Patronage System
System that lets the winning party distribute appointive government jobs to loyal party members; also called the spoils system.
Derogatory term for defenders of the patronage system
Tammany Hall
NYC political organization that often dominated city and sometimes state politics by controlling the Democratic Party in NYC
Which party claimed to be the party of patriotism and claimed that postwar economic growth resulted from their polices?
What party stood against protective tariff and land grants, equating government activism with privileges for a favored few
What party favored a strictly limited role for the government in the economy and condemned prohibition.
Which party was made up of Catholic, Irish, German, an other immigrants as well as southern whites
Which party was made up of old-stock Protestants, Scandinavian and British immigrants, an nearly all African Americans
-Deferred to congress for policy making
-Appointed friends or acquaintances for positions they didn’t deserve
-Failed to form a competent cabinet
Why did Ulysses S. Grant seem unprepared when he was elected president?
Credit Mobilier
Company created to build the Union Pacific Railroad; in a scandalous deal uncovered in 1872-1873, it sold shares cheaply to congressmen who approved federal subsidies for railroad construction.
Whiskey Ring
Distillers and federal revenue officials in STL who were revealed in 1875 to have defrauded the government of millions of dollars in whiskey taxes.
James A. Garfield
What Republican won the presidential election of 1880?
Chester A. Arthur
James A. Gardfield was assasinated on July 2, 1881 by Charles Guiteau. Who replaced him as president?
Republican- James G. Blaine
Democratic-Grover Cleveland
Who were the democratic and republican nominations for the 1884 election?
Grover Cleveland
What Democratic president was heavily committed to minimal government and cutting federal spending. Vetoed 414 bills in his first term.
Interstate Commerce Commission
(ICC) The first federal regulatory commission created in 1887 to regulate railroads and require that rates be”reasonable and just”
The federal budget surplus- Cleveland demanded Congress to cut tariff rates.
As president what did Grover Cleveland think the nation’s biggest problem was?
Republican Benjamin Harrison
In the 1888 Presidential Election who did Grover Cleveland lose to?
Tariff Revision- McKinley Tariff
With the election of Benjamin Harrison as president and Republican control of Congress, what did Republicans set out to do quickly?
McKinley Tariff
Tariff passed by Congress in 1890 that sought not only to protect established industries but by prohibiting duties t stimulate the creation of new industries.
Federal elections bill which proposed federal supervision over congressional election in the south to protect black suffrage
Along with revising tariffs, what did President Benjamin Harrison and republicans set out o do?
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Law passed by congress in 1890 authorizing the federal government to prosecute any “combination… in restraints of trade” ; because of adverse court rulings, it had little initial affect. This was Republicans response to public concern over monopolies.
Organization for farmers that combined social activities with education about improved farming methods and cooperative economic efforts.
Railroads could charge farmers as much as they wanted to deliver products to rural America and carry farm crops to market. Thus leaving little room for farmers to make a profit.
Why did farmers hate railroads?
Granger Laws
State laws regulating railroads, passed in several states in the 1870s in response to lobbying by the Grange and other groups.
Monetary Policy
With the decline of the Grange, some farmers looked to what?
Greenback Party
Party that argued that printing more unbacked paper money would increase he supply of money and thereby stabilize the economy.
Gold standard
Americans saw the ______ as essential if American business were to compete effectively in international markets for capital and goods.
Miners and farmers
What groups of people supported silver coinage?
Bland-Allison Act
1878 law providing for federal purchase of limited amounts of silver to be coined into silver dollars.
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
An 1890 law requiring the federal government to increase its purchases of silver to be coined into silver dollars.
Reformers, mostly Republicans, of the 1880s and 1890s who opposed political corruption and campaigned for reform, especially civil service reform, sometimes crossing party boundaries to achieve their goals.
Merit system
Mugwumps advocated for a ______ for appointive governmental positions. Led to the Pendleton Act.
Pendleton Act
An 1883 law that created the Civil Service Commission and instituted a merit system of competitive examinations for federal hiring and jobs.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
In 1848, _______ organized the world’s first Woman’s Right Convention, held at Seneca Falls, NY
Susan B. Anthony
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and ______ became the most prominent advocates for woman’s suffrage and rights.
National Woman Suffrage Association
Women’s suffrage organization formed in 1869 and led by Stanton and Anthony; worked for suffrage and unionizing female workers.
American Woman Suffrage Association
Boston-based woman’s suffrage organization formed in 1869; welcomed men and solely worked towards female suffrage.
The west- WY territory (1869) and UT territory (1870)
Where did victories in women’s suffrage first come from?
First state to adopt female suffrage through a popular vote in 1893
Australian Ballot
A ballot printed by the government, rather than by political parties, and marked privately.
Members of the People’s Party; held their first presidential nominating convention in 1892; called for federal action to control bug business and assist farmer and workers.
Populism grew out of thee economic problems of _____.
