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increas current,more lloops,
electric motors slide 6
curent carying wire magnet does force on the loop n does half rotation , and to continue u have to reverse the current
it converts electrical energy into mechanical
memorize shape
to strnegthen it: add more current, more loops, less psacing, syronger magnet
split ring commuattor does reverses the current direction to maintain rotation.
purpoise: to measure small current
doesnt rveese current
current caruing wire , magnet does force, dies hald roation , only one doesnt rveersc cyrrent
used as ammeter(with shunt_low reisstant- parralel) n voltameter(with multiplier - highrsistance- put in seriies)
slide 8
angle 90 no
force done on a particle synchrtoome
know what it does
magnet are along the path to keep the particles movingg in a circlular path
needs very high volt