Took place during WW2 (February 1945) in Yalta, Crimea
Franklin D Roosevelt (US)
Winston Churchill (Britain)
Joseph Stalin (USSR)
Reasons for meeting
Major reason: try to get USSR to join Allies to defeat Japan
Allies weren’t confident that they would defeat Japan
Allies were confident they would defeat Germany
Wanted to start figuring out what to do with Germany
Major result: USSR would join in the war against Japan in exchange for land (sphere of influence in Manchuria)
Didn’t actually join until 4 months after Yalta conference when US was about to drop the atomic bombs against Japan so some say they didn’t really do that much
Germany was to pay reparations to compensate for USSR’s losses
USSR would allow free elections in areas liberated from Nazi control if new eastern European nations formed (formed from land lost from Germany after they lost the war) that bordered USSR should be “friendly” to Soviets
British prime minister
Attended Yalta conference and part of Potsdam conference
He was replaced by Clement Attlee in late July
Thought that France should be included in post-war planning of Germany
Thought Germany should pay some (not all) reparations for war expenses
Wanted to get USSR to join Allies to defeat Japan
Skeptical of Stalin and thought that he wouldn’t hold up on his promise (at Yalta conference) of allowing free elections to newly formed eastern European countries
US president
Attended Yalta conference
Not Potsdam because his presidency term was over by then
Thought that France should be included in post-war planning of Germany
Thought Germany should pay some (not all) reparations for war expenses
Wanted to get USSR to join Allies to defeat Japan
Trusted Stalin when he said he would allow free elections
Some criticize his actions at Yalta because they say he “handed over” eastern Europe to Stalin
Communist leader of USSR
Attended Yalta and Potsdam conferences
Churchill and Roosevelt wanted him to join war to help defeat Japan
Got a sphere of influence in Manchuria in exchange for helping Allies defeat Japan
Was supposed to allow new states bordering USSR to have free elections (Yalta conference) but went back on his word and said he wouldn’t allow free elections (Potsdam conference)
Mainly wanted to take over Poland with communism because the mainland USSR was on the east of Poland and the soviet part of Germany (decided at Potsdam) was on the west of Poland, so conquering Poland would connect their German territory to the main part of their country
Took place after Germany surrendered from WW2 (July-August 1945) in Potsdam, Germany
Harry S Truman (US)
Winston Churchill (Britain)
Only until late July because he was replaced by Clement Attlee
Joseph Stalin (USSR)
Reasons for meeting
Major reason: how to handle Germany
USSR wanted Germany to pay harsh reparations (which would mostly go to them) but Truman thought it was better to have them pay less reparations (learn from mistakes of Treaty of Versailles)
Land division of Germany into 4 zones (one for each of the 4 major Allies)
Disarmament and demilitarization of Germany
Poland received some land from eastern Germany
Potsdam Declaration
Japan would be threatened with “prompt of utter destruction” if it didn’t surrender immediately
US president
Attended Potsdam conference
Wanted Germany to pay less harsh reparations
Learn from mistakes of Treaty of Versailles
Told Stalin that US had successfully built and tested the atomic bomb
Some say this was a mistake because it allowed Stalin to know his help wasn’t really needed against Japan
USSR (Stalin) trying to spread communism around the world, one country at a time
Like salami because Stalin was cutting off each country like a piece of salami and eating it (converting it to communism)
Divide between Europe
Not a physical wall, just something Churchill said as a reference to how Europe was deeply divided between east (communism) and west (democracy)
Different from Berlin Wall because Berlin Wall was physical and only divided one city (iron curtain divided entirety of Europe)
Trying to contain/stop the spread of communism
Used by US
Is not trying to “undo” communism/erase it completely because they knew that would be impossible
Was mainly trying to keep communism from reaching more places than it was already in
Was the reason US got into Korean War, Vietnam War, and Cuban missile crisis
They believed that money and resources was the best way to prevent the spread of communism into a country, so they would send money and other resources to countries fighting communism
US providing aid specifically to Turkey and Greece
Turkey and Greece because of their geographic location
The rest of eastern Europe was communist and they wanted to prevent it from spreading (containment) and taking over all of eastern Europe
Was successful because they never turned communist
US sending aid to western Europe to keep those countries democratic and help make sure communism doesn’t reach there (containment)
Money was also sent there to help countries recover from WW2 so they can get back on their feet
Stalin was upset by the Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine (because he wanted to spread communism and they were trying to limit its spread) so he stopped the Allies from helping west Berlin
In response, the Allies dropped supplies to their half of Berlin via plane
Essentially Russia’s NATO
Created as a result of NATO’s formation
US and Russia both trying to build more and more bombs
Ex: atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, etc.