Farmers Alliances
Organizations of farmers in the 1880s and 1890s , similar to the Grange
Argue for governmental action to protect farmers and workers the dangers of monopoly. Advocated for federal ownership of Railroads, telephone and telegraph systems, currency expansion and a graduated income tax.
Structural reforms to make government more responsive to the people, including expansion of the merit system for government employees.
What were the three elements of Populism
Grover Cleveland
Who won the presidential election of 1892?
Republicans-William McKinley
Democrats- William Jennings Bryan
Who did the democrats and republicans nominate in the 1896 presidential election?
-supported the gold standard
-opposed silver
-focused on the tariff
What was McKinley’s platform in the presidential election of 1896?
In the presidential election of 1896, what did
William Jennings Bryan see as the most important issue?
McKinley won and Bryan’s defeat meant the end of the Populist Party
Who won the presidential election of 1896 and what did this mean for the Populist Party?
William H. Seward
U.S. Secretary of State under Lincoln and Andrew Johnson who had expansion views ad arranged the purchase of Alaska from Russia.
7 million $
Alaska was bought from Tsar Nicholas II in 1867 for _______ $
Latin America
After the civil war, American diplomats took new interest in _______, partly because some Americans wanted a more prominent role there and partly because European powers were starting to exert influence there.
The intimidation of the United States forced what European country out of Mexico and renewed respect in Europe for the role of the U.S. in Latin America.
Benito Juarez
President of Mexico who led resistance to French troops occupying his country in 1864-1867.
Americans had long-standing commercial interests in Eastern Asia especially ___ who granted the U.S. most-favored nation status.
Japan and Korea
The United States intimidated which two Asian countries to open their ports to commerce?
It was ideally located for resupply ships traveling to the Pacific. Sugar became huge export.
Why did the U.S. initially become interested in Hawaii?
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Naval officer and historian who stressed the importance of sea power in international politics and diplomacy.
Last queen of Hawaii whose desire to restore land to the Hawaiin people and strengthen the monarchy prompted non-native planters to remove her from power in 1893. Hawaii then asked for annexation by the U.S.
Boundary dispute between Venezuela and British-Guiana
What dispute nearly brought the U.S. into war in 1895-1896? Grover Cleveland helped persuade foreign powers that the Western Hemisphere was off-limits to colonization
Spanish policy in Cuba in 1896 that ordered the civilian population into fortified areas to as to isolate and annihilate the outside revolutionaries.
Yellow Journalism
The use of sensational exposes, embellished reporting, and attention-grabbing headlines to sell newspapers. Helped garner support among Americans to liberate Cuba from Spanish rule.
Enrique Dupuy de Lome
Spanish minister to the U.S. whose letter criticizing President McKinley was stolen and printed in the New York Journal, increasing anti-Spanish sentiment.
U.S.S. Maine
American warship that exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898, inspiring the motto “remember the Maine” which spurred the Spanish American War.
-Yellow Journalism
-Enrique Depuy de Lomé
-U.S.S. Maine
What three events helped spur the Spanish-American War?
Teller Amendment
Declaring that Cuba was and should be independent.
Demanding Spain withdraw at once
Authorizing the president to use force to accomplish Spanish withdrawal
Disavowing any intention to annex the island.
Spain declared war
How did Spain respond to the Teller Amendment?
Theodore Roosevelt ordered George Dewey to destroy Spain’s fleet in the Philippines.
What was the first engagement of the Spanish-American War?
16 Weeks
How long did the Spanish-American War last?
What town did U.S. troops capture in Cuba where the Spanish fleet had taken refuge.
Treaty of Paris
An 1898 treaty ending the Spanish-American War, under which Spain granted independence to Cuba, ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S., and sold the Philippines to the U.S. for 20 million.
Colonial Power
The Treaty of Paris solidified America as a _______.
The practice by which a nation acquires and holds colonies and other possessions, denies them self-government, and usually exploit them economically.
McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt as VP
Who won the election of 1900?
Platt Amendment
Amendment to the Army Appropriations Act of 1901, sponsored by Sen. Orville Platt; set terms for the withdrawal of the U.S. Army from Cuba, effectively making Cuba an American protectorate.
Foraker Act
1900 law establishing civilian government in Puerto Rico; provided for an elected legislative and a governor appointed by the U.S. president.
Insular Cases
1900 SCOTUS decision concerning Puerto Rico; held that people in new island territories did not automatically receive the constitutional rights of U.S. citezens.
Emilio Aguinaldo
Leader of unsuccessful struggles for Philippine independence, first against Spain then the U.S.
Treaty of Berlin gave the United States _____
Balance of Power
After the Treaty of Berlin, the U.S. now began to participate in the East Asian _______.
Balance of Power
The notion that nations may restrict one another’s actions b/c of the relative equality of their naval or military forces.
Open Door Notes
Diplomatic messages in 1899-1900 by which Secretary of State John Hay announced American support for Chinese autonomy and approved efforts by other powers to carve China into exclusive spheres of influence.
Boxer Rebellion
Uprising in China in 1900 directed against foreign powers attempting to dominate China; suppressed by an international Army.