Chapter 18-19 Review

Key Terms:

  • English Bill of Rights: passed in 1689; protected people from random seizure of property and person; required annual meetings of parliament; established freedom of speech in parliament; right to trial by jury
  • Potosi: discovered in 1545 by the Spanish; a mountain in the Andes full of silver; enabled European trade with Asia and developed a more integrated early modern world economy; major market with a population of over 100K in 1600s
  • Louis XIV: Absolute Monarch of France; Louis the Great; the Sun King; legitimize rule with the palace of Versailles
  • Mestizo: racial classification referring to a person of mixed European and Indigenous American ancestry
  • Columbian Exchange: the process in which food, animals, and diseases were spread/transferred between the Old & New World
  • Bartolome de las Casas: Catholic priest who criticized the inhumane treatment and violence against the Amerindians
  • Protestant Reformation: religious reform in the 16th century Europe; creation of Prostatinsm; groups separated from the Roman Catholic Church
  • Viceroyalty: local, political, social, and administrative institution, created by the Spanish monarchy in the sixteenth century, for ruling its overseas territories; royal officials sent to America as representatives of royal power
  • Syncretism: combinations/blend of beliefs and ideas
  • Silver Trade: silver from the Americas led to the beginning of a global economy, with most of the silver ending up in China
  • Peter the Great: Tsar of Russia; visited Europe; modernized & westernized Russia, banned beards; required Western clothing; built St. Petersburg
  • Mercury Amalgamation Process: increased efficiency of silver extra from ore but led to illness and death for many miners
  • Haciendas: large estates where owners focused on meeting the rising demand for agriculture produce; exploitation of Amerindians and African slaves
  • Virgin of Guadalupe: blending of Aztec and Incan traditions with Catholicism; Virgin Mary and a Saint appeared before a man named Juan Diego; conversion of Aztecs
  • Huguenots: French protestants and Calvinists


  • coercive (forced) labor in Russia and Latin America
    • Explain what accounts for these similarities and/or differences that you describe.


  • serfdom (think feudalism)
  • type of people: same as their owners
  • farmed on a plot of land they are attached to; landlords owned the plot of land
  • they were not imported, they are attached to that one plot of land
    • they only had access to their own people

Latin America:

  • slavery
  • type of people: enslaved Africans and/or Native Americans
    • different race, nationality, religion as their masters
  • owned as property, worked on plantations and mines
  • Native Americans were unreliable laborers, Africans had been exposed to diseases and could survive the hard conditions on plantations and mines
  • The Mita System allowed Spaniards to “recruit” people to do certain tasks, such as working on sugar plantations and silver mines.


  • both treated as badly
  • lacked rights
  • nobles in Russia, Europeans in Latin America
  • bounded to their masters/land


  • economics & politics in Western Europe, Latin America, and/or Russia

Western Europe:

  • more globalized
    • Spanish & Portuguese got silver from the Americas and sold it to China


  • more localized
    • Mongol rule led to isolation from Western Europe
    • the Mongols fought Western Europe
    • traded only with themselves, until Peter the Great conquered seaports on the Baltic Sea


  • both had monarchies
    • Europe had kings
    • Europeans wanted a strong central government and ruler, instead of different regional kings.
    • Russia had Tsars
    • Russians wanted separation from Mongol rule
