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a structured file that can store data of a specific type. A table might contain a list of customers, a product catalog, or any other list of information
Table Names
Every table in a database has a name that identifies it. That name is always unique —meaning no other table in that database can have the same name
Information about database and table layout and properties.
A single field in a table. All tables are made up of one or more columns. The vertical columns in the grid are the table columns
A type of allowed data. Every table column has an associated datatype that restricts (or allows) specific data in that column.
A record in a table. Horizontal rows are the table rows.
Primary Keys
A column (or set of columns) whose values uniquely identify every row in a table. The primary key is used to refer to a specific row
Conditions of a primary key
No two rows can have the same primary key value.
Every row must have a value in the primary key column(s). (So, no NULL values.)
Values in primary key columns should never be modified or updated.
Primary key values should never be reused. (If a row is deleted from the table, its primary key may not be assigned to any new rows in the future.)
SELECT statement
to retrieve information from one or more tables.
FROM keyword
specifies the name of the table from which to retrieve the data.
Retrieving multiple columns
To retrieve multiple columns from a table, the same SELECT statement is used. The only difference is that multiple column names must be specified after the SELECT keyword, and each column must be separated by a comma
Retrieving all columns
using the asterisk (*) wildcard character
Retrieving distinct rows
SELECT DISTINCT tells the DBMS to only return distinct (unique) rows. If used, the DISTINCT keyword must be placed directly in front of the column names.
DISTINCT keyword example
FROM Products
TOP keyword
limit the top number of entries
TOP keyword example
SELECT TOP 5 prod_name
FROM Products
A clause usually consists of a keyword and supplied data. An example of this is the SELECT statement’s FROM clause
ORDER BY clause
takes the name of one or more columns by which to sort the output.
WHERE clause
data is filtered by specifying search criteria
WHERE clause operators
= Equality
<> Nonequality
!= Nonequality
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
!< Not less than
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
!> Not greater than
BETWEEN Between two specified values
IS NULL Is a NULL value
A special keyword used to join or change clauses within a WHERE clause. Also known as logical operators.
AND keyword
A keyword used in a WHERE clause to specify that only rows matching all the specified conditions should be retrieved
OR keyword
OR operator instructs the database management system software to retrieve rows that match either condition.
Special characters used to match parts of a value.
LIKE operator
Within a search string, %means match any number of occurrences of any character.
LIKE Operator example
SELECT prod_id, prod_name FROM Products WHERE prod_name LIKE '%bean bag%'
Brackets in Wildcards
The brackets ([]) wildcard is used to specify a set of characters, any one of which must match a character in the specified position
Brackets in wildcards example
SELECT cust_contact
FROM Customers
WHERE cust_contact LIKE '[^JM]%'
Essentially means the same thing as column and often used interchangeably, although database columns are typically called columns and the term fields is usually used in conjunction with calculated fields
Joining values together (by appending them to each other) to form a single long value.
Concatenate example
SELECT vend_name + '(' + vend_country + ')'
FROM Vendors
ORDER BY vend_name
function trims all space from the right of a value. When you use RTRIM(), the individual columns are all trimmed properly.
RTRIM () Example
SELECT RTRIM(vend_name) + ' (' + RTRIM(vend_country) + ')'
FROM Vendors
ORDER BY vend_name;
Common Manipulation Functions
LEFT() (or use substring function
Returns characters from left of string
Returns the length of a string
Converts string to lowercase
Trims white space from left of string
RIGHT() (or use substring function)
Returns characters from right of string
Trims white space from right of string
Extracts part of a string (as noted in Table 8.1)
SOUNDEX() Returns a string’s SOUNDEX value
UPPER() Converts string to uppercase
DATEPART() function
returns a part of a date. DATEPART() takes two parameters: the part to return and the date to return it from.
DATEPART() function example
SELECT order_num
FROM Orders
WHERE DATEPART(yy, order_date) = 2020;
Aggregate Functions
Functions that operate on a set of rows to calculate and return a single value
AVG() Function
used to return the average value of a specific column by counting both the number of rows in the table and the sum of their values. AVG() can be used to return the average value of all columns or of specific columns or rows.
AVG() Function example
SELECT AVG(prod_price) AS avg_price
FROM Products
COUNT() function
Use COUNT(*) to count the number of rows in a table, whether columns contain values or NULL values.
Use COUNT(column) to count the number of rows that have values in a specific column, ignoring NULL values.
MAX() Function
returns the highest value in a specified column.
MIN() Function
returns the lowest value in a specified column.
SUM() Function
return the sum (total) of the values in a specific column.
GROUP BY clause
instructs the DBMS to sort the data and group it
must come after any WHERE clause and before any ORDER BY clause.
SQL Ordering
usually used to refer to SELECT statements
Subqueries are always processed starting with the innermost SELECT statement and working outward. When the preceding SELECT statement is processed, the DBMS actually performs two operations.
Subquery example
SELECT cust_id
FROM Orders
WHERE order_num IN (SELECT order_num
FROM OrderItems
WHERE prod_id = 'RGAN01')
a join based on the testing of equality between two table
UNION operator
return the results as a single query result set.
UNION operator example
SELECT cust_name, cust_contact, cust_email
FROM Customers
WHERE cust_state IN ('IL','IN','MI')
SELECT cust_name, cust_contact, cust_email
FROM Customers
WHERE cust_name = 'Fun4All';
structured data
tables with well-defined rows and columns
entity relationship diagrams
data model
definition of the tables, the columns, and the relationships among them
logical data model
explains the database in terms that business users understand. The logical data model communicates the contents of the database because it defines many business terms and how they are stored in the database
physical data model
explains how the database is actually implemented. That is, every entity in the logical data model corresponds to a table in the database; every attribute corresponds to a column.
Entity-Relationship Diagram
“relational databases” refers to the fact that different tables relate to each other via keys, and to the fact that columns in a given row relate to the values for that column via the column name
foreign key
a column whose contents are the primary key of another table
graphical way of visualizing data transformations
dataflow diagram transform data, taking zero or more inputs and producing output
dataflow diagram are pipes connecting the nodes
READ operator
reads all the columns of data from a database table or file
OUTPUT operator
creates desired output, such as a table in a row-column format or some sort of chart based on the data.
IN statement
used in a WHERE clause to choose items from a set.