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Population Size
equals population size at time + the number of births + number of imigrants - number of deaths - number of emigrants
Geometric growth
Exponential growth from one discrete time period to the next in organisms reproducing in synchrony at regular time intervals
Exponential Growth
change in the size of a population of a species with continuous reproduction by a constant proportion at each instant in time
Density-independent factors
Their effects on population size or growth rate are independent of the number of indivduals in the population
Density-dependent factors
Their effects are dependent on the number of individuals in the population
Example of Denisty-Dependent Factors
Amount of resources, habitat influence population size, birthm, death, and dispersal rates change as density of population changes. As density increases, birth rates decrease, death rates incresase, and dispersal increases which all tend to decrease population size
Logistic Growth
Models denisty dependent population growth; when density are low, logistic growth is similar to exponential growth. On the other hand, when density increases, growth rate approaches zero as population is near the carrying capacity
Logistic vs Exponential
As both do begin growing rapidly, logistic tend to slow down when reaching carrying capacity while exponential growth continues to grow rapidly.
Life table
A cohort life table follows the fate of a group of individuals all born at the same time, including survivorship of individuals from birth to age X, Fecundity which is the average number of offspring produced per surviving adult per age class, and a net reproductive rate due to the Survivorship x Fecundity
How to find population growth through geometric growth
Population size after # generations x geometric population growth
How to find population growth through exponential growth
Population size at each instant in time x exponential growth rate
How to find population size at each instant in time
Original population x e^ (exponential population growth rate x time)