strengths : questionnaire is based around cultural evidence (holistic and etic)
weaknesses : DSM is not universal and issues with validity, ‘first symptoms’ = memory distortion
strengths : structured interviews = direct comparisons between responses, transcription (word for word) = credibility and objective
weaknesses : demand characteristics, lack of information regarding ethnicity
friedlander and stockman
strengths : cause and effect relationship (IV is manipulated), counterbalanced with both groups doing each condition = no order effects
weaknesses : small sample, culturally bias (reductionist) and limited to just 2 disorders
strengths : controlled experiment = replicable, cause and effect relationship (IV is manipulated), practical applications in diagnosis
weaknesses : low eco validity, responses may’ve differed if it was a person-person interview
langer and abelson
strengths : empirical evidence for labeling theory, controlled = high internal validity and highly replicable
weaknesses : low eco validity, outdated study (issues with temporal validity and how it can be related today)
strengths : generalizable to men and women across different areas, covert observation means no demand characteristics
weaknesses : only 8 pseudo patients (subjective analysis), deception raises concerns in ethics
lipton and simon
strengths : high eco validity, large generalizability
weaknesses : out of date DSM (issues with reliability), patients undergoing treatments may have different symptoms than they bean with.
felitti et al
strengths : large sample size, confirms other research
weaknesses : self reported (demand characteristics), unclear how ACEs interact and contribute differently
gove and fain
strengths : rich, qualitative data, real world application from real life patients
weaknesses : self report (demand characteristics), low temporal validity, subjective analysis