define government
a body within a society that has the authority to make laws and provide public programs
how are governments different from organisations?
they have the power to enforce rules
What is included in government
courts, parliament, politicians, judges, public servants
functions and roles of government
providing infustracture, provides security, settling disputes, economic management,
define rule of law
philosophy that in essence states society should be governed by laws and not through the arbitrary exercise of power
so people obey the laws out of respect, alignment with values and moral obligation, rather than fear or being forced to
characteristics of good laws, list
known/knowledgeable, clear, consistent, coherent, no one is above the law, it is all applied equally, laws should be made through the executive branch by representatives
why do we need to limit governments power?
prevent corruption
what is a liberal democracy?
a liberal democracy emphasises on the balancing of rights of the individual and the will of the majority, its a government run by the people for the people, liberal democracy heavily associates with the rule of law protected by separation of powers
what is tyranny
a cruel and oppressive government
main goal of liberal democracy
balancing the rights of the individual and the will of the majority (via elections)
what is a consistition
The Constitution establishes the composition of the Australian Parliament
describes how Parliament works and what powers it has
It outlines how the federal and state Parliaments share power, and the roles of the executive government and the High Court of Australia . made 1 January 1901. (idk if u need to remember the date)
what are they key functions of a consistition
it outlines the basic structure of government, like our separation of powers
outlines divisions of powers,, like our federal and state government
establishes courts and how the constitution is enforced - high court
limits government on what it can and cant do
what are the key characteristics of a constitution
higher law - overrides all other laws
entrenched - really difficult to change
codified - written down in 1 document
how is a constitution effective when its a rule book
citizens know what it states
people have respect for the laws
we enforce the consistition
should be difficult to change
what is constitutionalism
an ideological standpoint where respect and belief in the written words in our constitution, because in retrospect it is just a book and will not alone convince society to follow it. this is necessary to having a democracy and a constitution
what is separation of power
a fundamental component of democracy, to prevent abuse of powers, made from legislative, executive and judicial, these 3 powers ‘check each other’ to ensure no concentration of powers - a threat to democracy
in theory no arm as more power than another
the purpose of separating powers in government
to ensure no concentration of powers by checking each other.
3 separated powers
executive - includes the prime minister and the other ministers, this branch puts government laws into effect
judicial - includes courts, this branch interpret laws and to judge whether the apply in specific cases
legislative - consists of governer-general, HOR and senate, these houses pass laws
what are the 3 types of power in a federal system
Exclusive (power that only the central government holds) Congruent ( shared powers between the federal) Residual (leftover powers and responsibilities one holds that are not mentioned in the constitution are state power)
what is federalism
a system of government in which powers are divided between 2 or more consituent divisions by a written constitution
advantages and disadvantages of federalism
accomidates regional preferences'
participation in government
initiates states to compete with eachother
beaucratic ideologies - takes forever to occur
what are political rights
ability for the individual to participate in governernment, these are inforced by civil society and our democratic government style
what are human rights
entitlements and freedoms possesed by everyone, universal, inalianable and indivisable
what is felony disenfranchisement
where criminals cannot vote
define popular sovereignty
people have ultimate power; authority of a state and its government are created and sustained by the constant of there people