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System requirement
A characteristic or feature that must be included in an information system to satisfy business requirements and be acceptable to users.
Requirements engineering
Used in the systems planning phase of the SDLC. It involves fact-finding to describe the current system and identify the requirements for the new system.
Gathering requirements
Understanding the problem.
Representing requirements
Describing the problem.
Validating and verifying requirements
Agreeing on the problem.
Requirements definitions
A description of the system requirements from the user's point of view.
Requirements specifications
A description of the system requirements from the analyst or engineering team's point of view.
Functional requirement
A statement of the services a system provides.
Example of functional requirement
Each input form must include the date, time, product code, customer number, and quantity.
Non-functional requirement
A statement of operational system constraints, also known as quality attributes.
Example of non-functional requirement
Response time must be four seconds at most, the system should work on Windows and Mac platforms.
Requirements Challenges
3 of the most important challenges are imprecision, agreement, and creep.
Natural language is expressive but prone to misinterpretation; different stakeholders may disagree on simple requirements.
Challenge: stakeholders agreeing on meanings; requirements should be complete and consistent, but hard to fully achieve.
Business changes lead to more requirements over time; Agile methods handle evolving requirements better than traditional methods.
A characteristic of a system implying that it can be expanded, modified, or downsized easily to meet the rapidly changing needs of a business enterprise.
All-important for today's networked systems.
Total cost of ownership
Includes all future operational and support costs.
Joint application development (JAD)
A systems development technique that uses a task force of users, managers, and IT professionals who work together to gather information, discuss business needs, and define the new system requirements.
JAD Project Leader
Facilitates sessions, manages agenda.
Rapid application development (RAD)
A team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system.
RAD is similar in concept to joint application development (JAD) but includes all phases of the systems development life cycle (SDLC).
Iterative Development
Breaks project into smaller phases, each lasting weeks to months.
User Involvement
Users are actively involved throughout the process.
Builds working models to gather feedback and refine designs.
Each phase has a fixed time frame for rapid progress.
Development team works closely together, often in the same space.
Uses prebuilt components to speed up development.
Continuous Integration/Testing
Frequent integration and testing for quality.
Requirements planning phase
A phase that combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of the SDLC.
User design phase
In this phase, users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.
Construction phase
A phase focused on program and application development tasks similar to the SDLC.
Cutover phase
A phase that resembles the final tasks in the SDLC implementation phase, including data conversion, testing, changeover to the new system, and user training.
Agile methods
Systems development methods that attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.
A popular technique for agile project management derived from a rugby term, where team members play specific roles and interact in intense sessions.
Requirements elicitation
The process of gathering requirements.
The process of gathering requirements.
A planned meeting during which information is obtained from another person.
Leading questions
Queries that suggest or favor a particular reply.
Open-ended questions
Queries that provide a range of answers, encouraging spontaneous and unstructured responses.
Close-ended questions
Queries that limit or restrict the range of responses, used when specific information or fact verification is desired.
Range-of-response questions
Closed-ended questions that ask a person to evaluate something by providing limited answers to specific responses or on a numeric scale.
Engaged listening
The ability to concentrate on what someone is saying and avoid the temptation to hear what is expected, including noticing nonverbal communication.
Document review
A review of baseline documentation, a useful fact-finding technique that helps an analyst understand how the current system is supposed to work.
A fact-finding technique in which an analyst sees a system in action, allowing the verification of statements made in interviews.
Hawthorne Effect
A phenomenon in which employees who know they are being observed are more productive.
Questionnaire (survey)
A document containing several standard questions that can be sent to many individuals.
Fill-in form
A template used to collect data on the Internet or a company intranet
A fact-finding technique for gaining information through a small group discussion of a specific problem, opportunity, or issue
Structured brainstorming
A group discussion in which each participant speaks when it is their turn or passes
Unstructured brainstorming
A group discussion in which any participant can speak at any time
A process in which an analyst collects examples of actual documents, including records, reports, or various forms
Systematic sampling
A sample that occurs at a predetermined periodicity. For example, every tenth customer record might be selected as a systematic sample for review
Stratified sample
A sample in which a set metric is collected across functional areas. For example, a certain percentage of transactions from every work shift, or five customers from each of four postal codes, could be a stratified sample
Random sample
A selection taken in an arbitrary, unplanned manner—for example, a sample that selects any 20 customers
An important fact-finding technique that includes reviewing journals, periodicals, and books to obtain background information, technical material, and news about industry trends and developments
Site visit
A trip to a physical location to observe a system in use there
Iterative and Incremental
Requirements gathered gradually with each software increment
Frequent communication between the team and stakeholders (e.g., daily stand-ups, sprint reviews)
Requirements evolve and adapt as the project progresses
Backlog Management
User stories are prioritized and updated in a backlog for each sprint
Validation & Verification
Requirements are checked and refined during sprints to ensure they meet stakeholder needs
In an agile project, a simple, high-level statement of a requirement
User stories
In an agile project, a set of more refined requirements derived from features
In an agile project, a real-world example of how users will interact with the system
In an agile project, a simple graphic organizer that helps systems analysts visualize the status of a project
Functional decomposition diagram (FDD)
A top-down representation of business functions and processes. Also called a structure chart
The overall diagram in business process modeling notation (BPMN)
Swim lanes
In a business process diagram, the overall diagram is called a pool, and the designated customer areas are called swim lanes
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
A widely used method of visualizing and documenting software systems design. UML uses object-oriented design concepts, but it is independent of any specific programming language and can be used to describe business processes and requirements generally
A dialect of UML used for representing requirements (and other things), primarily in Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) applications
Use case diagram
A visual representation of the interaction between users and the information system in UML
An external entity with a specific role. In a use case diagram, actors model interaction with the system
Sequence diagram
A UML diagram that shows the timing of transactions between objects during system execution
Validation and verification (V&V)
The process of ensuring that system requirements are complete, accurate, consistent, and aligned with stakeholder needs and expectations
Productivity software
Applications such as word processing, spreadsheet, database management, and presentation graphics programs
Personal information manager (PIM)
A tool that helps manage tasks and schedules. Many handheld devices also include this function
A standard tool for showing the distribution of questionnaires or sampling results. It takes the form of a vertical bar chart
A standard tool for showing the distribution of questionnaires or sampling results. It takes the form of a vertical bar chart