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Roman empire
lasted from 27 BCE to 476 CE
the holy book of Christianity
the holy book of Judaism
the migration of people away from their homeland
Hebrew name for God
branch of Islam that considers Muhammad`s descendants the proper leaders of Islam
spreading from one area or group to another through contact
holy book of Islam
branch of Islam that considers the rightful leaders of Islam to be those chosen by the Muslim community
the language family of a group of people living in Central,Eastern, and Southeastern Europe
Arabic name for God
an outer garment worn by women in public Islamic cultures
Justinian`s plague
a deadly disease that affected the Byzantine empire during the sixth century
Byzantine empire
lasted from the 300s to 1453 CE
Ottoman Empire
a Turkish group which formed an empire that lasted from 1300 to 1922
one who learns craft or trade through service to another
a member of the merchant class in a German medieval town, or commune
a code of behavior for the samurai of Japan
a code of conducts for knights which dictated honorable behavior
an especially long narrative poem, generally one that recounts the deeds of a hero
tracts of land that powerful people lease to less powerful people
a group of people with common interests and goals who unite for their mutual benefit
a method of suicide used by the samurai of Japan
a worker who has learned a trade and practices by working for a master artisan in exchange for a salary or wage
an artisan who has mastered his or her craft or trade, may operate a workshop and train apprentices
a system under which land and titles were inherited by the eldest son
peasants who worked on a lords land
making an area into a town; the migration of people from the country to a town or city
the lending of money with a a charge of interests especially at a high rate
those who leased land from a lord and pledged fealty
a mountain range that stretches all the way down South America on the Western side of the continent
an ancient land bridge between Siberia and Alaska
fields built up above the surface of a lake used by the Aztec for farming
a city that is also an independent state with its own system of governance
an ancient American kind of paper back book
characters representing the Mayan language
a person who plays music and tells the legends, myths, and history of a people
native to a specific region
tracing descent through a mother`s ancestors
a region of Central America that is defined by the cultural similarities of its indigenous populations
Nazca lines
line drawings created out of stone that are so massive they can only be seen from the air
oral tradition
stories, especially history,passed on through word of mouth
tracing descent through the father`s ancestors
the time in history of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus
a cord with knotted strings used by the Inca to keep record of apprentices
Sub-Saharan Africa
the regions of Western,centrak,eastern and Southern Africa that lie to the south of the Sahara desert
someone who departs from the chruch doctrine
doctrine where God chose in advance those who are eligible for salvation
Spanish forced labors in the Americas
a feeling of pride in ones country
system of though that gives the most importance to human matters
navigational device used to determine a position
acts that show that one is truly sorry for the sins one has committed
retaking of Spain from the Moors
sales of church offices
leaders in the Spanish conquest of America
protestant movement that split the Roman Catholic church
seagoing vessel with triangular sails and a slender bow
people who give financial support to artists
a Mesopotamian man lived around 1800 BCE. Featured in the Hebrew bible and the Qur'an and is an important figure in all three core religions. He is believed to be the patriarch of the three major monotheistic religions. Taught idea there is only one God.
Jewish prophet descended from Issac lived during 14th century CE. He led Israelite s out of slavery in Egypt known as the Exodus. Important figure in Judaism and believed to have written the Torah.
Jewish man and believed by Christians to be the son of God and the Messiah. Lived during Roman province of Judea. Most important in Christianity and held tradition to be son of God. He allowed himself to be crucified by Romans to atone sins for humanity.
An Arab merchant who lived during the sixth and seventh centuries. Spent most of his life in the city of Mecca on Arab peninsula before migrating to Medina. He is the founder of Islam and Muslims consider him to be the last in line of prophets from God.
Five pillars of Islam
Set of acts considered by Muslims to be central to their faith. they are statement of belief, daily prayers, fasting, alms giving, and pilgrimage to Mecca.
Line of Frankish kings beginning with Clovis 1. A group of Germanic Franks that established a kingdom in the old Roman province of Gaul. The line began in 481 CE though it ha roots similar to tribal leaders. they ruled Gaul for 200 years. His acceptance of Christianity helped to spread it cross Europe.
