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US History

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  • Policy where the LON and countries in it decided to appease the axis powers by granting them land but told them not to get anymore

  • However the axis powers did not listen and kept taking free land

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Atlantic Charter

A meeting between Winston Churchill and FDR upon naval ships to decide what the future post-war world should look like

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Baby Boom

  • Post war there was a huge increase of birth rate

  • This era of high birth rate is known as the baby boom.

  • To make up for the lost lives

  • Increase in the birth rate between 1945-1955

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Berlin Airlift

  • After the war, west of Berlin was placed under Allied control while Berlin itself was deep inside the Soviet controlled Eastern Germany

  • USSR wanted the entire Berlin and set up a road blockade to stop supplies

  • The US dropped supplies to Berlin by air for a year

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Bracero Program

  • 1942, thousands of Mexican workers were legally brought across the border to work on US farms after WWII had left to a deficit in farm labor

  • The Mexican Farm Labor Agreement signed between US and Mexico

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Brown vs. Board of Education

In May 1945 ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional

  • canceled out Plessy vs. Ferguson

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Cash and Carry

  • A loophole to neutrality, a way for Roosevelt to help the allies while remaining “neutral”

  • Countries could purchase war armaments from the US but only if they could pay the entire price at the time of the sale

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Cold War

  • A weapon-creation war lasting ~45 years

  • Communism v. Capitalism

  • No actual violence/battling

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  • The idea that each American has a specific role they must fill

  • Ex.

    • Wives: Housekeepers

    • Husbands: Breadwinners

    • Children/Teens: Obedient to superiors

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The belief that communism must be contained - not spread to any other countries

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  • Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

  • challenging segregation and voter registration for African Americans.

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D Day

On June 6th, 1944 Allied troops (mostly American and British) stormed the beaches of Normandy, France to catch Germany off guard.

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Double V

  • Victory abroad and victory at home

  • Motto for minorities (specifically black citizens) for winning the war abroad and battling racism at home.

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Eisenhower Doctrine

Provided the ability for  Middle Eastern Countries to get economic or military aid from America

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  • A movement to make America truly equal (not possible)

  • Double V campaign, black soldiers returning from the war fought for equal treatment

  • -Civil Rights movement, many fought for equality and segregation through a variety of methods

  • Japanese Americans attempted to “stay quiet” about their inhumane treatment and tried to act as a “model minority” in the hope of being accepted as true Americans

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Executive Order 8802

Signed by FDR in June ‘41, it prohibited ethnic/racial discrimination in the armaments sector. It also set up the FEPC

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Executive Order 9006

  • This order by Roosevelt  “authorized the force removal of all persons deemed a threat to national security from the West Coast”.

  • It mainly affected Japanese-Americans; 120,000 of them were forced into ‘relocation centers’ in the west.

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Executive Order 9981

Issued by Truman, it disallowed segregation in the Armed Forces.

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Fair Deal

  • A deal made by Truman in 1949 with the goal of improved housing, employment, higher minimum wage, better farm support prices, new TVAs (Tennessee Valley Authority), better social security, and an act to prevent racial and religious hiring discrimination

  • Most promises failed due to opposition from Republicans and the South,

  • Public housing, insurance, and social security did succeed

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Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC)

Created in 1941, this organization was made to ensure that wartime workplaces stayed non-discriminatory. It also assisted black Americans in finding employment.

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GI Bill

  • Sent returning veterans to school

  • Gave loans to veterans for businesses

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Good Neighbor Policy

  • The foreign policy of the United States towards Latin America.

  • emphasizes cooperation and trade rather than military force

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  • 2 Japanese cities nuked at the end of WWII

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The persecution and extermination of 6 million Jewish people at the hands of the Nazis and Hitler

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House of Committee on Un-American Activity

  • Anti-communist group

  • This committee investigates potential subjects in the public that might be communists.

  • Some potential subjects can be: teachers, authors, union members, government officials, unions, actors, editors, spies, liberal democrats, etc.

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Iron Curtain

  • A “barrier” (not a real barrier) in Europe set up around the Eastern bloc to separate the USSR from western Europe, create a buffer zone between USSR and germany

  • Anything in the barrier was under soviet control

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Korean War

  • 1950-1953, Post war recovery split Korea into a North and South Korea

  • North Korea crosses over the 38th parallel into South Korea

  • While USSR is absent, the UN votes to use UN troops to protect South Korea

  • The war ultimately ends in a stalemate and armistice

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Lend Lease

  • Another way to get around Neutrality

  • Roosevelt would “lend” materials to the British and other allies

  • US would also lend supplies for leases to territory

  • The US never expected to get the things they lent back

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Manhattan Project

  • Project the US started to combat the Nazi development of atomic weapons.

  • Spurred by Einstein's letter

  • Resulted in US making 2 atomic bombs and being the world leader in atomic weapons

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Marshall Plan

  • U.S. proposing to offer aid towards countries in need after the war

  • Soviets refused

  • $12.5 billion towards cooperating countries

    • Got Europe back on its feet so that it wouldn’t be dependent on the U.S.

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Hundreds of americans were called into question about being communist, a phenomenon sweeping the nation

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  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization

  • “Keep Russians out, Germans down, and America in”

  • Provided a peacetime military alliance with the western hemisphere

  • Helped with the reintegration of Germany into Europe after the war

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  • The United States would remain “neutral” and would not pick a side in WWII

  • Lend-lease and Cash and Carry loopholes

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  • Build up US military’s weapons

  • Identified the US and Soviet Union as the 2 global superpowers

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Nuremberg Trials

Immediately after the war, 22 Nazi leaders & dozens of their underlings were subject to a months-long tribunal in Franconia. 12 were hung for their part in Nazi atrocities.

