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The act by which the Eternal God gave a beginning to all that exists outside of himself. Creation also refers to the created universe or totality of what exists often expressed by the formula ‘the heavens and the Earth’
a Latin word which means let it be printed, it is the church’s official stamp of approval
Divine Revelation
God’s communication of himself and his loving plan to save us. This is a gift of self-communication, which is realized by deeds and words over time and most fully by him sending us his own divine son, Jesus Christ
the living teaching office or authority of the catholic church. Made up of the popes and bishops, guided by the Holy Spirit, whose responsibility is to give authentic interpretation to the word of God contained in sacred scripture and tradition
Sacred Scripture/bible/word of god
The inspired written word of God. The book that contains the truth of God’s revelation composed by human authors, inspired by the Holy Spirit
Sacred Tradition
The tradition of the Catholic church refers to the body of teaching of the Church, expressed in beliefs, doctrines, rituals, and scripture. It i handed down from the apostles to their successors through the ages
The idea that God is so beyond the universe that God cannot be directly experienced by human beings. “God is the absolute other”
Great Commandment
the commandment to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind and to love others as ourselves because of our love for God
one sent by God to form the people of the Old Covenant in the hope of salvation
Apolistic Tradition
Jesus entrusted his Revelation and teachings to his Apostles. They passed it on by their preaching and witness
Divine Inspiration
the term the Catholic Church uses to describe the Gift of the Holy Spirit given to the human writers of the Bible so that using their talents and abilities they wrote the truth God wanted his people to know
there may be historical, scientific, punctuation, or spelling errors in the bible but there are no errors in the religious message
Literary genres
varied types of writings in the Bible (genealogy, poetry, myths, elegies, etc)
Hebrew word for the Old Testament scriptures
Jesus Christ's 12 closest disciples, chosen by him early in his ministry to spread the gospel after his death and resurrection. In the Bible, they are called Jesus' disciples until the Lord's ascension into heaven
Canon of Sacred Scripture
refers to the list of Old and New Testament books that are accepted by the Catholic Church as the inspired Word of God.
one who announces the good news, the writers of the 4 accounts in the Gospel
3 steps of Bible formation
storytelling and memory passing through generations for 900 years
During the time of King David and Solomon, the Hebrew alphabet was introduced (1000 BC)
the people who put the Bible stories in order were very educated men who knew the stories by memory (200 BC
process used by Scripture scholars to determine the literal and spiritual meaning of biblical text
Lectio Divina
a manner of praying with Scripture; the person praying either reflectively reads a passage from Scripture or listens attentively to it being read, and then meditate on words or phrases they resonate with
a collection of prayers in the form of hymns or poetry
mass,The highest form of prayer in the catholic church, we receive the body and blood of Christ
Deposit of Faith
the heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, handed on in the church from the time of the Apostles, from which the Magisterium draws all that is proposes for belief as divinely revealed
the name given to divinely revealed truths proclaimed or taught by the Church’s Magisterium
People of God
the biblical name given to those called by God to announce and bring about the divine plan of Salvation; first given to the people of ancient Israel and then to the church
Immaculate Conception
the belief that the Virgin Mary was free of original sin from the moment of her conception
a season observed in most Christian denominations as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for both the celebration of the Nativity of Christ at Christmas and the return of Christ at the Second Coming. Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year in Western Christianity
Hebrew Alphabet
the holy language of the Bible. It consists of 22 letters, all consonants, none of which are lowercase.
Natural Revelation
truth about God that can be discerned by looking at the world around us and by looking within ourselves.
Hail Mary
a traditional Catholic prayer asking for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.
a gift from God and a human act by which the believer gives personal adherence to god and freely assents to the whole truth that God has revealed
a solemn agreement made between human beings or between God and a human being involving mutual commitments or guarantees.
comes from the latin word gratia, which means free
abrahamic covenant
a sacred agreement between Abraham and god, where Abraham promised god to believe in him and only him. While God promised Abraham land, blessings, and descendants 1st covenant in the OT
New Covenant
we become the children of God, Covenant in the NT, made by Jesus when he becomes the Messiah
Mosaic Covenant
The Israelites will follow the 10 commandments as a way of life and god will provide land, protection, and people, 2nd Coveant in the OT
Promised land for the Israelites
the offical liturgical book of the church containing scripture passages for use in the liturgy of the word
to reject the beliefs and culture of a society
fundamental people for the establishment of Monotheism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Abraham, Issac, Jacob