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Activity (BPMN / Processes)
A task or piece of work performed in a business process. In BPMN, depicted as a rounded rectangle labeled with an imperative verb (e.g., Check credit limit).
Any entity (person, department, machine, or software) performing tasks (activities) within a business process.
AddressNL (Specialized Object Type)
An example of specialization in data modeling where Dutch addresses (postal code + street number) are stored as a special subtype of a more general Address type, enabling region-specific logic.
Advanced Planning Systems (APS)
Tools providing sophisticated planning, scheduling, and optimization—often in in-memory databases—for rapid or interactive decision-making. APS typically complements or integrates with ERP systems, handling tasks like constraint-based scheduling, multi-site planning, or “what-if” analyses.
Aggregation (Data operation)
A database operation (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT) applied across groups of rows. In BPMN/data modeling, “aggregation” can also refer to an open-diamond UML association, indicating a part-of relationship where parts can exist independently of the whole.
Allocation (of Materials)
The act of reserving required components in the warehouse for a specific manufacturing order (work order), preventing them from being used in other orders.
AND Gateway (Parallel Gateway) (BPMN)
A diamond with a plus sign (+), splitting one flow into several parallel paths or merging parallel paths back into one (AND split / AND join). Both or all paths proceed simultaneously.
AND Join / AND Split
AND Split: Splits the process into multiple parallel flows (all proceed). AND Join: Merges multiple parallel flows into a single flow, waiting until all have arrived.
Append-Only (Data Warehouse)
A principle in which data is only added, never overwritten or deleted, preserving historical snapshots (e.g., older records remain intact for analysis).
Application Service Provision (ASP)
A deployment model in which ERP software is run on third-party hardware, but each customer keeps a separate copy of the ERP system. Multiple customers share the release/service packs, simplifying some application management. Upgrades must be synchronized among customers using the same environment.
As-Built vs. As-Maintained Items
As-Built: the exact product configuration leaving manufacturing. As-Maintained: the updated configuration after field service or modifications. Common in industries where products undergo continuous upgrades over their life.
Authorization (in EIS)
Mechanisms controlling which users or roles can access specific data or functions in an EIS (e.g., which employees can see customer credit limits). Spans all layers—data, logic, processes, UI—to enforce security and proper access.
Batch Processing (Planning)
Running large-scale computations (e.g., MRP) offline or overnight to avoid affecting daytime performance. Results are available the next morning, limiting real-time interaction.
Bill-of-Material (BOM)
A structured list of components required to build a parent item, with quantities per parent unit. Can be single-level (direct components only) or multi-level (recursively listing components of components).
Bolt-On (Extension)
A COTS or custom-built product integrated alongside ERP to provide additional functions. Requires an interface and often disables overlapping ERP functionality. Examples: specialized payroll, advanced warehouse modules, or third-party analytics software.
BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation)
A standardized graphical notation for modeling business processes. Includes symbols for activities (rounded rectangles), events (circles), gateways (diamonds), flows (arrows), swim lanes, etc.
Business Logic (in EIS)
The set of rules, calculations, validations, and automations that handle data or processes in an enterprise system. E.g., credit checks, computing totals, automatic triggers when thresholds are met.
Business Object
Any “thing” (material, employee, equipment, patient, etc.) an organization tracks. In UML or relational modeling, it corresponds to an entity/class or a table for storing relevant attributes (e.g., Product, Order, Customer).
Business Object Model
A conceptual or UML-based representation of object types, attributes, and relationships that structure how data is stored and processed in an enterprise system.
Business Process
A set of coordinated activities transforming inputs into outputs of value, often crossing departmental boundaries. Triggered by an event (e.g., receiving an RFQ), it repeats each time the event occurs.
Business Process Management (Type of Work)
Overseeing, designing, and improving cross-functional processes. Often supported by Workflow Management Systems or BPMN modeling.
Capacity Unit (Work Center)
A resource (machine, workstation, labor pool) where specific manufacturing operations are performed. Routings link items to capacity units.
Cardinality / Multiplicity (UML)
The notation specifying how many instances on one side of an association relate to instances on the other side. Examples: 1, *, [0..1], [1..n].
