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1905 Revolution
First revolution to overthrow the czar in Russia.
Bloody Sunday
Massacre of peaceful protesters by Tsar's guard.
State Duma
Legislative body established after the 1905 Revolution.
March 1917 Revolution
Revolution triggered by military failures and strikes.
Provisional Government
Temporary government formed after the March Revolution.
Alexander Kerensky
Leader of the Provisional Government in Russia.
Leader of the Bolsheviks, returned from exile.
Councils representing workers' interests in Russia.
Land, Bread, Peace
Bolshevik slogan promising reforms to peasants.
New Economic Policy
Lenin's policy allowing small private businesses.
Czarist Russia
Autocratic rule with no political freedoms.
Nicholas II
Last czar of Russia, ruled from 1894-1917.
Mystic who influenced the Russian royal family.
Whites vs Reds
Civil war factions: anti-communists vs communists.
Leader who purged educated individuals in USSR.
Merging individual farms into collective farms.
Labor camps in the Soviet Union.
Authoritarian nationalism opposing Marxism and communism.
Italian dictator who established fascism.
Lateran Pacts
Agreement between Mussolini and the Vatican.
March on Rome
1922 event leading to Mussolini's rise to power.
Peter the Great
Tsar who modernized Russia in the 18th century.
Radical socialist group led by Lenin.
Moderate faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party.
Lenin's ally and later opponent of Stalin.
Mein Kampf
Hitler's autobiography outlining his ideology.
Beer Hall Putsch
Failed coup attempt by Hitler in 1923.
Weimar Republic
Democratic government in Germany post-WWI.
Rapid increase in prices in post-WWI Germany.
Tripartite Pact
1940 alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan.
Region invaded by Japan in 1931.
Rape of Nanking
Mass killings committed by Japan in China.
Dawes Plan
US plan to help Germany with reparations.
Kellogg-Briand Pact
1928 agreement to outlaw war.
Spanish Civil War
Conflict between Republicans and Nationalists in Spain.
Francisco Franco
Fascist dictator of Spain from 1939.
King Alfonso XIII
King of Spain overthrown in 1931.
Wealthy peasants resisting collectivization.
Government with total control over society.
Symbol of authority in fascist ideology.
Haile Selassie
Emperor of Ethiopia during Italian invasion.
Social Revolutionaries
Political movement aiming to overthrow the czar.
Stimson Doctrine
US policy refusing to recognize territorial changes.
Nazi Party
Political party led by Hitler in Germany.
Ruler with absolute power, like a czar.
War Communism
Economic system during the Russian Civil War.
East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
Japan's plan to dominate Asia.