Econ Final Flashcards

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fiscal year

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fiscal year

a one year period that companies and governments use for financial reporting and budgeting.

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budget deficit

 If the government spends more than it takes in with taxes for the year

<p><span>&nbsp;If the government spends more than it takes in with taxes for the year</span></p>
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budget surplus

If the government spends less than it takes in with taxes for the year. VERY rare for our federal government.  

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fiscal policy

when the government changes taxes and spending to achieve an economic or social goal.

Ex. economic goal - helping out during recession, social goal - reducing green house gas emissions

<p>when the government changes taxes and spending to achieve an economic or social goal. </p><p>Ex. economic goal - helping out during recession, social goal - reducing green house gas emissions</p>
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tax on a few specific goods.  Car rentals, hotel rooms,Tobacco, alcohol, gasoline.


<p><span>tax on a few specific goods.&nbsp; Car rentals, hotel rooms,Tobacco, alcohol, gasoline.</span></p><p>REGRESSIVE</p>
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sin tax

tax placed on a specific good that is genuinely deemed as bad for the person, but not illegal. (cigarettes, alcohol, sugary drinks, fast food).  REGRESSIVE

<p><span>tax placed on a specific good that is genuinely deemed as bad for the person, but not illegal. (cigarettes, alcohol, sugary drinks, fast food).&nbsp; REGRESSIVE</span></p>
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social security tax

tax that all people pay from their paycheck to the gov’t to pay for older/retired Americans.  PROPORTIONAL

<p><span>tax that all people pay from their paycheck to the gov’t to pay for older/retired Americans.&nbsp; PROPORTIONAL</span></p>
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sales tax

tax placed on many/broad range of goods.  REGRESSIVE

<p><span>tax placed on many/broad range of goods.&nbsp; REGRESSIVE</span></p>
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property tax

tax on value of property (home, business…)

<p><span>tax on value of property (home, business…)</span></p>
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Individual Income Tax

tax that people pay from their paycheck to the gov’t. The largest part of all the taxes paid to our government  


<p><span>tax that people pay from their paycheck to the gov’t.&nbsp;The largest part of all the taxes paid to our government&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p><p><span>PROGRESSIVE</span></p>
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crowding out

the more the government gets involved in the economy the less the private sector(households) get involved. (the more the government does for people, the less likely they are to do it themselves)

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crowding in

the less the government gets involved, the more the private sector does for itself.

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aggregate supply

the total supply of goods and services produced within an economy at a given overall price in a given period

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expansionary fiscal policy (taxes)

Goverment cuts taxes on people/businesses to allow them to have more money to spend (increases agg. demand and helps businesses hire more workers)

Downside: usually means deficit and adds to national debt

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contractionary fiscal policy (taxes)

government raises taxes and causes people to have less money to spend (decreases agg.demand)

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expansionary fiscal policy (spending)

government may spend more money to try to stimulate growth (increasing spending on project like building roads, bridges, and other big items)

Downside: means deficit and adds to national debt

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contractionary fiscal policy (spending)

The government may spend less money, or may cut federal budgets to lower the amount of money it is pumping into the economy

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regressive tax

a tax that has a higher level of impact on people who earn lower incomes

<p>a tax that has a higher level of impact on people who earn lower incomes</p>
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proportional taxes

everyone pays the same percentage of their income in taxes no matter if you make a lot or a little in income.

<p>everyone pays the same percentage of their income in taxes no matter if you make a lot or a little in income.  </p>
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progressive taxes

as you make more money, you will pay a higher percentage of your income in taxes

<p>as you make more money, you will pay a higher percentage of your income in taxes</p>
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barter economy/system

the exchange of goods and services between two or more parties without the use of money

<p><strong>the exchange of goods and services between two or more parties without the use of money</strong></p>
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monetary unit

the standard unit of value of a country’s form of money

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Federal Reserve System (FED)

our nation’s central banking system that is meant to have several goals:

