The Revolution transformed
The Texas/Mexican border into a zone of conflict but it also %%enriched the Tejano communities throughout south Texas%% with a vibrant and activist edge, @@producing many of the leaders of the Mexican-American political movements@@ that would soon follow in the coming decades.
The most immediate cause of the Texas Revolution was the refusal of many Texas, both Anglo and Mexican, to accept the governmental changes %%mandated by "Siete Leyes"%% which @@placed almost total power in the hands of the Mexican national government and Santa Anna@@%%.%%
The United States and Mexico differ on the outskirt of Texas and Mexico. Congress proclaimed the battle in 1846.
Troopers battled on three fronts.
Mexico consented to the addition of Texas and the Rio Grande as the outskirt between Texas and Mexico. Mexico additionally gave an enormous zone of land, the Mexican Cession, to the United States.
Texas revolutionaries toward Native Americans
During the revolutionary period, Native American gatherings populated and controlled bits of Texas. Adding up to roughly 20,000, they far dwarfed the Anglo pioneers and Tejanos—locally conceived Mexicans living in Texas.
Weight from Anglo settlements during the 1820s and 1830s prompted infringements on ancestral terrains and %%incessant assaults by the Comanche and different groups%%.
Bits of gossip and proof of the agreement between the Cherokees and their Mexican partners drove Texans to fear an Indian uprising or a coalition with Mexico.
Texas revolutionaries toward slavery