1.2 - Cell division and stem cells

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What are chromosomes?

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What are chromosomes?

Linear arrangements of genes.

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What is a gene?

A section of DNA, giving instructions about how to make a particular kind of protein

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What do genes do?

Code for characteristics.

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How are chromosomes arranged?

They come in pairs, one from each parent, so genes also come in pairs.

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What is an allele?

A different version of the same gene.

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What are stem cells?

Undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into any other type of cell.

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Where can stem cells be found?

In embryonic tissue and adult stem cell that occurs in some tissue.

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What are stem cells used for?

To replace damaged or diseased tissue.

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Why should you try to use your own stem cells if possible?

No risk of rejection, no donor, no need for tissue typing and avoids the use of embryonic stem cells that raises certain ethical concerns.

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What is mitosis?

A type of cell division used for growth, repair of damaged cells and replacement of old cells.

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How many daughter cells does mitosis produce?


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What do mitosis daughter cells contain?

The same amount of chromosomes as the mother cell, and the same DNA, making them genetically identical.

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What is cancer a result of?

Uncontrolled mitosis.

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What is meiosis?

A type of cell division which occurs for the formation of gametes (sex cells) for sexual reproduction.

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How many daughter cells does meiosis produce?


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What do meiosis daughter cells contain?

Half the amount of chromosomes found in the mother cell and unique DNA that is not found in the mother cell. They are not genetically identical to the mother cell.

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