Islam’s Founder
(the prophet) Muhamad
5 Pillars of Islam
Declaration of Faith
Obligatory Prayer
Compulsory Giving
Fasting in the Month of Ramadan
Pilgrimage to Mecca
Two Branches of Islam
Nobles offered protection and land in return for service
What was the main goal of the crusades?
To REGAIN the holy land (from the Muslims)
Machiavelli’s The Prince
Told leaders to do good when possible but to also be “evil” when necessary
How to get and keep power
Castiglione’s The Courtier
Tells nobles/people of higher power how to be a proper renaissance man/woman.
The study of
-Rhetoric (persuasive speech/writing)
-Moral Philosophy
The particular language spoken in a region (dialect)
Johannes Gutenburg
-Inventor of the printing press
-Lived in Germany
Printing Press
-Helped to spread information faster
-Created better education systems
Medieval Art
Most, if not all, were religious
No perspective/depth
Perspective (in art)
What artists use to give a three dimensional effect to a 2d surface.
Renaissance Art
Did not have to be religious, more range of topic
Much better depth perception
Leonardo Da Vinci
Model renaissance man - good at art, math, science and was an engineer/visionary
-Mona Lisa
Raphael (Sanzio)
School of Athens
-The Last Supper
-Sistine chapel Ceiling
Christian Humanism
The combination of classic humanism with the reformation of the catholic church.
Erasmus The Praise of Folly
-Criticizes the hypocrisy of the catholic church
-Also, new catholicism
-Calls satire, so doesn’t get in trouble
3 Reasons People Thought the Catholic Church Needed to Reform
The priests did not want to help people gain salvation
Popes were more concerned with italian politics than the wellbeing of the church/the people.
The sales of indulgences
The state of being saved through faith alone or faith and good deeds
-The Church stated indulgences would grant people immediate access to heaven when they died, no purgatory
-Any family dead or alive would also move straight to heaven.
Martin Luther
-He was a monk that realized that the catholic religion could fix many things about them. He write the 95 theses which accused the entirety of the catholic religion of their wrongdoings and hypocrisy
-He stated that humans were powerless and could do nothing to be saved
-Only valid source of religious truth - The Bible
Johann Tetzel
Someone who sold indulgences to gain money for the church
95 Theses
-They criticize the teachings of the catholic church, the priests behavior and their education. They also criticize the hypocrisy of the church.
-He wrote them in latin (so the more powerful people could read them) and posted them on the church’s doors.
Sacraments Luther Keeps
The Eucharist/communion
Luther believed clergy should be allowed to
get married
What does the pope do to Luther in 1521?
He removes his ability to be able to participate in the catholic church.
Peace of Augsburg
Allows German states to choose their religion.
The belief that where you will go after life is decided before you are born
Henry VIII
The king of England in 1491 who converted them to be protestant
Catherine of Aragon
Henry's first wife who gave birth to a daughter (Mary) and was in turn divorced.
Anne Boleyn
She was the second wife of Henry who also gave birth to a daughter (Elizabeth I) and was then beheaded for “Committing treason”
Declare invalid
Church of England (Anglican)
The religion of england/ big church/church of the “state”
Separation from church and state
Not to bear arms
No public office
Ignatius Loyola
He Founded society of Jesus/of Jesuits
Teresa of Avila
Spanish nun who founded the carmelites (religious order of roman catholic priests)
Council of Trent
Beginning in March 1545, a group of cardinals, archbishops, bishops, abbots, and theologians met off and on for 18 years in the city of Trent near the border with modern-day Italy.
Achievements of Ming dynasty
Extended their area of land
Made peace with nomadic tribes
Zheng He
Court official who led several successful voyages all over the eastern half of the globe
“3 Gs” of European Exploration
Bartholomew Dias
He reached the cape of Africa, now called the cape of good hope
Vasco da Gama
- He went around africa and cut across the indian ocean.
Christopher Columbus
he reached all the major Caribbean islands and Honduras in Central America which he called the indies.
-in 1492, columbus sailed the ocean blue!
Ferdinand Magellan
-he set sail from Spain in search of a sea passage through the Americas. In October 1520, Magellan passed through a waterway along the tip of South America, later called the Strait of Magellan, into the Pacific Ocean. The fleet reached the Philippines, but indigenous people there killed Magellan.
- The Spanish conquerors of the Americas (had a lot of firepower, organizational skills and determination.)
Hernan Cortes
He landed on the Gulf of Mexico, Conquered the Aztecs
- Capital of the aztec area
Montezuma II
King of Tenochtitlan.
Francisco Pizzaro
Gained control of the inca capital, therefore all of the inca area.
The new emperor of the incas.
Inca capital
- The success of a nation depending on silver and gold
Columbian Exchange
- The exchange of plants and animals between the americas and europe
Atlantic Slave Trade
The trading of people from Africa to the Americas and Europe.
Middle Passage
The forced voyage of African Americans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas
Effects of the Slave Trade
Devastating effect on African areas.
Loss of culture
Encomienda System
- A spanish labor system that rewarded the spanish conquistadors when then made natives work for them
People who spread their religious faith onto others (mostly the christian faith) when they were exploring
Philip II
- Leader of the Spanish, very religious, believed in catholicism.
Elizabeth I
- Protestant queen of england, during time of philip II, today, one of englans’s best queens
Spanish Armada 1588
- Sent to invade england bc of protestant faith, bad weather, fire ships.
- French protestants influenced by John Calvin
Henry IV
- Was originally a Huguenot, changed to catholicism to be able to be a king.
Edict of Nantes
Recognized catholicism as the official religion of france.
Divine Right of Kings
The belief that the king gets his power from god and not his subjects.
- English Protestants who believed that the Church of England needed further reform and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship
Charles I
- Wanted more power, son of James I, Didn’t give parliament any power.
- Supporters of parliament
Supporters of the king
Oliver Cromwell
- Military leader of parliamentary forces, became “leader” of england, strict quaker, did not want to be called king
- The period of time when Charles II was king, after Oliver, allowed England to go back to normal.
Glorious Revolution
- William of orange and his wife Mary “invade” england, become leaders
English Bill of Rights
-Constitutional Monarchy
-Gives more power to parliament
-King is not able to work by himself