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What is a of the epidermis
stratum corneum
What is b of the epidermis
stratum lucidum
What is c of the epidermis
stratum granulosum
what is d of the epidermis
stratum spinosum
what is e of the epidermis
stratum basale
Stratum corneum
prevents unwanted materials from entering, and excessive loss of water from exiting the body (divide)
stratum lucidum
to reduce friction between stratum corneum and stratum granulosum. A layer of keratinized cells found in thick skin.
stratum granulosum
cells stop dividing and instead produce a protein called keratin
stratum spinosum
continue to divide and helps make skin strong and flexible
Startum basale
produce new skin from epidermis and contain melanocytes
to protect from abrasion
sensory reception and cool body temp
stabalize skin separate it from muscle insulation shock absorption and energy reserve