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Provisional License
A license hat allows a person to practice barbering or cosmetology in Texas pending the departments approval or denial.
Private School
A private post secondary school that offer instruction in any barbering or cosmetology service.
A substance used to beautify a person’s face, neck or arms or to temporarily emote superfluous hair
Ex) antiseptics, toners, lotions
A person holding any individual practitioner license
A person who hods a cosmetology operator license and is authorized to perform cosmetology services
Mobile establishment
An establishment or specialty establishment that is operated in a self contained, self-supporting enclosed mobile unit
A permit, certificate, approval, registration, or other similar permission
License by substantial equivalence
A process that permit a barbering or cosmetology license holder from another jurisdiction or foreign country to obtain a Texas barbering or cosmetology license without repeating the program
Law and Rules Book
A publication prepared and issued at prescribed by the department, containing the Texas Occupations Code.
Full service establishment
An establishment authorized to perform all services defined as barbering or all services defined as cosmetology under the act.
Wet disinfectant soaking container
A container with a cover to prevent contamination of the disinfectant solution and of sufficient size that the objects to be disinfected may be completely immersed in the disinfectant solution.
Specialty Instructor
An individual authorized by the department to perform or offer instruction in an act or practice of cosmetology limited to Texas Occupations
Special Event
Includes wedding, Quinceanera, pageants, proms, debutante alls, birthday parties, religious or cultural ceremonies, and on-stage performance.
Safety razor
A razor that is fitted with a guard close to the cutting edge of the razor that is intended to prevent the razor from cutting too deeply and reduces the risk and incidence of accidental cuts.
Guest presenter
A person who possesses subject matter knowledge and specific curriculum topics, and who has the teaching ability necessary to impart the info to cosmetology students. Instruction is limited to the presenters area of expertise and licensed instructor must be present during the classroom session in order for the students to earn hours.
Digitally prearranged remote service
A barbering or cosmetology service performed for compensation by a person holding a license, certificate of registration, or permit under Texas occupation code.
A beauty salon, specialty salon, mini salon, dual shop, mini dual shop; mobile shop, or beauty, culture, school, public or private, that is subject to regulation under the act.
Common area
An area within a cosmetology establishment which contains equipment, and facilities available for use by all persons who practice cosmetology on the premises under a license, certificate, or permit issued
The advisory board of cosmetology
Texas occupations code, chapter 1602 and 1603
To reduce the number of microorganisms, to a safe level by use of an ultraviolet sanitizer
Washing with liquid soap and water, detergent, antiseptic, or other adequate methods to remove all visible debris or residue
Chlorine bleach solutions
– A chemical used to destroy bacteria and to disinfect implements and non-porous implements.
-Solution must be mixed fresh at least once a day (based on concentration and time)
To eliminate all forms of bacteria or other microorganisms by use of an autoclave or dry heat sterilizer
Single-use items
Porous items made or constructed of cloth, wood, or other absorbent materials
Ex) tissues, cotton ball, thread
Multi-use items
Constructed of hard materials with mouth surfaces such as metal, glass or plastic
Ex) scissors, combs, nippers
Low-level disinfectant
Chemical used to destroy bacteria and to disinfect implements and non-porous surfaces
One of the following department-approved chemicals
EPA registered bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidial
-or a chlorine bleach solution
Low level disinfection
(100-200 ppm)
Add 2 teaspoons household (5.25%) bleach to one gallon water. Soak 10 minutes minimums.
Containing within itself all that is necessary to be able to operate without connecting to outside utilities such a water and electricity.
Blood and Body fluid cleanup and disinfection
(5,000 pm)
Add 1 and ¾ cups household (5.25%) bleach to one gallon water.
Also referred as 10% Bleach Solution
Soak 5 minutes minimum
High Level Disinfection
(1,000 pm)
Add 1/3 cup household (5.25%) bleach to one gallon water. Soak 20 minutes minimum.
Means a public secondary school, public postsecondary school, or private postsecondary school
Means the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation
Dual Shop
Means a shop owned, operated, or managed by a person holding a dual barber and beauty shop license.
Means the tax department of licensing and regulations. TDLR
Executive Director
Means the executive Director of the department
Means the person who controls Or directs the business of an establishments or directs the work of a person employed in an establishment
The services described includes performing or offering perform for compensation
Class A barber
A person who class a class A barber license is authorized to perform any barbering service
Remote service business
Corporation, partnership, sole properietorship, or other entity that were compensation enables a client to schedule a digitally prearrange remote service