Change of Deployment (ERP)
Switching from On-Premise to ASP or SaaS. Typically lowers IT infrastructure costs but may restrict modifications (especially under SaaS).
Change of Scope (ERP)
Shifting from single-site to multi-site coverage (or vice versa), requiring re-configuration, possible data migration, and organizational adjustments.
Change-Over Times (APS)
The time or cost to switch a resource from producing one item to another, factoring into sequence optimization in advanced planning or scheduling.
Cloud-Based Manufacturing (CMfg)
A model using cloud computing to support manufacturing operations, potentially distributing tasks, data, or workloads across remote servers. Mentioned in Section 8.2.1 (not elaborated in the excerpt).
Collaboration (BPMN)
BPMN concept where multiple pools (e.g., Customer and Supplier) exchange message flows (dashed lines) representing inter-organizational communication.
Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
Ready-made software solutions sold to the general public (e.g., specialized payroll or CRM apps). Often “bolted on” to ERP via interfaces if the ERP’s native functions are insufficient.
Commercial Order (Sales/Purchase)
A formal agreement between a buyer and supplier, typically with multiple order lines specifying product, quantity, price, and due date. In B2C, simpler orders; in B2B, more complexity (discounts, terms).
Composition (UML)
A strong “part-of” relationship (closed diamond) where parts cannot exist independently once the main object is deleted. E.g., Work Order Operations are fully contained by a Work Order.
Configuration (ERP)
Parameter settings (e.g., enabling modules, customizing screens) that adapt a standard ERP package to an organization without editing source code.
Configuration Management
A structured process for handling changes to a system (like ERP or product designs) with versioning, statuses, and variant tracking (related to status/version/variant from document management).
Configurator (Configuration Rules)
The logic or software tool that translates parameter choices (e.g., pizza toppings, T-shirt colors) into a final BOM or specification, enforcing constraints and deriving correct quantities.
Consistency (Data)
Maintaining non-contradictory records across different modules or systems (e.g., same address for a customer in Sales and in Finance).
An ambiguous term: sometimes used for configuration, other times meaning source code changes or new functionalities. In this syllabus, replaced by clearer terms: configuration, extension, or modification.
Customer-Specific Item
An item with no base standard design (e.g., unique art or custom shipbuilding). Contrasts with customizable items that start from a known family and have open-ended parameters.
Data Integration
Ensuring multiple systems (e.g., Finance, Sales, Logistics) share consistent data structures. In UML, often done via class diagrams linking common object types (Customer, Debtor, Product, etc.).
Data Migration
Transferring data from one version/structure (e.g., old ERP release) to another. Common in major upgrades or scope changes.
Data Object (BPMN)
A rectangle with a folded corner symbol in BPMN, representing documents or information used or produced by activities within a process.
Data Redundancy
Storing the same data in multiple places (Finance vs. Sales), risking inconsistency. Integration aims to reduce redundancy by using shared structures or references.
Data Warehouse
A repository storing historical, often de-normalized data, used for analytical and managerial reporting (OLAP), separate from transactional (ERP) databases.
Decision Support Systems
Computer-based systems (like APS, or specialized tools) for assisting managers in what-if analyses, scenario testing, or structured decision-making.
Deployment Options (ERP)
On-Premise: run ERP in-house. ASP: each customer has their own copy hosted by a third party. SaaS: all customers share one code base in the cloud, disallowing direct source modifications.
Derived Data
Columns or fields computed from others (e.g., Profit = (UnitPrice – UnitCost) × Quantity). In a transactional DB, typically calculated on the fly; in a data warehouse, often stored for quick reporting.
Discrete Products
Products manufactured in countable units (cars, buckets) rather than continuous processes (chemicals, oil). Typically have BOMs and routings, tracked in item-based inventory.
Document Management (Type of Work)
Managing the creation, revision, and storage of complex documents (CAD, contracts). Can involve PDM/EDM systems.
Double Bookkeeping (Historical Context)
The origin of EIS, from 13th-century financial accounting, focusing on debits and credits in an organization’s ledger. Over centuries, it evolved into modern integrated ERP solutions covering non-financial data.
