chapter 8 - Gender

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what is pariarchy

men are valued more than men but men arnt valued euqally

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what does intersectionality mean?

The complex relationship of gender class race, sexual orientation, and age work together – put some privileged and some as disadvantaged

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What is gender?

A social construction of masculinity and femininity in society

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What is sex?

The determination of male or female based off of biology

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What does sex and gender have in common

Both rely on binary opposition

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What are masculinity and femininity

Ideal culturally, dominant forms

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What is hegemonic masculinity represent?

Strength, aggression requires everyone to sustain the idea and tied to heterosexuality

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What is emphasized femininity represented by?

Based on a woman's compliance with men, requires them to be supportive, enthusiastic and sexually attractive

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What do families represent in terms of reproducing gender

Operant conditioning, gender expectations, start at birth and gendered parenting, and how is our raised to gendered, primary agent of socialization

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What does gender socialization focus on?

How all social institutions indoctrinate children on how gender expectations based on their gender

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What is female socialization?

Sociability, attractiveness, becoming a wife or mother

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What is male socialization?

Self motivated, independent, emotional control, aggression, congest, breadwinner

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What are gendered bodies?

Socially constructed expectations for how we present our bodies to fit in norms of men and women

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What forms of culture demonstrate gendered bodies?

Media, TV, plastic surgery, NFL draft

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What is hidden curriculum?

In school girls learn they are not as important as boys which is reinforced through mass media

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How is education part of reproducing gender?

Girls are praised for being neat and boys are praised for being smart, university, enrolment differs between genders, as well as what they are enrolled in

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What are the three principles from work role model for men?

  1. Continuous work from graduation until death

  2. Jobs are central focus of life

  3. Fulfilment comes from work rules

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What is the gender wage gap?

A few changes in employment, stratification overtime, major increase of women and workforce recently woman however, are undervalued in their house, job and overrepresented, and non-standard works and part-time jobs

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What is the feminization of poverty?

The result of woman, overrepresented, and non-standard work, more women, live poverty than men, as also result of the wage gap

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What kind of issue was the feminization of poverty?

Gender issue

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what is the ration of female wage to male wage?

0.89 cents per dollar

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what theory does Judith Butler build on

symbolic interactionalism

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what is the key idea of Judith butler?

gender is a performance - no authentic faminity and masculinity rooted in make and female biases

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what are the key ideas of post-structuralist theory

Foucault - masculinity and felicity are made though discourse and domination

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what are the key ideas of feminist theory?

  • women are disadvantaged due to the gender,

  • institutionalized norms limit woman’s behaviours and opportunities

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what are the key ideas of symbolic interactionalism

  • meanings of male and female, masculinity and feminity

  • operant conditioning

  • gender comes from social interaction

  • “doing / preforming gender”

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what are the key ideas of conflict theory?

engals - inequality from lack of access to scarce resources causes conflict

  • conflict also arise without nuclear family, monogamist marriage cause men need to ensure their paternity

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what are the key ideas of functionalist theory?

men and women each have separate, specialized, complementary roles - keep equilibrium in society

  • without roles - confusion and conflict of gender expectations

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what are the 2 important factors of gender and earnings?

  1. occupation determines wage rate

    1. women mostly in lower paying jobs

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what is the earnings ratio?

women’s average earnings divided bu mens earningsw

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what is the wage gap

difference between what man earns and what women earn

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what are some causes of the reduction of wage gap?

  • chasing distribution of men and women across occupations

  • more equated women

  • less unionized men

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what are the 2 facts explaining the remaining wage gap?

  1. distribution of women

  2. women’s overrepresentation in part-time jobs

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what are some variables affecting women’s wage gap?

Human capital, attributes, occupational segregation, demographics.

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why do women earn less?

  • occupational gender segregation

  • devaluation of the work of women

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what are the key idea of Arlie Hochschild’s “the second Shift”

the 3rd shift - women struggle to cope with unhappy marriage as a result of unequal labour division in household

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