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Abdication of the Kaiser
naval tells sailors to attack british naval forces causing them to loose the war, 9th November 1918 kaiser abdication,ebert made a new permenant government system the weimer republic, caused an uproar and people against the new government system
Strengths of the new republic and its constitution
all citizens had the same rights in law,
everyone got to vote,
a strong president could protect the country in times of crisis,
chancellor needed a majority in the reichstag so their appointment was democratic,
can make laws so the government can continue
Weaknesses of the new republic and its consitution
republic faced opposition against the non- democratic people,
non-democrats were allowed to vote for parties that wanted the democratic system gone,
proportional representation made many political parties,
coalations happened but it lead to an unsteady government
One effect of the weimar republic
Democracy was introduced
People (even women) voted for reichstag members every 4 years and president every 7 years
proportional representation meant no one got a majority in the reichstag
led to coalitions → unstable gov
Another effect of the weimar republic
Rise of extremism
president could make laws diminishing democracy →frustration at the system
middle-class didnt like liberal culture
led to kapp putch
Reaction to the treaty of versailes
germnay lost 13% of land,
major military restrictions,
had to pay war reperations of 6.6 million pounds,
political divison,
demolishment of the ruhr
One effect of the treaty of versailes
Germany weak and humiliated
Another effect of treaty of versailes
weimar republic lost popularity
mebers called november criminals
lost 60+ seats in 1920 election
led to hitler clater ampaigning against it
challenges of Kapp Putch
wanted an authoritarian government, believed in capitalism, the national party,
hated communists, members freikops (ex-soliders) marched into berlin in support of kapputch march 30th 1930,
named after dr wolfgang kapp,
freikorps were let go from the miltary after the treaty,
public preferred ebert
one effect of kapp putch
gov authority weakened
1920 20k freikorps took over gov in berlin to reinstate the kaiser
gov had no control
had to encourage 12mil workers to go on strike to stop uprising
another effect of kapp putch
inspired extremist parties
parties grew their own armies and increased political violence (376 political deaths)
1920 gov lost 60+ seats
wolfgang overthrew gov → inspired munich putch hitler led
challenges of spartacists
workers should hold political power, all equal, protected interests of workers,
communist party, inspired by 1917 russian revolution,
organised a revolt in berlin 5 jan 1919,
freikorps shot rosa luxemburg and karl liebknetch
One effect of spartacists
gov authority ruined
1919 100k took over berlin wanting revolution
ebert asked freikorps and right wing to fight
betrayl of left wing
Another effect of spartacists
Inspired extremist parties
same as kapp putch
inspired other uprisings like kapp putch
french occupation of the ruhr → causes of hyper inflation/ruhr
1918 germany was bankrupt due to repreation payments and took loans from the french,
missed multiple payments until dec 1922,
jan 1923 belgium and french troops invaded ruhr bc its a income-generating area
another effect of invasion of ruhr
weimar gov paid striked workers
130mil marks in debt due to invasion of ruhr
paid on strike workers so french didnt benefit financially
workers damaged factories via arson → gov became popular
french occupation of the rhur, one effects of hyperinflation
occupation made germany loose income forcing them to print more money,
many workers went on strike, value of money fell,
1919-23 income was 1/4 of what it was
Who was Stresemann and what did he do?
became chancellor in 1923,
nov 1923 introduced rentenmark and the amount of money printed was tightly controlled,
1924 reichsbank was handed control of the new currency,
1924 reichsmark was replaced rentenmark ,
restored germanys financial systen
rentenmark effect 1
inflation halted
rentenmark effect 2
confidence in economy and gov restored
foreign countries traded with germany again
increased in weimar popularity: could control crisis
stressman felt empowered to ensure ecnomical stabilization
Dawes Plan (1924)
An arrangement negotiated in 1924 to reschedule German reparations payments,
usa loaned germany 800million gold marks,
reperation payments lowered to 1000 million marks for 5 years but increase to 2000 millio
, allies reviewed payment rate over time, french agreed to withdraw troops from rhur
allies took control of reichbank and railways
effect 1 dawes
germany economy recovered
effect 2 dawes
economic reliance on US
more usa loans = more reliance
1929 wall street crash america recalled loans → economic collapse of germany
Young Plan 1929
Reduces reparations by 75% and gives Germany 59 years to pay
Kelogg-Briand Pact (1928)
prevented future warfare by disallowed to use military force to settle disagreements,
62 countries involved,
showed improvements of relations with other countries,
germany included in the main powers again
League of Nations
An organization of nations formed after World War I to promote cooperation and peace without military force. sept 1926 stresseman persuaded the great powers to allow germany to join
Locarno Pact 1925
negotiated in switserland and signed in london, germany agreed to accept new western border, brought peace upon europe
Who is Bruning?
