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Client state
received military and or financial backing from one of the superpowers in exchange for following the political and economic systems of that superpower
non aligned states
remained neutral during the war
ex: egypt, india, china, yugoslavia
korean war dates
vietnam war dates
what is the difference between the northern and southern halves of korea and vietnam
northern half= client state of the soviet union
southern half= client state of the united states
domino theory
if one neighboring country fell to soviet domination, the next one would fall and so on
george kennan
US diplomat
wrote the long telogram
what was the purpose of the long telogram
argued soviet union only responded to military force
US needs to use force in order to contain them
began the policy of containment
truman doctrine 1947
adopted policy of containment as the US central foreign policy principle
promised that the US would offer military aid to countries that needed help resisting the soviet union
NSC 68 (national security council)
said that the US would work hard to stop the spread of soviet power and would use military intervention to do so
announced in 1959
what was revolutionary movement in korea inspired by
lenin and the revolutionary vanguard
what are the northern and southern halves of korea divided by
38th parallel
when did japan lose control of korea
the end of WW2
Syngman Rhee
south korean leader
pro US
Kim II Sung
north korean leader
pro soviet union
wanted north korea to invade south korea
what was south korea called
the republic of korea
what was north korea called
the democratic peoples republic of korea
ruled by the korean workers party
Ho Chi Minh
pro soviet
leader of viet minh
viet minh
league for the independence of vietnam
followers of the soviet model
used guerilla warfare
first indochina war
between the traditional army of france and the guerilla fighters of vietnam
war ended with the battle of dien bien phu and the french decided to leave vietnam
when did the geneva conference occur
april to july 1954
what was the result of the geneva conference
decided vietnam would be temporarily divided into north and south parts at the 17th parallel
north vietnam would go to the soviet sphere of influence
south vietnam would go to the US sphere of influence
Ngo Dinh Diem
pro US
opposed to ho chi minh
second indochina war (vietnam war)
war between north and south vietnam
US sent military aid to south vietnam
US left the war in 1973
north vietnam conquered south vietnam in 1975
socialist republic of vietnam
single party rule
ceated after nother conquered south
vietnam gained independence from france and japan