Cardiovascular system
The transport system of the body.
It comprises blood, heart and blood vessels.
The system supplies nutrients to and remove waste products from various tissue of body.
The conveying media is liquid in form of blood which flows in close tubular system.
Pulmonary circulation
It carries blood from the right side of the heart to the alveoli of the lungs and back to the left side of the heart.
The flow of blood between the heart and lungs.
Systemic circulation
It carries blood from the left side of the heart to all the organs and tissues of the body, then back to the right side of the heart.
The flow of blood between the heart and the cells of the body.
It is classified as liquid connective tissue and is vital in its roles of transportation, regulation, and protection; made of distinct types of cells, mostly derived from bone marrow, and helps maintain homeostasis.
It is mostly water but contains proteins and other solutes as well.
Blood vessels that always carry blood away from the heart; the blood they carry is oxygenated.
Thick walled tubes; circular smooth muscle.
Carry blood toward the heart and carry deoxygenated blood.
Tunica intima, media and adventitia
Three main layers of the blood vessel.
Smallest blood vessel and they connect the arteries and veins.
It is where the exchange of nutrients and gases occurs.
Large irregular vascular space that are found in the liver, spleen, bone marrow, etc.
The communication between vessels.
End arteries
Found in the central artery of retina; arteries of spleen, liver and kidneys.
Portal circulation
The flow of blood between tow set of capillaries before draining in systemic veins.