Frankish king who united Franks and conquered neighboring land in Gaul.He was a pious Christian who sought to reform church and improve education in his kingdom. laid groundwork for political and economical patterns dominating Europe during Medieval area.
Holy Roman Empire
empire composed of land in Central Europe. Its origins go back to Charlemagne but the empire did not actually begin until 962 with Otto 1. It was a major political power in Europe and existed for 800 years.
Series of military expeditions between 11th and 13th centuries to control the holy lands. Christians had been making pilgrimages to the Holy Land for years. But these pilgrimages stopped as a product of the prohibitive tactics of the Seljuk Turks. When the Byzantine emperor was looking for a way to check the Turkish advance, he used the general Christian passions about the Holy Land to launch holy wars against Turks.While the Crusades ultimately failed to maintain control of the Holy Land, they did succeed in expanding the medieval European world, bringing Muslim knowledge to medieval Europe, and increasing the wealth and power of the Catholic Church.
Pope urban II
A roman Catholic pope between the years 1088-1099. Famous for responding to Byzantine emperor plea for help defending the empire against the Turks for Christians to begin a Holy war. called the Council of Clermont and issued a call for the first crusade.
Richard the Lionheart
known for bravery and leadership in battle. Participated and lead the Third crusade. Won many victories against Muslim leader Saladin, never won back Jerusalem. Prominent in some English folklore.
Muslim warrior who gained prominence fighting in the Holy land against the crusaders. 1187 he conducted a coordinated force that retook Jerusalem, Most important for his role in uniting the Christian Crusaders out of Jerusalem.
Sundiata Keita
First king of Mali. Founded the kingdom in 1235 BCE. Expanded to include parts of Ghana. He reestablished gold and salt trade and major figure in oral history.
Mansa Musa
King of Mali Empire. Went on extravagant pilgrimage to Mecca, value of gold he spent so high it altered gold in the area. Caused Islam to flourish in region. His voyage made Mali famous increasing in trade and rich.
Sonni Ali the Great
First king of the Songhai empire. Grew even larger than Mali empire. Allowed practice of Islam. Helped spread religion into Africa.
Askia Muhammad
Ruled Songhai empire. Overthrown by son, during reign he expanded and increased power of empire. Founded the Askia empire, made Islam the official language.
Bantu migration
Beginning around 2000 BCE, Bantu-speaking peoples of the Niger and Bhenu River Valleys moved into East, Central and South Africa. The Bantu migration changed the culture of East, Central, and South Africa. They spread their language and traditions, which included their agricultural skill and knowledge of iron working into these new areas. The Bantu also helped smaller communities grow into kingdoms.
Swahili Coast
Swahili means "of the coast" in Arabic. The Swahili Coast was an area of east Africa where in the eighth century CE, Arab and Indian traders established new port cities along the Indian Ocean. These cities included Mogadishu, Malindi, Mombasa and Kilwa. The Swahili Coast became an important and powerful trading region. The combination of cultures in these trading centers created the language, Swahili, a combination of Bantu languages and Arabic, as well as a unique Swahili culture.
Great Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe was a kingdom from the 11th through the 15th centuries CE in southeastern Zimbabwe, known today for its pottery and curved stone architecture. Great Zimbabwe was a major African kingdom and city-state. It sent interior trade goods to cities along the Indian Coast, especially gold.
Kilwa is an island just off the coast of Tanzania. Kilwa was also an important trading city along the Swahili Coast. It was founded in the 10th century CE by the Persian Prince Ali ibn al-Hassan Shirazi who began the city as a sultanate. Kilwa was among the most powerful cities on the East African coast, and also helped spread Islam and Islamic culture throughout the region.
Prince Henry
Prince of portugal and early explorer. Saled around Africa and "discovered: Madeira. Reached Sengal and constructed first European fort in Africa.
Bartolomeo Dias
Portuguese explorer who was first European explorer to sail around base of Africa. Gave his country spice trade and led to Portuguese slave trade.