  • make banking safer

  • helps reach full employment

  • helps keep stable prices

controls money supply and interest rates

<p>our nation’s central banking system that is meant to have several goals:</p><ul><li><p>make banking safer</p></li><li><p>helps reach full employment</p></li><li><p>helps keep stable prices</p></li></ul><p>controls money supply and interest rates </p>
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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation:

protects bank depositors from losing their insured deposits

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Board of Governors

top leaders of the FED (5). They control and coordinate major banking polices and provide information/report it to congress

<p>top leaders of the FED (5). They control and coordinate major banking polices and provide information/report it to congress</p>
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Federal Reserve District banks

The 12 Federal Reserve Banks and their 24 Branches are the operating arms of the Federal Reserve System. Each Reserve Bank operates within its own particular geographic area, or District, of the United States. (provide services to commercial banks similar to what commercial banks provide for their customers)

<p>The 12 Federal Reserve Banks and their 24 Branches are the operating arms of the Federal Reserve System. Each Reserve Bank operates within its own particular geographic area, or District, of the United States. (provide services to commercial banks similar to what commercial banks provide for their customers) </p>
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Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)

BOG and 7 others . Responsible for determining whether to raise or lower the money supply and interest rates

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Fractional reserve system/banking

banks only hold a small portion of each deposit - then make loans on the other part (lend out the rest)

  • keeps money safe

  • expands supply of money by allowing banks to make loans with someone else’s money

<p>banks only hold a small portion of each deposit - then make loans on the other part (lend out the rest)</p><ul><li><p>keeps money safe</p></li><li><p>expands supply of money by allowing banks to make loans with someone else’s money</p></li></ul>
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business cycles

ups and downs of economy and GDP

<p>ups and downs of economy and GDP</p>
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inflation (What’s the normal rate?)

the rate of increase of prices over a given period of time (normal rate: 2-4%)

  • lowers value of money

  • hurts those who save

  • hurts banks lending money

  • helps those who borrow money

<p>the rate of increase of prices over a given period of time (normal rate: 2-4%)</p><ul><li><p>lowers value of money</p></li><li><p>hurts those who save</p></li><li><p>hurts banks lending money</p></li><li><p>helps those who borrow money</p></li></ul>
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the overall decrease in the cost of an economy's goods and services. (sign of recession)

<p><strong>the overall decrease in the cost of an economy's goods and services</strong><span>. (sign of recession)</span></p>
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monetary policy

a set of actions to control a nation's overall money supply and achieve economic growth

<p><strong>a set of actions to control a nation's overall money supply and achieve economic growth</strong></p>
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reserve requirement

the amount of money that a bank holds to ensure that it is able to meet liabilities in case of sudden withdrawals.

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member bank reserves

the cash minimum that banks must have on hand in order to meet central bank requirements

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excess reserves

funds held at the bank that exceed the Federal Reserve's minimum requirement.

<p><strong>funds held at the bank that exceed the Federal Reserve's minimum requirement</strong><span>.</span></p>
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interest rate

how much banks charge on loans to people/businesses

<p>how much banks charge on loans to people/businesses</p>
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money supply

how much money is in circulation. (high interest rates lead to lower supply - low interest to higher supply)

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aggregate demand

total amount of money being spent in the economy.

  • society’s demand

  • higher agg demand means economy is going up

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Business Cycle: Peak

Business Cycle: high point of economy and GDP. (between the end of an economic expansion and the start of a recession in a business cycle.

<p>Business Cycle: high point of economy and GDP. (<span>between the end of an economi</span>c expansion and the start of a recession in a business cycle.</p>
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Business Cycle: Recession/Contraction

Business Cycle: economic indicators start to fall (GDP, housing, business earning, and unemployment rises)

<p>Business Cycle: economic indicators start to fall (GDP, housing, business earning, and unemployment rises)</p>
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Business Cycle: Trough

Business Cycle: economy bottoms out and starts to improve (before a rise/recovery)

<p>Business Cycle: economy bottoms out and starts to improve (before a rise/recovery)</p>
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Business Cycle: Recovery

GDP starts to rise again (improving business activity)

