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Babinski Reflex
- 0-12 months
- stroke lateral aspect of foot
- extension and fanning of toes
Flexor Withdrawal
- 0-2
- sharp quick pressure to sole of foot or palm of hand
- withdrawal of stimulated extremity
Crossed Extension
- 0-2 months
- sharp quick pressure to sole of foot
- withdrawal of stimulated extremity, extension of opposite
Galant/Trunk Incurvation
- 0-2 months
- sharp stroke along paravertebral line from scapula to iliac crest
- lateral flexion toward stimulated side
Moro Reflex
- 0-4 months
- sudden extension of neck
- flexion, abduction or shoulders, extension of elbows, and then extension, abduction of shoulders, flexion of elbows
Primary Standing Reflex
- 1-2 months
- holding infant in standing
- infant supports weight and extends LE's
- 2 months = astasia abasia
- 3 months = back to normal
Primary Walking
- 0-2 months
- hold infant in supported standing, tilt trunk forward slightly
- reciprocal stepping motions in the LE's
Neonatal Neck Righting
- 0-6 months
- turn head when infant is in supine
- body logrolls to same side
- 0-3 months
- stroking of perioral region (corner of the mouth)
- head turning to stimulated side with mouth opening
- 0-6 months
- touch to lips, tongue, palate
- automatic sucking
- 0-6 months
- loud noise, sudden light, or cold stimulus
- sudden jerking of whole body or extension and abduction of UE's followed by adduction of shoulders
Tonic Labyrinthine
- 0-6 months
- holding infant in prone or supine
- prone: maximal flexor tone; supine: maximal extensor tone
Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex
- 0-5 months
- rotation of head (using your face or an object to entice the infant)
- extension of face side extremities and flexion of skull side extremities
Palmar Grasp
- 0-4 months
- pressure against palm
- grasping of object
Plantar Grasp
- 0-9 months
- pressure stimulus to sole, or lowering feet to floor
- curling of toes
Placing Reaction
- 0-6 months
- drag dorsum of foot or back of hand against edge of table
- placing of foot or hand onto the table top
Traction/Pull to Sit
- 4-5 months
- pull infant to sit from supine
- UE's will flex, head lag present
- 6 weeks = head control developing
Optical Labyrinthine Righting
- 1 month-the rest of life
- tilt body
- head orients to vertical position
Protective Extension/Parachute Reactions
- downward = 4 months-the rest of life
- forward sitting = 6 months-the rest of life
- sideward sitting = 7 months-the rest of life
- backward sitting = 9 months-the rest of life
- quick displacement of trunk in a downward direction while sitting
- extension of legs in a downward direction and extension of arms in the sitting position to catch weight
Body Righting Reaction on the Head (BOH)
- 4-6 months
- contact of the body with a solid surface
- head righting with respect to gravity
Body Righting Reaction Acting on the Body (BOB)
- 6-8 months-the rest of life
- rotation of head or thorax
- rolling over with rotation between trunk and pelvis
Symmetric Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)
- 6-8 months
- extension of cervical joints or flexion of cervical joints
- extension of UE's and flexion of LE's or flexion of UE's and extension of LE's
Landau Reaction
- 4-18 months
- infant held in ventral suspension
- extension of neck, trunk, and hips
- full landau at 6 months
Tilting Reactions
- prone: 5 months-the rest of life
- supine: 7 months-the rest of life
- sitting: 8 months-the rest of life
- quadruped: 12 months-the rest of life
- slow shifting of base of support or slow displacement of body in space
- lateral flexion of spine toward elevated side of support, abduction of extremities on elevated side, and sometimes trunk rotation toward elevated side