2/3 vote in both houses of legislature
200 house and 21 senate votes
caucus: more difficult access, voters are more educated, and the vote is often not secret
primary: easier access, voters are not as informed, and the vote is secret
the world's largest business organization
interest group
an interest group that wants to stop the amount of suing
makes people believe they are normal people but in reality it a big company that just want to benefit itself
at large: can hurt the political influence of minorities
district: gives minorities more political influence
The length, detail, and number of amendments
The plural executive
The part time citizen legislature
The confusing structure of the judiciary
The restrictions on local governments
texas: about 500
US: 27
democracy: government in which citizens vote on laws and select officials directly
republic: power is held by elected representatives
protected: symbolic
Commercial speech
Defamatory speech
Speech that harms the public safety/order
Speech that threatens national security
Speech that interferes with the right to a fair trial