chancellor before adolf
Bruning tried to use his political decree to ban the SA, and the SS
When was the Germans' Worker Party formed?
formed in January 1919, by Anton Drexler
When did Hitler join the Germans' Worker Party?
September 1919
effect 1 of german worker party
became popular
1921 hitler became furhr or the party → good public speaking attracting members
many went against versailes, anti-communism
25 point programme popular → membership was 1000+ 1920
effect 2 of german party
Hitler set SA
ex-soliders agreed with anti-versailes stance and nationalistic ideals
joined 1921 → increase nazi strength
SA fought and interupted communist meetings
What is the "sturmabteilung"?
Adolf Hitler's storm troopers. led by Ernst Rohm
What was the Munich Putsch?
attempt by Hitler & Nazis to take control of local government in Bavaria and then march on Berlin
What happened after the Munich Putsch?
Hitler was arrested, sentenced to jail for 5 years but released after 9 months, trial made him famous, wrote Mein Kampf in jail
effect 1 of munich
increase in popularity
during trial hitlers speeches that attacked gov were publicised
ludendorf added respect to party
hitlers nationalistic beliefs were popular → 32 seats won 1924 under another name
effect 2 munich
hitler arrested
When was the ban on the Nazi party lifted?
febuary 1925
reorganisation of the party effect 1
hitler wantewd to win democratically
32 seats won in 1924
100k members in 1929
stressmans plans made party more attractive → 12 seats won 1928
effect 2 reorganisation of party
policies directed at voters
25 point programme promited nationalist ideals
goebells promoted antisemistism
hitler was a good speaker and aimed at many audiences with nazi organisation
Great Depression effect 1
people lost their jobs
50% of younger people lost jobs
business collapsed and US recalled their loans
chancellor bruning decreased unemployment benefits → little money and no job
Great Depression effect 2
Support for extremist parties increased
bruning increased taxes (unpopular)
had to use article 48 to govern → undermimg trust in weimar
german party benefitted 400k members now
nazis blamed jews → gained 107 seats 1930
Nazi methods to win support effect 1
voters enticed by hitler and propaganda
propaganda showed nazi ideals as appealing
hitler spoke at multiple rallies everyday
230 seats in 1932 election
Nazi methods to win support effect 2
SA brought power to nazis
400k members by 1930 → seemed strong at rallies
marched with flags showing nationalism → offered jobs to unemployed
disruption opposition meetings and intimidated people at voting poles
events of jan 1932-33
1932 hitler ran against hindenburg for president (lost)
von papen made coalition with nazis but resigned → nazis wanted to be main party
hidenburg didnt like hitler so Von Schleider was chancellor
von schleider lost support of reichtag after trying to suspend constution and set up military dictatorship
von papen persuaded hidenburg to make hitler chancellor and papen vice president
When did Hitler become Chancellor? How?
30th January 1933, he presented himself as a strong leader that was Germany's last hope
he also promised Germany a better future
What percentage of the vote did Hitler win in 1932?
37.9%, and 230 seats
What is the Reichstag Fire?
1933. The Communists are blamed , nazis blamed van der lubbes
control becomes more strict.
