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What are the 5 gases in the atmosphere
carbon dioxide
water vapor
what percent of nitrogen is in atm
70%, but most is in gaseous form so its un-useable
what percent of argon is in atm
inert noble gas
what percent of carbon dioxide is in atm
most important greenhouse gas
leads to global warming
removed from atm by photosynthesis
what percent of oxygen is in atm
made by photosynthesis in plants, needed for respiration
what percent of water vapor is in atm
varies by region & condition
acts as a greenhouse gas temp but less impactful than carbon dioxide
quickly cycles through atm
5 layers of the earth
outermost layer of earth, where atm merges with space
the word therm = hottest temperature
absorbs harmful x-rays & radiation
produces northern lights bc of the charged gas molecules that glow under intense radiation from sun
middle layer, meso for middle
60-80 km, not very dense
second level, s for second
16-60 KM, less dense due to lack of pressure from layers above
thickest layer of oxygen is found here
absorbs UV-B & UV-C rays which mutate DNA of animals & cause cancer
tropo = change
weather occurs here
0-16 km, most dense bc of pressure of other layers above it
most of atms gas molecules are found here
ozone here is harmful to humans, damages plant stomata, and forms smog
temperature gradient
the amount of temperature change per unit of distance
determines where layers of earth’s atm are based
temperature gradient of thermosphere
temp increases due to absorption of solar radiation
temperature gradient of mesophere
temp decreases bc of density decrease, leaving fewer molecules to absorb sun
coldest place on earth
temperature gradient of Stratosphere
temp increases bc of top layer of stratosphere is warmed by UV rays
temperature gradient of troposphere
temp decreases as air gets further away from warmth of earth’s surface
what is atmospheric circulation and what are the three main steps?
the movement of air around the planet
Energy from Sunlight
Density properties of air
Rotation of earth (coriolis effect)
steps of atm circulation
More direct sunlight @ equator warms air
Warm air rises, cools, and expands → H2O vapor condenses into rain
Air continues to rise, cool, and expand
Cooling, expanding air spreads out
cool, dry air sinks back down to earth @ 30o N & S → Deserts form here due to lack of moisture in air
what are the 5 main air properties
Warm air rises
Warm air holds more moisture than cold
Rising air expands & cools
Cool air can’t hold as much H2O vapor (condenses → rain)
After cooling & expanding, air sinks
Coriolis Effect
Deflection of objects traveling through atm. due to the spin of the earth
causes moving objects to be deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere
deflected left in the Southern Hemisphere.
How does the Coriolis effect work?
Air @ 30o moves back to L pressure of equator
Wind between 0-30o moves from E→ W
b/c earth is spinning W→ E
Wind between 30o-60o moves W→ E
b/c earth spins faster @ 30o than 60o
Why does air move from 30deg to 0 and 60deg? How is low and high pressure indicated?
it moves due to high pressure @ 300 & low pressure @ 0 & 60
Air rising @ equator = low pressure,
air sinking down @ 300 = high pressure
eastern trades
0 - 30 winds blow E → W
Drives ocean current clockwise in N hemisphere
counterclockwise in S hem
30o - 60o: winds blow W→ E
Drives weather patterns of N America
All of the land that drains into a specific body of water
(river, lake, bay, etc.)
what determines a watershed
ridges of land divide watersheds, creating different runoff directions
what characteristics play a role in how watersheds drain?
soil composition
how does vegetation play a role in how watersheds drain?
more vegetation = more infiltration and groundwater recharge
how does greater slope play a role in how watersheds drain?
allows for faster velocity of runoff & more soil erosion
how does soil permeability play a role in how watersheds drain?
determines runoff vs. infiltration rates
how do human activities impact watersheds, give examples of harmful human activity
H2O quality
what is the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
6 state region
drains into streams/rivers → eventually into Chesapeake Bay
mix of fresh & salt water
nutrients in sediment makes estuary habitats in bay highly productive
What ecosystem services do Chesapeake Bay Watershed habitats provide (Estuary and Wetland)
tourism revenue
water filtration
habitat for food sources
storm protection
what are the main Human Impacts on Chesapeake Bay
Nutrient pollution leads to eutrophication
Algae bloom due to increase of N/P
Endocrine disruptors (from sewage treatment)
Sediment pollution (deforestation, urbanization, tilling ag. fields)
How does sediment pollution affect Chesapeake Bay
Increases turbidity which reduces photosynthesis
covers over rocky streambed habitats
How does the algae bloom in Chesapeake Bay set off a series of events?
