The Diktat
Dictated peace. Germany were not allowed to negotiate the terms of the treaty of Versailles
War guilt
Germany had to take all of the blame for starting the war
Germany had to pay 136,000 marks (£6.6billion)
Loss of colonies
All 11 colonies were taken by the winners to be looked after
Military was cut
-100,000 people in army
-6 battleships & cruisers
-12 destroyers & torpedo boats
-No airforce
-Rhineland was demilitarised by 50km from French border
Loss of land
Lorraine → France
Eupen & Malmady → Belgium
Posen & West Prussia → Poland
Coal from the Saar went to France for 15 years
-Lost 10% of population
-13% of European territory
-50% of its iron
-15% of coal reserves