Neutrality Act of 1935 (1)
imposed a general embargo on trading in arms and war materials with all parties an a war (embargo = refusal to trade)
Neutrality Act of 1936 (2)
renewed previous act, also forbid loans to warring nations
Neutrality Act of 1937 (3)
renewed previous acts, also banned US citizens from travelling on ships of warring nations
Neutrality Act of 1937 “Cash and Carry” (4)
allows non military trading with warring nations as long as they pay cash and use their own ships to pick up goods
Neutrality Act of 1939 (5)
extends “cash and carry” to include weapons/munitions
The Selective Service and Training Act of 1940 (6)
enacted on 9/16/1940, represented the first peacetime draft in US history, males age 18-35 (16 million men) required to register with local draft boards; 1.2 million drafted
Lend/Lease Act of 1941 (7)
allowed the US to sell, lend, or give war materials to nations the administration (FDR) wanted to support
December 7th, 1941
Date of the bombing of Pearl Harbor