Effectivity Date (BOM, Items)
Specifies when a particular BOM line or item revision is valid, enabling engineering changes (e.g., Use new part after Jan 1).
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
Systems or methods (like WfMS) that unify disparate IT applications (ERP, legacy DBs, spreadsheets) within a single integrated workflow or data-exchange scheme.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Integrated software that manages transaction processing across functional areas (Finance, Logistics, Manufacturing, HR), providing a central business object model.
ERP Implementation
The process of installing, configuring, and possibly extending/modifying ERP to fit an organization. Large, complex projects due to numerous parameters, cross-department alignment, data migration, user training, etc.
ERP Upgrade (Minor vs. Major)
Minor Upgrade: small changes (patches, service packs) not altering data structures. Major Upgrade: large changes adding or removing features, possibly altering data structures and requiring re-configuration, data migration, retesting modifications/extensions.
Event (BPMN / Processes)
Something that happens instantaneously, can trigger or end a process (start/end events). Symbolized by a circle in BPMN.
Extension (ERP)
Adding functionality on top of ERP without altering core source code. Examples: user exits (APIs), bolt-on COTS, data warehousing modules, extra custom reports.
Family Item (Product Family)
A conceptual grouping of closely related products sharing many attributes but having unspecified parameters (features) that vary among variants.
Financial Bookkeeping Implications
Movements of inventory into WIP or finished goods during production are reflected in accounting. E.g., Materials → Work-In-Process → Finished Goods, with corresponding changes in ledger accounts.
Functional Area (Department)
A major organizational unit (Sales, Purchasing, HR, etc.) specialized in a particular scope of work.
Gateway (BPMN)
A diamond shape controlling the flow split/merge in BPMN. AND Gateway: parallel paths. XOR Gateway: conditional or exclusive paths. Ensures clarity for parallel or branching logic.
Generated_from Relationship
A variant is “generated from” a family item once parameters are assigned. Differs from UML’s IS_A, which handles type inheritance.
A UML concept (also called IS_A) where a subtype inherits attributes from a supertype. E.g., “Bedroom” → “Double Bedroom.” Not to be confused with parameter-based variant modeling.
Gozinto (BOM)
Colloquial name for the BOM table capturing “what goes into what.” Lists each parent–component relationship plus quantity per parent.
Heterogeneous ERP Environments
Using multiple ERP instances (often from different vendors or versions), typically following mergers or acquisitions. Creates complex data-integration challenges.
Human Resources (HR)
A functional area responsible for employee data, payroll, competencies, recruitment, etc. In integrated ERP, shares data with other modules (Finance, etc.).
Inbound Process (Warehousing)
Activities receiving goods, unloading, inspecting, updating WMS/ERP about arrivals. Possibly includes temporary storage before final put-away.
In-Memory Database (APS)
A fast data storage approach (RAM-based) enabling rapid planning or optimization in APS. Much faster than traditional relational DB queries for large-scale “what-if” analyses.
Inspection Operation
A step in manufacturing or warehousing to verify quality before final acceptance or movement of items (e.g., from WIP to finished goods).
Interface (ERP / External)
A mechanism for data exchange between ERP and external systems (e.g., CRM, WMS, APS). Must be version-compatible, thoroughly tested after upgrades.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Interconnection of physical devices embedded with electronics, sensors, software, and network connectivity, enabling data exchange and often real-time monitoring/control.
Inventory Control (Warehousing / LSP)
Monitoring stock levels, reordering, repackaging, or other tasks ensuring products are stored properly and remain in the right quantity at the right time.
IS_A (UML Relation)
The generalization/specialization mechanism in UML. A “Human” supertype can have “Employee” and “Student” as subtypes. Contrasts with the generated_from concept for family variants.
Issue (of Materials)
The transaction removing materials from warehouse inventory and placing them in WIP (work-in-process) for manufacturing. Accounting moves value from inventory to WIP.
Item (Standard Item)
A general term for any product, subassembly, or raw material recognized in manufacturing. Typically has a BOM, routing, and inventory records if discrete.
KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
A measurable value indicating performance or success of a process (e.g., lead time, cost, quality level). Often used in WfMS or APS to track improvements.
Layered Architecture (EIS)
Structuring EIS in separate layers—data management, business logic, process support, user support—each building on the previous. E.g., a client-server approach or 3-tier with database, application, and presentation layers.
Life-Cycle Model (States / Transitions)
Depicts how an object (product, reel, order) moves through states (e.g., Planned → Released → Delivered). Each transition is typically a transaction in the ERP.
Logistics Information Systems
Systems managing info in organizations with physical goods flow (factories, wholesalers, logistics providers). Often revolve around ERP plus specialized modules (WMS, TMS).
Logistics Planning Work (Type of Work)
Involves setting priorities for flows of physical goods, commonly supported by APS and scheduling algorithms.
Logistics Service Provider (LSP)
A transporter or warehouse provider offering extended services like storage, inventory control, packaging, labeling—going beyond basic transport.
Lot Size (Lₒ)
The batch quantity to be produced under a manufacturing order. Used with run time to compute total operation time.
Major Upgrade (ERP)
A significant release from the ERP vendor that changes data structures, parameter sets, or user interaction. Often requires data migration, re-implementation, re-testing of extensions and modifications.
Matching Gates Principle (BPMN)
A best practice to pair split and join gateways of the same type. For example, an AND split should eventually converge with an AND join to maintain clarity of parallel paths.
Material Requirements Planning (MRP I)
Algorithm calculating net requirements for components based on a master schedule of finished products, offset by lead times and inventory on hand.
Manufacturing Order (Work Order)
An internal instruction to produce a certain item in a certain quantity by a due date, typically derived from standard BOM and routing. Steps: Planned → Scheduled → Released → Delivered (Closed).
Master Production Schedule (MPS)
A high-level plan specifying which finished products must be made, in what quantities, and when—drives MRP calculations.
Message Flow (BPMN)
A dashed arrow with an open arrowhead connecting separate pools (organizations) in BPMN, representing communication (e.g., “Send RFQ to vendor”).
Minor Upgrade (ERP)
Small changes (service packs, patches) that do not alter the data model or parameter sets, typically requiring inspection/testing but no major re-configuration or data migration.
Modification (ERP)
Altering the ERP vendor’s source code (non-vanilla). Raises complexity, testing requirements, and can reduce vendor support.
Multi-Site Implementation (ERP Scope)
Covering multiple physical locations (plants, warehouses) in one ERP setup, sharing data and processes. More complex than separate single-site solutions because cross-site transactions must be configured.
NDC/RDC (Distribution Centers)
NDC (National Distribution Center): Usually stores large volumes. RDC (Regional Distribution Center): Often handles cross docking or regional consolidation.
Normalization (Database)
Structuring data in separate tables to avoid redundancy and anomalies. Common in transactional/ERP contexts, but can complicate managerial reporting due to scattered data.
Object Instance
A specific occurrence of an object type (e.g., Room 112 as an instance of Double Bedroom).
Object Life Cycle
The states an object goes through over time (e.g., a reel: full → partial → leftover → empty), each transition typically recorded as a transaction.
Object Model (Data Structure Diagram)
A UML or conceptual diagram depicting how business objects (classes) relate. Often used to define the schema for transaction-processing.
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
Tools for large-scale data analysis (e.g., cubes, dimensions) that handle aggregated/historical data, typically from a data warehouse.
OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)
Systems (like ERP) designed for fast real-time transaction handling. Emphasizes concurrency, data integrity, normalized structures.
On-Premise (OP) (ERP Deployment)
The classical model where the organization installs ERP on its own servers/hardware, retaining full responsibility for upgrades, security, etc.
Option (Parameter Value)**
A discrete value (e.g., color=red, size=M) for a given feature/parameter in a product family.
Order Line (Sales/Purchase)
A specific line in a commercial order referencing a particular product, quantity, price, due date.
Parameter (Feature)
An attribute that partially defines a product variant (e.g., color, size, length). The parameter is assigned an option for each variant.