Breeding of two organisms that have our desired/wanted traits.
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2. inbreeding
breeding with an organism’s relatives.
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3. hybrid
heterozygous; One trait or characteristic is different than other
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4. test cross
A way to check the dominant trait’s gene by mating that test organism with a homozygous recessive organism.
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5. genetic engineering
A way to edit an organism’s gene, and change that organism forever.
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6. gel electrophoresis
It is a method of identifying the DNA strands using the appropriate instruments
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7. recombinant DNA
The result of connecting DNA fragments from different sources
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8. transgenic organism
Organism that has DNA from another type of organism.
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9. restriction enzyme
Enzymes that cut the DNA.
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10. blunt ends
The result of restriction enzymes cutting straight across both strands.
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11. sticky ends
The end of the cutted DNA that is complementary to anther single
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12. vector
Acts like vehicles; used to transport DnA fragments
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13. plasmid
A small ring found of DNA found in a bacterial cell.
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14. clone
Genetically identical duplicate.
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15. Human Genome
It is an international effort in mapping all the genes in the46 chromosomes
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16. Linkage map
A genetic map that shows the relative location of the genes on a chromosome.
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17. gene therapy
It is an insertion of normal genes into the human cells to correct genetic disorder.
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18. embryonic stem cells (totipotent)
Cells with unlimited capabilities, and have the ability to form extraembryonic membranes and tissues.
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19. adult stem cells (somatic)
An undifferentiated cell found in differentiated tissues that can renew itself.
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20. Describe two examples illustrating the advantages to selective breeding.
Ans: We can form an organism with unique traits that can help us live or cure anytype of disease. We can also form pest resistant plants.
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21. Why is genetic engineering perhaps better than selective breeding?
Ans: Genetic engineering is better than selective breeding, because there are accurate results in genetic engineering and it takes significantly less time compare to selective breeding.
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22. What three major steps are involved in the production of a transgenic organism?
Ans: Isolation of the DNA, Attach DNA to the vector, and transfer that vector to the host.
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23. Why are "sticky ends" the key to recombinant DNA?
Ans: They are the key to recombinant DNA because those two sticky ends fuse together and create a recombinant DNA; allows for copy and pasting the DNA
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24. What are the two major types of vectors?
Ans: Biological and mechanical vectors.
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25. What is one potential advantage to cloning?
Ans: You can bring back extinct species using their DNA and the process of cloning.
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26. What is the function of a polymerase chain reaction?
Ans: The function of a polymerase chain reaction is to produce tons of copies of DNA, so it can form that organism.
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27. State two examples of how recombinant DNA can be used in industry.
Ans: It can be useful to make some microorganisms that can be injected into any type of product to help us/humans in some type of way. We can also use those recombinant DNA to form vitamins and proteins that are useful in industrial usage.
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28. State two examples of how recombinant DNA can be used in medicine.
We can create medicines that have those specific recombinant DNA that kills of a disease like cancer. We can also create some genes that can form a normal human into a superhuman by developing some necessary organs through the insertion of recombinant DNA.
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29. State two examples of how recombinant DNA can be used in agriculture.
Ans: We can create pest resistant crops, and we can make crops that are resistant to climate changes and can produce a lot of food.
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30. What are the three major applications of the human genome project?
Ans: Gene therapy, DNA fingerprinting, and diagnosis of genetic disorders