<p>GDP starts to rise again (improving business activity)</p>
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Business Cycle: expansion/growth

an increase in the production of goods and services in an economy - GDP passes old peak and economy is growing bigger than previous

<p><strong>an increase in the production of goods and services in an economy</strong><span> - GDP passes old peak and economy is growing bigger than previous</span></p>
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sole proprietorship

someone who individually owns a business. (they make all the decisions and take all the losses…but make all the profits)

<p>someone who individually owns a business. (they make all the decisions and take all the losses…but make all the profits)</p>
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a business that is owned by 2 or more co-owners who share profits and debts of a business

<p>a business that is owned by 2 or more co-owners who share profits and debts of a business</p>
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a legal company or group of people that acts as one. (owned by stockholders)

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a company that allows people to run and buy a firm

<p>a company that allows people to run and buy a firm</p>
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Unlimited liability

business owner(s) or partners are liable for their comany’’s debts and taxation (you may be forced to use your own personal assets)

<p>business owner(s) or partners are liable for their comany’’s debts and taxation (you may be forced to use your own personal assets)</p>
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limited liability

if your business fails, courts cannot force you to pay debts with your own personal assets (assets and debts of the business remain separate from personal assets)

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certificate of ownership of a small piece of a corporation (a claim in the ownership of a company)

<p>certificate of ownership of a small piece of a corporation (a claim in the ownership of a company)</p>
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an individual that owns at least one share of an organisation’s capital stock

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money paid to the owner of a corporation’s stock - Usually portion of corporation profits (the distribution of a company's earnings to its shareholders)

<p>money paid to the owner of a corporation’s stock - Usually portion of corporation profits (<strong>the distribution of a company's earnings to its shareholders)</strong></p>
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Double taxation

when stockholders have to pay both income tax, and corporate taxes (corporations pay income tax, then shareholders pay tax of dividends)

<p>when stockholders have to pay both income tax, and corporate taxes (corporations pay income tax, then shareholders pay tax of dividends)</p>
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members pool resources to benefit all who are involved. (business owned by member-owners)

<p>members pool resources to benefit all who are involved. (business owned by member-owners) </p>
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Market structure

# of sellers, the product, ease/difficulty of market entry (barrier to entry), control over prices, product differentiation

<p># of sellers, the product, ease/difficulty of market entry (barrier to entry), control over prices, product differentiation</p>
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Product differentiation

a process used by businesses to distinguish a product or service from other similar ones on the market

<p>a process used by businesses to distinguish a product or service from other similar ones on the market</p>
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Nonprice competition

the use of advertising, commercials, promotional giveaways, or other ways of trying to set a product apart from a competitor (other than price)

<p>the use of advertising, commercials, promotional giveaways, or other ways of trying to set a product apart from a competitor (other than price)</p>
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allow people to have monopolies on inventions (right granted for invention)

<p>allow people to have monopolies on inventions (right granted for invention) </p>
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allow someone to have monopoly on written works (right granted for written works)

<p>allow someone to have monopoly on written works (right granted for written works) </p>
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holds assets so that they are safe from creditors or others that might have a claim on them after the grantor's death.

<p><strong>holds assets so that they are safe from creditors or others that might have a claim on them after the grantor's death</strong><span>.</span></p>
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Price discrimination

when businesses charge different prices for different people (Ex. age, gener, race) - usually illegal

<p>when businesses charge different prices for different people (Ex. age, gener, race) - usually illegal</p>
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unintended side effects that can be positive or negative (Ex. safety regulations - makes products more expensive)

<p>unintended side effects that can be positive or negative (Ex. safety regulations -  makes products more expensive)</p>
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Wage rate

the wage level (dollar amount) that is paid to a worker for their service

<p>the wage level (dollar amount) that is paid to a worker for their service</p>
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Market theory of wage determination

supply and demand for a worker’s skills/services will determine the wage/salary they receive

<p>supply and demand for a worker’s skills/services will determine the wage/salary they receive  </p>
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Equilibrium wage

the wage level where there is no surplus or shortage of labor. - generally it will be below the minimum wage