Both also built up their militaries
Always being ready for war
First provisional leader of Republic of China
First leader of Guomindang
Originally a general during Qing Dynasty
Worked with Yat-sen'
Took title of president and later emperor
Him being emperor made the people mad because they wanted to be done with emperors
Was forced to abdicate and eventually died
Took over Guomintag (nationalist) movement after Sun Yat-sen died
Was against communists
Got money from US to help fight Japanese but money was mostly given to corrupt leaders
Fought few battles against Japanese because they were saving strength for fighting Mao and the communists
Originally led by Sun Yat-sen, later led by Chiang Kai-shek
Under Yat-sen, they worked with the USSR
Under Kai-shek, they were against communism
Got money from US to help fight Japanese but money was mostly given to corrupt leaders
Fought few battles against Japanese because they were saving strength for fighting Mao and the communists
Outnumbered the communist army 3:1
Corrupt leaders
Guomintang (nationalists) vs communists
At first, Guomintag were winning because communists were cornered
Long march to NW China helped the communists escape
Communists gained lots of support in NW China by promising land to peasants and promising to increase food production
Communists were powerful in both, nationalists were kind of powerful in south
Communists overall had more support because nationalists didn’t try to gain support from peasants
Communists forced nationalists to flee to Taiwan, which is the start of communist rule in China
Communists marching from SW China to NW China in difficult terrain
Saved them from losing the Chinese civil war/helped them escape the nationalists
Mao Zedong started gaining support during this
First communist leader of China
Promised land to peasants
Wanted to reshape China with Marxist socialism
Wanted to give land to peasants because the richest few owned most of the land and he wanted to fix that
Made private companies property of the state
Nationalists fled to Taiwan after their defeat in Chinese civil war
Ended up being a different nation from mainland (People’s Republic of China) that was called Nationalist Republic of China
Mao seized land from landowners
Killed any that resisted
Divided the land from the peasants
200-300 households working together on the same farm
Set high industrial production goals
Was a huge failure
Mao was trying to take the five year plan even higher
Super high and unrealistic production goals that had to be met otherwise the people wouldn’t get food
Many people starved to death but Mao didn’t care
Called for even more collective farms and they were larger (communes)
Mao blamed birds for the lack of success because they ate a little bit of grain instead of his unrealistic expectations
Many birds were killed
After its failure, Mao stepped out of the spotlight and kind of disappeared for a little
Mao decided that he needed to revive the communist revolution and had to come back into the limelight
Appealed to the youth/students by telling them that they were the future of China and that they had to destroy the authority of authority figures
Red Guards
Many teachers were killed
The “four olds” were eliminated from society
Old habits, customs, ideas, and habits
The goal was to build the China that Mao was envisioning based on complete trust in communism, Mao, and the state
Students that Mao appealed to
Carried out most of the terror during the Cultural Revolution
They killed teachers and sometimes family members
Could turn on anyone they considered a threat to Mao’s dream of China
Looked up to Mao as their role model/leader
Book of Mao’s sayings and beliefs
Like Mao’s version of Marx’s Communist Manifesto or Hitler’s Mein Kampf
The people basically worshipped it