Where is solar insolation the most direct?
The Equator
How is heat redistributed globally? (2)
Pressure differences
Ocean currents
Explain what is meant by pressure differences (as simple as possible)
Land absorbs sunlight - converts it to heat
Heats air above - air expands, becomes lighter, and rises
Which forms areas of low pressure
Sea reflects some sunlight, some absorbs to 30m
Takes sea longer to heat, and longer to cool
Air remains cooler
Forms areas of high pressure
Differences in pressure cause air to move - high to low
This creates wind - which travels straight
Earth is always rotating
Rotating earth - winds no longer straight
This is the coriolis effect
Explain what is meant by ocean currents (as simple as possible)
In the north Atlantic, cold and salty water is heavy
This means it sinks
Turns into convection current (drags surface water down)
The current draws in warmer salty water from areas around the equator
This also cools an sinks, then flows south to equator to be warmed again
For example
Isles of Scilly (UK) - very warm
St Johns (Canada) - freezing
Different because of the gulf stream
How to draw and interpret climate graphs?
Drawing a graph
draw a graph axis based on values given
y-axis should be 12cm (1cm per month)
plot rainfall as bars
plot temperature data as points then join with a line
Interpreting temperature
calculate mean (average) for the year
find warmest and coolest and calculate difference = temperature range
see how steep the graph is = trends
Interpreting rainfall
calculate annual total
find wettest and dryest
see how they vary