet sign
added lane
winding road
driver's left hand extended and forward
turn right
when to use headlights
30 mins after sunset
license 8 months
school bus opposite direction
required to stop
sell vehicle
5 days
change address
10 days
when can legally drive around railroad gates
average vehicle 55 mph (ft)
300 ft
large vehicle 55 mph (ft)
400 ft
cant follow fire truck law enforcement (ft)
300 ft
full stop -> highway (ft)
300 ft
driving thru work zones (do what)
slow down
traffic violation in work zones (fine)
$1000 or more
flee police (consequence)
jail for 1 year
skids (causes)
braking too hard, slippery roads
stuck in mud or snow
shift low gear
extreme cold
defroster, open windows
death to more than one
do not pass within 100 ft
of intersection, bridges
stop or unload stay within ur car
blue sign
t intersection
merging traffic
report collison within (days)
10 days
buy vehicle
10 days
tires packed in snow
reduce speed by HALF
tires wet or slippery roads
reduce by 5-10
u-turns in business districts
legal at intersection unless sign
waiting in intersection to complete left turn
signal, keep wheels straight
Dim your high-beam headlights to low-beams within ______ feet when a vehicle is coming towards you.
500 ft
Cargo extending more than four feet from your rear bumper:
must be marked with red lighs or flags
2-4 years
You may not drive through a safety zone
at any time or reason
You should increase the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead when:
when being tailgated
It's illegal to park within ____ feet of a fire hydrant or station driveway
Low Speed Vehicles
If a vehicle is stopped at a safety zone or traffic light, you may pass at no more than ___ mph.
What not to do in front of light rail vehicles
no curb
shoulder of road (toward)