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Organization of American States

  • international organization comprising of 35 member states from North, Central, and South America, and the Caribbean.

  • It was established in 1948 with the aim of promoting regional solidarity and cooperation among its member states.

  • four main pillars of work: democracy, human rights, security, and development.

  • Marshall plan but for Latin America

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organization that petroleum exporting countries had with each other to maintain order in the fuel industry and to keep profit equal.

  • With Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iraq, had a tight hold on U.S.

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Pearl Harbor

  • Japan intended the attack as a preventive act

  • prevent the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions in Southeast Asia

  • made us join WWII

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Policy of Boldness

Policy would reduce the spending on the army/navy to instead build airfleets of superbombers w/ nuclear bombs

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Point Four

Us would lend money to underdeveloped countries in hope they will not become communist

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Potsdam Conference

  • Successful test of atomic bomb

  • Draft treaties because those areas were controlled by Germany

  • Fate is determined by others

  • Developed economic treaties

  • War crime trials

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Red Lining

  • The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) categorizing neighborhoods that have high minority populations with low financial security and high risk of investing

  • Indirectly trapped minorities in low income neighborhoods leaving them unable to buy and or afford to move out of said low income neighorhoods and not lending them money

  • FHA blockbustering redlined areas to look as bad as possible to keep the value down

  • A lot of areas in the U.S. is still affected by this today

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Rosie the Riveter

Rosie was a factory worker that encouraged others to join and eventually led to women’s impact

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Seventeenth Parallel

  • The line that broke Vietnam into a communist north and a non-communist south.

  • Ngo Dinh Diem in the south

Ho Chi Minh in the north

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  • Satellite launched into space by Russia

  • Start of the space race

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Thirty-Eighth Parallel

The line that broke Korea into a communist north and a democratic south.

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To Secure These Rights

A 1947 manifesto by Truman’s Presidential Committee on Civil Rights which gave recommendations on how to end discrimination.

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Total War*

A belief that during times of war, every resource including medicine, food, armaments, raw materials, intelligence, capital, and labor are put towards the war efforts. Additionally, every person including men, women, and children are all parts of the war and the war population

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Truman Doctrine

  • Asked for $400 million to bolster Greece and Turkey

  • Must be U.S policy to support free people that are resisting

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Tuskegee Airmen

  • All-black bomber unit that trained in Tuskegee University.

  • Young men who volunteered to become America's first Black military airmen

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U-2 Incident

  • US U-2 spy plane was shot down by soviet air defense forces

  • Because of this incident the Paris summit for 1960 was aborted

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United Nations

New international peacekeeping organization

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War Production Board

  • This board make orders to make the weapons/items necessary for the war effort

  • Halted production of unnecessary items

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Warsaw Pact

Pact between Eastern Europe and Soviet Union to be united against NATO

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White/Blue/Pink Collar Jobs

  • White collar jobs consist of lawyers, financial, management, and computer programmers.

  • Blue collar jobs consisted of labor like agriculture, mining, and construction.

  • Pink collar jobs are for women specifically.

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White Flight

  • Massive movement of white families out of the cities and into suburbs

  • Changed business and more companies began focussing on the suburbs

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Yalta Conference

  • A conference that happened with the Big Three where Stalin agreed that Poland should have a based on free elections along with Bulgaria and Romania.

  • Promises for free election → “open world”

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Zoot Suit Riots

Clad of Mexicans and Americans that were attacked

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Allied Powers

  • Great Britain

  • Soviet Union

  • China

  • United States

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Axis Powers

  • Germany

  • Italy

  • Japan

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Prime minister of Great Britain (1940-1945)

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Ngo Dinh Diem

Vietnamese leader in the south that supported more western style governments aka democracy or like parliament ykwim

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Dwight Eisenhower

  • Created the Eisenhower Doctrine

  • 34th President

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Adolf Hitler

  • Born: April 20, 1889 in Austria

  • Rise to power: Became Chancellor of Germany in 1933

  • Ideology: Nazism, a form of fascism with extreme nationalism and anti-Semitism

  • Actions: Invaded Poland in 1939, leading to the start of WW2; oversaw the Holocaust, resulting in the deaths of 6 million Jews; committed suicide in 1945 as Allied forces closed in on Berlin.

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  • General during World War II who took part in many battles

  • Acclaimed fame during WWII and regarded as one of the greatest generals

  • Fought and led during the Battle of the Bulge

  • Primary reconstructor of Japan

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Joseph McCarthy

Wisconsin’s US senator at the time, he took advantage of the cold war fears to focus the US’ attention on the communist and communist sympathizers

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Ho Chi Minh

Vietnamese leader and nationalist enthusiast who wanted the U.S. help, but became communist

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Benito Mussolini

  • Fascist leader of Italy during WWII

  • Called a frog in WWII propaganda

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Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • 32nd U.S. President

  • Served 3 terms in office, died during his 4th term

due to cerebral hemorrhage

  • Longest serving president in U.S. history

  • Started New Deal Programs to help the U.S. get out of the effects of the Great Depression

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Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

  • These American citizens were the ones to leak the atomic bomb’s data to Russia to allow the making of the atomic bomb in Russia.

  • Convicted of espionage in 1951 during the red scare and sentenced to death in the chair in 1953

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Joseph Stalin

  • Russian Dictator that killed a lot of people

  • Part of the big 3

  • Got along with Roosevelt but not Truman

  • Leader of the Soviet union at one point

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The “Big Three”

  • Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt (FDR)

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Harry S. Truman

  • 33rd US President, who became President after FDR died while in office

  • He was seen as an average man, sometimes not very decisive

  • He did not try to dodge responsibility

  • Point Four plan

  • Truman Doctrine

  • Fair Deal

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