Vasco De Gama
Sailed to India where negotiated trade deal between India and Portugal. Brought his country increased wealth and power.
Christopher Colombus
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who sailed for Spain. He was the first European since the Vikings to visit the Americas. Columbus made four voyages; his most famous was the first in 1492. The other three took place in 1493, 1498, and 1502. Columbus's "discovery" of the land between Europe and Asia set off the conquest of those lands, particularly by Spain. It also began the Columbian Exchange of animals, plants, and diseases. This exchange changed the world and led to the destruction of many Native American people who died from contact with European diseases.
Ferdinand Magellan
Portuguese explorer in the 15th century and early 16th century. 1519 he sailed to Spain and set out to find route to Asia. He reached the Philippines in 1522 where he was killed. The remainder of his crew and ships returned to Spain becoming the first expedition to sail all around Earth. His journey gave Spain power and prestige. Gave Europeans a route around South America and introduced Europe to the Pacific ocean.
Hernan Cortes
Spanish explorer and conquistador. From 1519 to 1521 he led the Spanish conquest to the Aztec empire in Mexico. It earned him awards and enemies in the Spanish empire. It ultimately gave Spain control over Mexico
Francisco Pizzaro
Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incan people of Peru and Ecuador in 1533. Gave Spain control over the west coast of South America, much of the Andes mountain range and all the Incan wealth.
Triangular trade
Is the name for trade between Africa, the Americas and Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Slaves were brought from Africa to the Americas. Provided labor to grow sugar, tobacco, and cotton. Then it was sold to Europe. The sugar and cotton were manufactured in Europe into textiles and rum. This trade provided much of Europe`s growth and prosperity in this era, It was crucial to developing the American colonies and it also killed and enslaved millions of Africans.
Bartholome de las Casas
Spanish missionary who traveled to the new world in the 16th century. He was horrified by what he saw. the brutal treatment, enslavement, and murder of native people. Was known as the Apostles of the Indians. By publicizing the conditions of native people he helped to bring some reforms. His work also serves as rare history of Spanish conquest.
Olaudah Equiano
Known as Gustavus Vassa, he was an African forced into slaver in 1756. As an adult he purchased his own freedom and published his autobiography. It described the brutal conditions of slaver and the slave trade. He became an important abolitionist and his book influenced people to join the abolitionist movement, It helped pass a law to end the British slave trade.
Umayyad Caliphate
second Islamic caliphate after Muhammad`s death. First Islamic empire and the capital was Damascus. As the empire broadened it converted many people to Islam.
Abbasid Caliphate
Became second major Islamic dynasty. After overthrowing the Umayyads, they relocated the capitol to Baghdad. It was greatly influenced by the Persians. This was when the Islamic golden age began.
House of Wisdom
School and library founded by Caliph. Scholars translated and preserved literature and works of history by Aristotle, Euclid, and Greece and Rome. Was considered foremost place to learn in its time.
Seljuk Turks
Group of Asians who built and ruled and empire between the 11 and 14th century. They converted to Islam and conquered Persia. It was the advancement of the Seljuk Turks into Palestine that inspired the first crusade.
The Olmec
First great civilizations in Mesoamerica. It flourished in Mexico and spread artifacts around region showing they had influence on other cultures.
The Chavin
The first advanced society in the Andean highlands area of modern Peru. Their development brought 1st political unification to region and brought together local groups with common region and culture.
The Maya
Civilizations in central America inspired by Olmec. They numbered up to two million and they were experts in math and astronomy.
Pacal the Great
Powerful king of the Mayan city of Palenque . He ruled for 67 years and gained power and prestige. He is known for many magnificent building and temples and famous for temple of inscriptions.
The Inca
Largest civilization in pre-Colombian America. The Incas were and advanced society and ruled lots of area in Andes of South America.
Machu Picchu
Ancient Inca city, and one of the few cities that avoided destruction bu Spanish. It is highly architectural,
Huayna Capac
Eleventh ruler of Incan empire. Built a new capitol at Tumibamda. Died of European disease but split empire between sons and this made to easier for Spanish conquest.