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spectral lines
reddening of stars
Doesn’t produce its own light like emission nebulae, but scatters star light
scattering is due to the dust grains
lower concentration of dust grains than dark nebulae
scattering gives rise to blue color
the amount of gravitational force depends on the mass
gravitational potential energy is turned into heat as a star collapses
star formation begins when part of the interstellar molecular cloud contracts under its own gravitational attraction- denser regions in the clouds are favorable for star formation
the gravitational collapse overwhelms the presssure-colder regions are more favorable since they aren’t low-pressure regions
these cold dense regions of clouds collapse under its own weight to form clumps, future stars
Star formation is triggered when a sufficiently massive pocket of gas is squeezed by some external event
material flowing out of protostars cause shock waves that trigger regions nearby to collapse
a supernova explosion of a dying star can compress the surrounding gas triggering a collapse
gravitational causes gas clouds to shrink and fragment
core of shrinking cloud heats up
when ore gets hot enough, fusion begins and stops the shrinking
new star achieves long-lasting state of balance
bipolar flow from young stars
star forming regions
young star clusters
stars are born in cold, relatively dense molecular clouds
as a cloud fragment collapses under gravity, it becomes a protostar surrounded by a spinning disk of gas
the protostar may also fire jets of matter outward along its poles
protostars rotate rapidly, and some may spin so fast that they split to form close binary systems
molecular cloud
hot gas
young cluster
old cluster
stellar evolution happens on billion-year time scales
astronomers only live for a few 10s of years
group of 100s to 1000s of stars
are at the same distance so it’s easy to measure
have the same age
have the same chemical composition
have a wide range of stellar masses
A mass sequence
massive stars are HOTTER and BRIGHTER
low-mass stars are COOLER and FAINTER
massive stars have SHORT main sequence lifetimes
low-mass stars have LONG main sequence lifetimes
all stars arrive on the main sequence are about the same age
the cluster is as old as the most luminous (massive) star left on the main sequence
point where the main sequence “turns off” towards giant stars
as cluster ages, the stars at the turn off are lower mass
low mass stars have redder colors
He in a shell around the core
luminosity increases because the fusion rate is higher
size increases: red giant phase