<p>the wage level where there is no surplus or shortage of labor. - generally it will be below the minimum wage</p>
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Minimum wage

the lowest wage per hour that a worker may be paid. - mandated by federal law

<p>the lowest wage per hour that a worker may be paid. - mandated by federal law</p>
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Unemployment rate

the number of unemployed people in the labor force. - as a percentage

<p>the number of unemployed people in the labor force. - as a percentage</p>
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Labor union

organization seeking to increase the wages and improve the working conditions of it’s members

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Collective bargaining

negotiations between the union and the business about pay, benefits, and other work matters

<p>negotiations between the union and the business about pay, benefits, and other work matters</p>
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labor unions can stop working in order to try to force businesses about pay, benefits, and other work matters

<p>labor unions can stop working in order to try to force businesses about pay, benefits, and other work matters</p>
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a, b

Many sellers:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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identical products:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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few large companies:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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one seller:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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b, c

products are slightly different:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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products are unique:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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no barriers to entry:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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low barriers to entry:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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c, d

significant/extremely high barriers to entry:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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price taker:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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b, c, d

price searcher:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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b, c

use of advertising and non-price differentiation:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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a, d

no advertising:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

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Ex. Agriculture commodities(milk, potatoes):

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

<p>Ex. <strong>Agriculture commodities(milk, potatoes):</strong></p><p>a. pure competition</p><p>b. monopolistic competition</p><p>c. Oligopoly</p><p>d. monopoly</p><p>(may be more than 1 answer)</p>
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Ex. restaurants, hair salons, household items, clothing:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

<p>Ex. r<strong>estaurants, hair salons, household items, clothing:</strong></p><p>a. pure competition</p><p>b. monopolistic competition</p><p>c. Oligopoly</p><p>d. monopoly</p><p>(may be more than 1 answer)</p>
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Ex. car industries and airlines:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

<p>Ex. car industries and airlines:</p><p>a. pure competition</p><p>b. monopolistic competition</p><p>c. Oligopoly</p><p>d. monopoly</p><p>(may be more than 1 answer)</p>
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Ex. water, electricity, first class mail:

a. pure competition

b. monopolistic competition

c. Oligopoly

d. monopoly

(may be more than 1 answer)

<p>Ex. water, electricity, first class mail:</p><p>a. pure competition</p><p>b. monopolistic competition</p><p>c. Oligopoly</p><p>d. monopoly</p><p>(may be more than 1 answer)</p>
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The willingness and ability to purchase an item

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demand schedule

a table that shows the quantity demanded of a good or service at different price levels

<p>a table that shows the quantity demanded of a good or service at different price levels</p>
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demand curve

a graph that shows the relationship between the price of a good/service and the quantity demanded within a specified time frame (Any time the price changes…the quantity demanded will change)

(supply to the sky, demand to the sand)

<p>a graph that shows the relationship between the price of a good/service and the quantity demanded within a specified time frame (A<span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif">ny time the price changes…the quantity demanded will change)</span></p><p>(supply to the sky, demand to the sand)</p>
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law of demand

as the price goes up - quantity demanded goes down

<p>as the price goes up - quantity demanded goes down </p>
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law of diminishing marginal utility

the more you consume, the less satisfaction you receive from consumption. (lower prices are needed to entice more buying)

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change in quantity demanded

a change in the quantity demanded due to price change

<p>a change in the quantity demanded due to price change</p>
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a shift in demand

a change in the quantity demanded due to an outside factor (other than price)

<p>a change in the quantity demanded due to an outside factor (other than price)</p>
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used in place of another product (competitors)

<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif">used in place of another product (competitors)</span></p>
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Commonly purchased items together

<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif">Commonly purchased items together</span></p>
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How much of a product or a service will be produced and sold.  

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law of supply

as price goes up - quantity supplied goes up

Supply has a direct relationship as opposed to demand (indirect)

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supply schedule

a table that shows the quantity supplied at each price

<p>a table that shows the quantity supplied at each price</p>
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