It carries out voter intimidation
effect 1 reichstag fire
hitler increased nazi support
van de lubbe (dutch communist) found with matches and blamed for fire
hitler claimed proof of communist revolution →4k communist leaders arrested
swift action was popular → 488 seats won in 1933 election
effect 2 reichstag fire
decree for protection of people and state passed
hitler passed it 28 feb → consolidates his power
police could search homes without trial and ban opposition meetings
ended freedom of speech
SDP arrested → nazis advantaged at elections
What day did the elections for a new Reichstag take place?
march 5th 1933
What is the Enabling Act?
March 1933, Nazis took used the SA and SS to intimidate Reichstag members into signing the Enabling Act,
allowed Hitler to make laws without consulting the Reichstag,
Hindenburg could not stop him under the Act,
Hitler could do anything he wanted
effect 1 of enabling act
ended democracy in weimar
reichtag only met 12 times
KDP banned from voting
effect 2 of enabling act
hitler was unopposed and greater control
hitler banned trade unions on 2nd may to avoid strikes and arrested opposition leaders
declared one party state 1933
appointed nazi state governors to make laws → local and national power
What is the Night of the Long Knives?
1934 Hitler arranged a meeting with Rohm and 100 other SA leaders whom he then arrested, imprisoned and shot
effect 1 of Night of the Long Knives?
hitler gained popularity from army, hindenburg and voters
sa thuggish, drunk and unpopular → army didnt want to join SA
arresting 200 SA officers → hitler showed he could make tough decisions
effect 2 of Night of the Long Knives?
hitler gained more control over SA
ernst rohm was accused of trying to usurp hitlers position
rohm executed → less risk of being overthrown
removed SA and removed people who didnt fit in the nazi regime (homos)
Ruhr decree
combined officies of chancellor and president
now control of third reich
Ruhr decree effect 1
Secured hitlers power
combined chancellor and president
couldnt be sacked or eradicated by weimar constitution
Fuhr decree effect 2
Hitler ensured loyalty
army soliders swore oaths to hitler
a plebicite gave a 90% agreement with decree
despite SA intimidating voters- some voted against it
When did President Hindenburg die?
2nd august 1934
What are the key forms of Nazi terror and control?
The SS, under Himmler's leadership the SS grew to hundreds of thousands
Concentration camps used to hold political prisoners
these prisoners were treated harshly and often worked to death.
effects of terror of police state
Nazis control over citizens
law was fascist : germans could be arrested without trial and opposition killed
himmler ran concentration camps
another effect of terror of police state
citizens scared of nazis
200k put in camps stirring fear
friends/neighbours couldnt be trusted → many reported to gestapo
every block had a leader who reported suspicious activity
Who was the Minister of Propaganda?
Joseph Goebbels
effect 1 of censorship
nazis censored opposing views
goebell stopped foreign news podcasts from being broadcasted on ratios
book burnings , gestapo searched for anti-nazi books
nazis controlled newspapers
effect 2 of censorship
citizens encouraged to follow aryan ideals
jazz music banned → seen as black music
art change to encourage nazi ideals → modern art banned for wewakening nazism
athletes selected to present aryan strength and superiority
propaganda effect 1
citizens thought hitler was infallible
ministry of propaganda gave hitler positive nazi stories on newspapers
goebells posters were simple but powerful
regular nazi parades and rallies → stir nationalism and loyalty
propaganda effect 2
citizens influenced without knowledge
1939 70% of germans had cheap radios with nazi ideals presented
flim and art had pro-nazi messages
famous german music, folk songs were played to increase nationalism
What were Nazi policies towards women?
contraception and abortion were banned and having large families were emphasized,
Law for Encouragement of Marriage provided loans to help young couples marry with the condition that the woman quit their job,
medals were given to women with large families- The German Women's Enterprise Organization trained women in household skills.
effect 1 on nazi policies on women
women encouraged to be good mothers
lebensborn programme got single women to bear children for SS men
effect 2 on nazi policies on women
ideals for women became traditional
women had more jobs in 1920 (20% of reichstag was female)
women encouraged not to wear makeup
conservatives values introduced
What were Nazi Youth Movements?
