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Light Microscopy
visible range 0.4 - 0.7 micrometer (0.5 bacteria)
limitations: molecules of low abundance in the cell cant be seen
Resolution and Wavelength
resolution limit dependent on which wavelength of light is used
smaller wavelength of light can enable visibility of small objects
resolution = ~0.5(wavelength)
alpha (light microscopy)
angular aperture (half angle) of the cone of light entering the objective lens
N (light microscopy)
refractive index of the medium between the specimen and the objective lens
differential staining for light microscopy
malachite green, sudan black, coomassie blue, eosin
stain for light microscopy, which binds to the acidic cytoplasmic contents, including RNA and side chains of acidic amino acids
binds Arginine rich nucleoprotein complexes and basic proteins
mostly stains nucleus blue
Fluorescent Microscopy
purpose: used for detection of specific proteins or other molecules
fluorescent dyes covalently bind to any antibody (incubate sample with primary antibody, wash away unbound, incubate with fluorochrome conjugated secondary antibody, observe)
resolution = ~20nm
two filters used, one which allows only light of a specific wavelength
Fluorescent Proteins
GFP (beta can structure)
can be helpful in studies and for diagnostic purposes
Phase Contrast Microscopy
resolution affected by interference whose amplitude is reduced
examination of live cells and their movements
exploits the difference in the phase of light passing through different regions of the specimen
differential interference contrast microscopy
technique that introduces contrast to images of specimens which have little or no contrast when viewed using brightfield microscopy, have a pseudo 3D-effect
confocal scanning microscopy
light/lase used for making virtual slices to create a 3D image (computer generated)
for specimens which cannot be sliced into sections
electron microscopy (em)
resolution is limited by wavelength of light
use electrons due to their much shorter wavelength, allowing for significantly higher resolution imaging
transmission electron microscopy (tem)
A high-energy electron beam passes through a thin sample.
The transmitted electrons are focused to form an image with atomic-level resolution
scanning electron microscopy (sem)
A focused electron beam scans the surface of the sample.
dependent on surface angles (texture)
Secondary or backscattered electrons are detected to produce detailed 3D surface images
specimen is fixed (freeze fractured), dried and coated with thin layer of heavy metal
creates a metal replica which is what’s used in the SEM
used to study surfaces of whole cells and tissues
biochemical analysis limitations
use of protease in cell sorting
dissolves cell-cell connection and connective tissueu
use of EDTA in cell sorting
weakens cell-cell adhesion and prevents aggregation
(binds and traps cations which are essential for cell-cell adhesion)
separates bio entities by size and density utilizing different speeds
cell sorter
specific cell types (COI) labeled with antibodies conjugated to fluorescent dye get negatively charged
charged cells get deflected by a strong electric field into an appropriate container
can select 1/1000 cells at 5000 cells per second
keeps cells alive
cell culture
observe and analyze growing cells
provide solid surface for growth as most tissue cells are not adapted to living in suspension
primary cultures
cultures prepared directly from tissue
secondary cultures
sub-cultured primary cultures
cell line
a population of cultured cells
contact inhibition
point where there is no more room for cells to grow
loss of contact inhibition, growth on top of one another, uncontrolled proliferation
immortal cell line
indefinitely propagated but still grow monolayer
transformed cell lines
population of cells that have undergone genetic or epigenetic changes, allowing them to bypass normal growth controls, including contact inhibition
obtained by tumor inducing virus/chemicals
can be stored in liquid N indefinitely
rudimentary organ grown outside of the body
intestinal adult stem cells cultured in 3D matrix can form intestinal organoids
so far developed include
brain, intestine, stomach, kidney, heart, tongue
limited to development seen in fetus but not to adult
can be helpful in testing drugs
cell fractionation
cells can be fractionated into its functioning organelles and macromolecules
broken cells aren’t alive but can/should maintain biological activity
derived from ER following cell disruption, bc ER is so membranous, when the cell breaks so will the ER
cell disruption
can be due to ultrasonic vibration, osmotic shock or grinding and leads to cell homogenate
differential centrifugation
cell homogenate processed by successive ultracentrifugation’s at different speeds
cell components are separated based on size and density
each fraction can be further purified by repeated centrifugations
rate zonal centrifugation
separates things further than that in differential centrifugation
by virtue of a difference in their sedimentation rates. The rate at which the particles sediment depends on their size, shape, and density and also depends on the density and viscosity at each point in the gradient.
