Boreal Forest (Taiga)
cold snowy winters, short growing season
ex: coniferous trees
Subtropical Desert
Extremely hot and dry all year
ex: cacti
temperate grassland/cold desert
Cold, harsh winters and hot, dry summers
ex:grasses and flowers
temperate rainforest
moderate temperatures and high precipitation
ex: coastal redwoods
temperate seasonal forest
warm summers and cold winters, high rainfall
ex: deciduous trees
tropical rainforest
very warm and very wet
ex: lianas
tropical seasonal forest/savanna
very warm temperatures and distinct wet/dry seasons
ex: acacia tree
coldest region on earth
ex: lichen
hot dry summers and mild rainy winters
ex: scrub oak
rivers and streams
- may start from a snow melt
- the slope of a landscape determines the direction and speed of the water flow
- organisms must be able to withstand the constant water current
- biological communities change along the course of this biome from source to mouth
lakes and ponds
- this biome is an inland body of standing water
- the top later of this biome often freezes during the winter
- the limnetic zone of this biome is the area of open water that is well lit
- thermal stratification in this biome creates a thermocline at certain depths
freshwater wetlands
- bogs included in this biome
- in this biome areas of land are saturated with fresh water
- plant species that grow here include duckweed, cattails and sedge
- the Florida everglades are an example of this biome
salt marshes
- this biome contains non-woody emergent vegetation
- this is one of the most productive biomes int he world
- this biome includes estuaries: semi enclosed ares where rivers meet oceans
- many species of fish use this biome as nurseries for their young
intertidal zone
- this biome is a narrow band on shore where ocean meets land
- orgnaisms living in this biome must be able to survive constant changes in tides and waves
- this biome is divided into three zones: high tide, mid tide, and low tide
- mussels, sea stars and anemones are common animals in this biome
coral reefs
- the worlds largest example of this biome is off the east coast of Australia
- the dominant organisms in this biome are soft bodied animals that secret a stone-like framework
- the animal polyps for which this biome is named have a mutualistic relationship with algae
- this biome is very sensitive to climate change and acidic water, which can lead to bleaching
open ocean
- this biome included three zones: photic, aphotic, and benthic
- animals in the photic zone of this biome include fish, sea turtles, and jellyfish and Wales
- any species of fish, octopus and squid live int he benthic zone of this biome
- deepest region of this biome, the aphotic zone, is very dark but contains organisms that can generate their own light