Nazi Youth was founded in 1933, Nazis banned all youth groups (other than those in Catholic Church)
in 1939, the law became stricter and membership became compulsory, kids were taught about the importance of competition and racial purity-
by 1939, 8 million young people were members
effect 1 of policies towords children
children learnt about hitler and became finatics
school syllabus changed to be pro-nazi
indoctrinated on racial purity → grew to become good nazis
effect 2 of policies towords children
children encouraged to be good soliders and mothers
PE lessons for boys to be trained to be army soldiers
girls learnt domestic science to be ideal wives
performed military drills
When was the Concordat signed?
20th July 1933-
allowed hitler to increase his power without the church's interference
bishops had to swear loyalty to nazi regime and nazi-fused christianity
effect 1 on policies towords church
added legitamacy to hitler
looked like hitler respected christian traditions
1933 reichbishop muller displayed nazi flags in churches
effect 2 on policies towords church
churches lost their influence to nazis
1937 hitler cut funding for catholics, seizing property and spying on church organizations
protestants revolted → executed
hitler wanted to replace god →1939 5% of germans believed in god
1933 steralization law passed
people with mental disabilites
700k steralized
What was the Nuremberg Laws?
1935 -
stripped Jews of German citizenship,
prohibited marriage between Jew and Non Jew or Aryans → sent to concentration camps
jews had to have identification cards
What did the Reich Law state?
stated only people of German were considered German citizens,
meant that Jews could no longer vote in elections or hold a German passport.
effect 1 of racial policies
undesirables purged
steralization law
nuremburg laws
ban of intermarrige
effect 2 of racial policies
public encouraged to hate untermenschen
propaganda presented jews as corrupt
nazis encouraged boycott of jewish shops
What was the Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht)
a general attack by the SA against Jewish stores and synagogues across Germany in 1938
How did Hitler reduce unemployment?
money was spent on public works such as the autobahn, conscription was introduced and the rearming of Germany led to the growth of heavy industry
What is Strength Through Joy (KDF)?
made to run activities for workers in their leisure time, intention was to create satisfied workers who would work harder and become more productive at work.
What is Beauty of Labor (SDA)?
responsible for improving working conditions and encouraged employers to provide canteens serving hot meals, and sport leisure facilities.
effect 1 of policies towords unemployment
unemployment reduced
1933 4.8mil to 0.5mil 1938
jobs created by women and forced jewish out
trade unions replaced by labour front → no dispute on pay and forced unemployed into employment
effect 2 of policies towords unemployment
germany preparing for war
hitler wanted germany to be self-sufficient and ready for war
army from 100k 1933 to 900k in 1939 → demand for equipment
plastic production increased by 406% → created more jobs
What is genocide, as practiced by the Nazis?
the deliberate extermination of a specific group of people
What is ghettoization?
portion of city in which members of a minority group live because of social, legal, or economic pressure-immigrants and blacks compete for scarce jobs and resources-
Germans called the Ghettos, 'Jewish Quarters'
Effect 1 of ghettos
Jews suffered
jews crammed into ‘jewish corners’ in cities with poor housing
4k died in 1941 bc diasease/starvation
food restricted
Effect 2 of ghettos
jews transported to concentration camps
250k jews from warsaw taken to camps in east poland
6 mil jews died in holocaust
When was the Final Solution?
january 1942
effects 1 of final solution
jaws forced into labour in concentration camps
those fit enough worked to death with bad accomodation
forced to work in feilds to help in war
subjected to experimentation and beatings
effects 2 of final solution
undesirables unfit were exterminated
1942 nazis killed 6 mil
5 mil were gypsies, homos, priest , disabled
propaganda used to show concentration camps were in good conditions
effect 1 changing role of women
encouraged to join workforce
1941 goering ordered childless women to work
total war declared 1943 all women 17-45 registed for work
60% of workforce was women
effect 2 changing role of women
women helped with war effort
total war led to war-driven economy → 500k working women
many were auxilaties → operating anti-aircraft guns
propaganda encouraged to see soviets as brutes
When did the Germans invade the Soviet Union?
June 1941
How many citizens did the Einsatzgruppen murder in the Soviet Union?
1.2 million civilians in the Soviet Union by 1943