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Domestic Repression
Actions taken by governments to neutralize threats to their rule and maintain power, includes
restrictions on speech and association
Democratic Regression
The decline in democratic principles and practices, leading to concerns about authoritarianism becoming the dominant form of government globally.
A form of government opposed by Aristotle as the worst due to its repression and hindrance to individual flourishing and the good life. tyranny is unnatural.
Milgram Experiment
A psychological study showing the potential for individuals to obey authority figures, suggesting that physical distance from those affected may reduce tyrannical behavior.
Aristotelian Tyrannical Society
Characterized by
a focus on economic issues
apolitical engagement
misuse of leisure time
lack of pursuit of excellence
a diminished sense of community.
Modern Democracy
Characterized by
free press
free and fair elections
a human rights-centered constitution, but may still engage in political repression.
Repressed Society Characteristics
Public focus on
economic matters
apolitical engagement
leisure time spent on amusement
widespread loneliness
lack of community.
A form of government characterized by
lack of elections
high military spending
depoliticization of the public
emphasis on specific educational fields.
are modern democracies’ repressive?
the spyware article! millions are being spied on and used via their phones. this is a human rights privacy violation.
pegasus program targets include lawyers involved in politically sensitive cases.
authoritiain regimes can infiltrate opposition movements easier with pegasus program.
so in these cases ^, yes modern democracy can be repressive.