cell free systems
fractionated cell homogenates that maintain a biological function
determination of the function of different cell components
allows study of biological process free from other side reactions
purification of proteins
purpose: to isolate one protein from a mixture of proteins (ideally biologically active) in preparative mode
biological assay
purpose: to uniquely identify the protein of interest in the collected fractions during purifications
(detection does not mean isolated/pruified)
Bio Assay TBP
will bind to radiolabeled double stranded DNA containing TATAWAW sequence
Bio Assay Catalase
may be identified by its ability to produce fructose from sucrose
Bio Assay FP
shining a UV lamp on tested
Analytical Purification Technique
informative and diagnostic
likely not provide protein in biologically active state or sufficient quantities for further quantities
Preparative Purification Techniques
informative and provide biologically active molecules and sufficient quantities for further experiments
Partition Chromatography
analytical techniques
used to separate small molecules
principle: separation is based on relative solubility of the sample molecules in the two solvents
includes an absorbent material, solvent which absorbs more acts as stationary phase
Gel Filtration
separation based on size
(larger proteins move rapidly, smaller proteins move slowly)
Anion Exchange Chromatography
beads in ion exchange are positively charged and will bind to negatively charged proteins
proteins are fractionated according to their net charge
Cation Exchange Chromatography
beads are negatively charged and will bind to positively charged proteins
positively charged
negatively charged
Hydrophobic Interactions Chromotography
separation of proteins with exposed hydrophobic side chains
principle: hydrophobic regions of molecules interact with a hydrophobic stationary phase under high-salt conditions
Affinity Chromotography
takes advantage of biologically important binding interactions that occur on protein surfaces
highly efficient
ex. matrix linked to enzyme to purify its substrate
high performance liquid chromatography
advanced form of liquid chromatography used to separate, identify, and quantify compounds in a mixture
requires elaborate system of pumps and valves to force he solvent through the columns at sufficient pressure
Sodium dodecyl sulfate which is negatively charged binds in high numbers to hydrophobic regions of proteins causing unfolding and enforcing negative charge on protein
rate of migration in electric field based on net charge, size and shape of molecule
(not sufficient enough to validate the purity of protein, can separate but not identify)
inert matrix
highly cross-linked gel of polyacrylamide
mercaptoethanol treatment
breakage of S-S bonds to release sub-unit polypeptides
Heat Treatment
2D Electrophoresis
step 1: separation based on charge by isoelectric focusing (determining molecule isoelectric pH)
step 2: sds-page at right angle to separate by size
isoelectric point
pH where molecule has 0 net electric charge
those with high isopH are more negative
those with low isopH are more positive
Southern Blot
detect specific DNA sequences within a complex mixture of DNA
DNA is separated by size and then denatured and single stranded DNA is obtained
They are then transferred to a membrane
A labeled DNA or RNA probe (a short sequence of nucleotides that is complementary to the target DNA sequence of interest) is applied to the membrane and binds to the complementary DNA sequence on the membrane.
The probe is typically labeled to allow detection.
Northern Blot
used to study gene expression
detects changes in relative abundance of selected RNAs detected by specific complementary nucleic acid probes
Western Blot
to detect and analyze SPECIFICALLY proteins. Identifies proteins in a complex mixture, determines size, and quantifying their expression levels
1. run through sds-page and then transferred to a membrane which maintains the pattern of the gel. The membrane is incubated with a primary antibody specific to the POI and is then incubated with a secondary antibody that is specific to the primary antibody which is usually labeled for detection
genomic library
made from genomic DNA and may represent the entire genome
multiple cloning site
region into which exogenous DNA can be inserted
plasmid vector
DNA cloning in a plasmid vector allows amplification of a DNA fragments
cDNA libraries
made from reverse transcription of total mRNAs produced by specific cell types in specific conditions
contains representative copies of cellular mRNA sequences
can be screened w radiolabeled probe to ID a clone of interest
(cDNA is methylated to be protected)
expression library
cDNA libs made in expression vectors (need assistance from the host cell to express cloned cDNAs into their corresponding mRNAs and proteins)
can generate biological active protein clones
x-ray diffraction analysis
used to determine 3D folded structure of a protein in crystallized form
NMR spectroscopy
can give distance between the parts of protein molecules
3d strucutre can be computed
limit: 15 to 20 kD
useful for functional domains
cryo-electron microscopy (CEM)
uses fast moving election beam to study biomolecular structures at atomic scale
can be used to visualize molecular movement, function and interactions
combat nearly all limits of NMR and XRD