Algae bloom due to increase of N/P → decreased sunlight → plants below surface die → bacteria use up O2 for decomp. → hypoxia (low O2) & dead zones
Effects of clearcutting on watersheds : soil erosion
Caused by loss of stabilizing root structure
Removes soil organic matter & nutrients from forest
Deposits sediments in local streams
Warms water & makes it more turbid (cloudy
Effects of clearcutting on watersheds : Increased soil & stream temp.
Loss of tree shade increases soil temperature
Loss of tree shade along rivers & streams warms them
Erosion of sediments into rivers also warms them
the amount of solar radiation reaching an area measured in Watts/m2
what does solar intensity of insolation depend on?
Angle: how directly rays strike earth’s surface
The amount of atmosphere sun’s rays pass through
How does earth’s orbit around the sun & tilt on axis affect it?
changes angle of the sun’s rays
causes varying insolation
The tilt of the earth’s axis stays fixed during orbit
solstice vs equinox
solstices : highest/lowest points of the sun throughout the year, or the longest days and nights || N or S hemisphere is maximally tilted toward sun, causing summer & winter
equinoxes mark the start of spring/fall where the day and night are even in length || N & S hemispheres equally facing sun
What is the March & Sept. Equinox
N & S hemispheres equally facing sun
Tilt of Earth’s Axis Causes Variation in
Angle of Insolation (which changes intensity)
Length of day
proportion of light that is reflected by a surface
how is light affecting surfaces with high or low albedo
high albedo → reflect more light, and absorb less (ice/snow) & less heat
low albedo →reflect less light, and absorb more (water), & more heat
what happens when sunlight is absorbed by the surface
it gives off heat or infrared radiation
Urban Heat Island
urban areas are hotter than surrounding rural area due to low albedo of blacktop
what determines climate
largely determined by insolation
Higher latitudes receive less insolation
Equator receives most intense insolation
how does geography affect climate
Mountains: disrupt wind & produce rain shadow effect
Oceans: moderate temperature & add moisture to the air
Rain Shadows
a patch of land that has been forced to become a desert
mountain ranges blocked all plant-growing, rainy weather
imagine one side being lush, the other side being arid and dry
the windward side is nice and moist, but then you pass onto the leeward side, which is dry asf bc it warms as it sinks
Gyers global surface currenr
large ocean circ. due to global wind
clockwise in N hem
counterclockwise in S hem.
Upwelling Zones
sreas of ocean where winds blow warm surface water away from a land mass, drawing up colder, deeper water to replace it
Brings O2 & nutrients to surface → productive fishing
Thermohaline Circulation
Connects all of the world’s oceans, mixing salt, nutrients, and temperature throughout
El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
attern of shifting atmospheric pressure & ocean currents in the pacific ocean between South America and Australia/Southeast Asia
Oscillates, or shifts regularly from El nino (warmer, rannier) to La Nina (cooler, drier) conditions along coast of South America
what is the normal conditions of the southern pacific?
eastern trade winds blow surface water from east to west
leads to upwelling on the west coast of SA → cooler weather & productive fisheries
moves warm equatorial waters toward Australia and SE asia → warmer & rainy weather
warmer conditions of the west pacific → low pressure system in the americas & eastern trade winds from east to west across the southern pacific, moving from high to low pressure.
how does el nino affect the southern pacific?
trade winds weaken and reverse direction
shifts warm water of equator from australia and se asia towards west coast of america
warmer winters in north america and heavy rainfall/flooding in western us
suppresses upwelling along coast of sa → better fishing conditions
creates drought conditions bc the trade winds blow in reverse condition creating a low cooler pressure system in west pacific
how does la nina affect the southern pacific?
restores eastern trade winds to normal direction & intensifies them
stronger than normal upwelling along SA coast
cooler & drier conditions to N & S america
leads to warmer/rainier conditions in australia and SE Asia
what is the difference between la nina and le nino’s effects on the southern pacific
El Nino basically reverses the normal wind and ocean circulation directions, which brings warmer, wetter weather to the Americas, instead of to Australia and SE asia
La nina restores the original wind and ocean current direction of East to west, and intensifies it
what are the effects of el nino as a whole?
Suppressed upwelling & less productive fisheries in SA
Warmer winter in much of N America
Increased precip & flooding in Americas (W coast especially)
Drought in SE Asia & Australia
Decreased hurricane activity in Atlantic ocean
Weakened monsoon activity in India & SE Asia
what are the effects of la nina as a whole?
Stronger upwelling & better fisheries in SA than normal
Worse tornado activity in US & Hurricane activity in Atlantic
Cooler, drier weather in Americas
Rannier, warmer, increased monsoons in SE Asia